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Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy crowds?


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As an ex professional ski patrol I must say that I enjoy watching people go fast even straightliners, I enjoy watching people having fun whether it is pushing their limits in the park or going out the gate. Life is dangerous and none of us gets out alive. However there is a time and place for being rowdy. A straight liner on a crowded slope; well he is warned once. Second time he is gone!

Someone jumping blind well he might be gone without a warning, he certainly won't get a second warning. There is simply no excuse for jumping blind without a spotter. When you do that you are not just gambling with your life your gambling with someone else's.

Please get a clue.

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people with the ability to control themselves at "mach looney" speeds have every right to do so. Your just like every other politician ruining american if your going to use some example from some random ski slope as a reason to control all "fast" skiiers and riders. Some girl getting hit and injured definatly sucks, but that's a risk people have been taking on ski slopes since they were established. Nothing is going to change. You should not be stationary on the slope. If my legs get tired on the board, I get to the side, and am clearly visible. Not rocket science. If you have kids, that's the first thing you teach them. That situation could have happened to anyone. Do you plan to enforce speed limits on the slope?

You guys seem to be so in favor of more regulation. Don't you think there is enough regulation in your lives. Crazy teens are going to go recklessly fast, thats all there is to it. Deal with it and quit whining, it's been happening since the evolution of humans.

If some reckless teen hits my kid, I'm going to beat him to a pulp, but I'm certainly not going to sit here and bitch about all those gosh darn teenagers going to fast on the slope. Bunch of old farts in here.

I'm not looking to regulate "mach looney", the skier that nearly hit me was middle aged and controling his skis but he had an empty 20yd wide run to avoid me, I'm just venting frustration at the lack of mountain etiquette that you seem to propegate.

Sorry if I've been boarding for 20 years and going back and forth has gotten a little boring and that I've moved on to advanced slopes and I enjoy getting air. I hit one guy many years ago, he was fine, I was fine, nothing happened.

You have no idea how I board, you are just presuming I'm some ghetto shmuck from jersey and because of my attitude I am completely self absorbed and don't care about anybody else on the mountain.

There were a couple people that agreed with me, and I do not see them getting attacked?

This old fart moved on to black diamond bump runs and 50* chutes when you still had mommy changeing your pants. How well you ride is irrelavent

to common courtesey.

I'm just sick of being cut off, read the back of your pass for christe sake.

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now thats a mature response from an old fart:lol::lol::lol:

I never claimed to be mature. :eek:

I did get out Sat and Sun morning. Epic carving and my old fart back was holding up well enough to hit, oh around 60+, a couple of times.

( No gapers or small children were harmed during the making of this epic. Please drink and carve responsibly. )


Like my good buddy always tells me: You can't control other people, only your reaction to them.

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Over here were i live (northern Greece)crowded slopes are inevitable and i think that nobody enjoys running mach speeds between children so the answer for me was a shorter board 1,67 (i am 6.3 and 240pounds)and im loving it,i never thought that a short board could be so much fun,i am doing almost every thing i did on the long boards with just a little less speed but more control! mysamgd4.jpg[/img]my

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This old fart moved on to black diamond bump runs and 50* chutes when you still had mommy changeing your pants.

firstly you don't know how old I am. secondly, if that is truely the case, your so old now that you can't brag about how good you were, because you can't do that stuff anymore.

your so old now that you can't understand people who want to go fast, just because you have no interest in going fast doesn't mean you can blame everybody that does.

Maybe you're just illiterate, but I think I clearly stated I have plenty of mountain etiquette, if you don't want to be hit by me, don't hang out under a large mound. The guy that hit you obviously did not have control if he hit you and you were visible.

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If you collide with a stationary object, it is your fault. Period.

This applies for cars, bikes, skis snowboards, whatever. There is no gray area here. If you hit a stopped car, I don't know of any cop that wouldn't fault the moving driver.

If that object suffers no damage, then you are the only one involved and it is your business. If the object is another person, they are the victim.

I understand that people (myself included) are unhappy with other riders not playing by the rules and creating opportunities for collisions. But that does not blur the line of responsibility.

If you are riding with a "get out of my way" attitude, you are asking for trouble.

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Sorry if I've been boarding for 20 years and going back and forth has gotten a little boring and that I've moved on to advanced slopes and I enjoy getting air. I hit one guy many years ago, he was fine, I was fine, nothing happened.

You have no idea how I board, you are just presuming I'm some ghetto shmuck from jersey and because of my attitude I am completely self absorbed and don't care about anybody else on the mountain.

There were a couple people that agreed with me, and I do not see them getting attacked?

the big mountains of jersey?

****, do a search of the posts of skeez rule, that "character" was based on guys like you.

I think you're a troll and I'm enjoying this

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