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Tinkler System Gold


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That is PURTY!

How many Tinkler Boards do you have now Hans?

This is the other one: Tinkler 202 system titanal. I can't turn this one on highspeeds on small steep pists (pistewidth about 12 metres I mean by a small piste). I once finished almost in the trees when i tried this so I wanted one which should be much turnier as the 202. Due to the system (flat, rockered camber) this one should be much turnier. I will try this one within two weeks in the austrian Alps for a whole week. Also have to break in my Virus Cyborg titanal deck. I think I have to board at night too.....to try these decks, too little time.



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I was actually curious because of the "extra lumber" comments about Tinklers with their long lengths and relatively small sidecuts. It didn't even occur to me that they both had split tails, it was mainly the radius (or in actuality the waist!) that caught my attention.

All I know is I love the 16m radius on my Coiler. Turns every single run into another potential injury!

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Yes, this Tinkler is rather insane.

The radius on this new Tinkler is variable due to the rockered camber, if you push on to the nose/front it will turn like a slalomboard (nice for steeps, and that what it is built for....:eplus2::eplus2:) and in neutral position about 14-15scr.

Have to ride it first to give a clear opinion on the boards SCR.

My 202 has a radius about 14-15 SCR and is hard to ride on small steeps.

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My 202 has a radius about 14-15 SCR and is hard to ride on small steeps.

(avoiding rocker discussion)

This is my question about a lot of Tinklers and some other customs that have been posted here, why such a short radius for such a long board? My 170 has 14.2m and it wants for no extra length. 15m would be found on a 180-185. What does going to 202cm buy you with a 14-15m radius?

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(avoiding rocker discussion)

This is my question about a lot of Tinklers and some other customs that have been posted here, why such a short radius for such a long board? My 170 has 14.2m and it wants for no extra length. 15m would be found on a 180-185. What does going to 202cm buy you with a 14-15m radius?

It feels like about 15 scr may be its more, Jack, I don't measure it, I just ride the sucker and have fun with it. I don't know why I bought such a length. Just a good guess. I just talked to some people who experienced those Tinklers before I rode/bought them (Aris, Pokkis and Bryan), and they were happy with it. And I want to try something new, that's the only reason. I don't have the possibilty to testride any board so I just ask people a lot and read a lot to get myself an opinion. I mostly bought the right boards, just as I bought the Virus Cyborg and the Coiler Stubby X2 ( I had a few long and interesting phonecalls/emails with Bruce Varsava, SHRED, Bryan and Mike Tinkler to get myself a picture of riding those boards and which specs I want). All I can say is that the Tinkler boards rides like a Mercedes. You don't notice the speed and you feel save because they are as stable as can be, also due to the length and the whole boardbuildingconcept. Thats'all I know, I am no technical engineer, I just ride the funboards and soak up any info I can find and listen to.... and then make a decision if this the one for me....

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This snowboard looks absolutely fabulous. And I also do not want to start a new rocker discussion, but could you post a picture of the board lying on the ground from the side - is it flat or rockered? I assume that the 202 is cambered, right?

The 202 has a little camber, not much, due to its weight :lol:

This one is as flat as can be......... and rockered at the ends. (just look at Pokkis' his board he posted a while ago (that nice lively rocker discussion, I like those discussions as long as we respect and stay polite to each other).

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I think also the 202 starts at 15m radius and the tail is closer to 17. Still turns (relatively) tight if you load the tail because of the split. It will run big easy carves, or tighten up quite a bit if you are aggressive. Yes, I have ridden a 202, so that's first hand, but still an opinion I guess.

But still, trying to turn it on a 12m wide run, that would be scary.

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I think also the 202 starts at 15m radius and the tail is closer to 17. Still turns (relatively) tight if you load the tail because of the split. It will run big easy carves, or tighten up quite a bit if you are aggressive. Yes, I have ridden a 202, so that's first hand, but still an opinion I guess.

But still, trying to turn it on a 12m wide run, that would be scary.

Thanks Chris for clearly claryfing things. I have the same experiences with my 202.

So is it the same shape concept like Pokkis´ board? I´m really looking forward to your riding impressions ...

Are the boards that heavy? Does it influence the everyday performance? Do you need more strength?

These boards are very easy to ride. No, no extra strength is needed. You only notice the weight when you walk from your car to the slopes :lol:

and when you have to make a sudden break!

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Hans, I can't wait to go ride with you in May in Soelden! You sure have the right weapons at hand.

Hey, Ray. Nice to hear you are still there (still in one piece???). Just joking, hope you broke your Cyborg Evo in for me so I can testride it :eplus2::biggthump

We can swap boards at the CM no prob. We have booked in the centre, of Soelden, Haus Fontana. I just have to pick up Aris first at Fridaymorning from Munich airfield. So I hesitate to say if we can make it at friday afternoon to hit the slopes.

Now I just have to read the 2500 thick pages Tinkler manual.

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(avoiding rocker discussion)

This is my question about a lot of Tinklers and some other customs that have been posted here, why such a short radius for such a long board? My 170 has 14.2m and it wants for no extra length. 15m would be found on a 180-185. What does going to 202cm buy you with a 14-15m radius?

I've wondered the same...

..you guys who ride 200+ Tinklers with 15m radius and no taper must have bigger cajones than I do. I borrowed a 203 that fits the description from a local rider, took two runs, and was glad that I was still in one piece to give it back! Now granted, this board was built for a rider 50 or more pounds bigger than me and *he* finds it stiff. So that has something to do with it. But I rode it on an *easy* run (Carnival at Mt Bachelor) and I still felt like I had no margin for error whatsoever. That much length, sidecut depth and lack of taper just scare the s**t out of me.

I *have* ridden and thoroughly enjoyed big boards... Coiler PR 196, 17+m sidecut, lots o' taper. Fun rather than scary.

Nothing against Tinklers... I rode a 184 that I enjoyed... the big'uns just are not for me apparently. If someone say 180 pounds wants to let me take a spin on theirs 200+ I would be interested to see if I like it any better, you can play with one of my Coiler metals while I play with yours

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