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united airlines dented the edge into my kessler (right in the middle, magically; i dont even know how that happens), broke my helmet, and cracked my ACRYLIC box for tuning gear, now theyre making me drive 45 minutes out to the airport so a representative can inspect the damage.



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That blows..Big time!

What kind of bag was the Kess in? Tube?

I remember reading somewhere (here probably) that you can cut a pool noodle in half lengthwise and tape the halves to the edges to prevent exactly that kind of damage.

Acrylic can be pretty brittle, no surprise there, but the helmet breaking..:freak3:

Oh well, sh!t happens. Owning stuff sucks sometimes :biggthump

Use this as an excuse to get a topsheeted Kessler!

Carnage pics?

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What kind of board bag? Was the helmet in a bootbag?

I have to fly united from boston to denver in a few weeks..( only somewhat reasonable and timely non stop) ... last time they lost my dakine roller board bag with 3 boards..but they found it and shipped it to my house intact a few days later.

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my board was wrapped in towels, put into its sleeve, my jacket and snowpants wrapped around it in a board bag, my helmet was in a hard case meant for helmets in my board bag and the tuning kit was just sitting in my suitcase as for pics... my computer is being rather obstinate so ill post them later but it goes along the lines of this: the board has a 2 inch section of edge pushed in about 3 mm, the base around the area is being pushed up about 1.5 mm and the sidewall is bashed in and the titanal on the top is deformed. the helmet has a 3x1 inch section literally broken off of the back.

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my board was wrapped in towels, put into its sleeve, my jacket and snowpants wrapped around it in a board bag, my helmet was in a hard case meant for helmets in my board bag and the tuning kit was just sitting in my suitcase as for pics... my computer is being rather obstinate so ill post them later but it goes along the lines of this: the board has a 2 inch section of edge pushed in about 3 mm, the base around the area is being pushed up about 1.5 mm and the sidewall is bashed in and the titanal on the top is deformed. the helmet has a 3x1 inch section literally broken off of the back.

File a claim. I have seen more work out then not. Good luck sorry to hear about your stuff. It happens to us all!

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last time they lost my dakine roller board bag with 3 boards..but they found it and shipped it to my house intact a few days later.

i wish i was that lucky.... thats f***ed up; no one should ever have to say that about a company to which they hand over hundreds of dollars to safely: again SAFELY transport them AND their possessions.

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What the hell?

I've hit a lift pole with the Burton going sideways at about 10. The pad saved my 200 pound ass, but the board wacked the pole, it just left a little "roll" in the edge. Board made first contact too. I guess Kesslers are more delicate, but either way, it shows you how much they cared.

The helmet...well...Just tell yourself it was defective, and they did you a favor, and hopefully you will get a new helmet, free of funk!

BTW- where have you been taking that Kessler? That base is thrashed for a race deck! Or is that your daily driver?

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wow, thats pretty nasty....

they even cracked your helmet???

you need some serious force to do that type of damage

I would be furious

Foam around the edges would have done nothing with that kind of damage

I agree, if you had foam around the edges, whatever your board hit against would just cut through the foam and damaged the edge of your board anyway.

The amount of force required to damage a board in this fashion, kessler or not, is considerable. Think of how hard you would have to hit a board with a 32oz. ball pein hammer to push your edge in like that.

Good luck with your claim,

BTW, did it cut a hole in your jacket or pants since they were wrapped around your board?


Dave R.

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It almost looks like they ran over your board, or slammed a cargo door on it.

I agree, hard to imagine how that could have happened just from tossing your gear around. Either that, or the luggage crew are all hardcore, militant skiers, and took advantage of an opportunity to assault a hapless snowboard. :AR15firin :AR15firin

I'm really sorry to hear about this, I can only imagine how bad it would suck to have your race gear (that's impossible to get in the first place) trashed like that. Good luck with getting the airline to take responsibility -- let us know how it goes.

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I spent some time installing the conveyors that move luggage at YYZ. You would be surprised at what those systems can do to luggage. There are devices that push luggage from one conveyor to a perpendicular run and they are capable of mass carnage. Boardbags are oversize but the damage looks like it could have been done by the conveyor if it was inadvertently loaded on the conveyor.

I took four boards, boots etc to europe last February in two of the sportube 3s and aside from some scratches on the outside they worked awesome. Our party all carried our helmets in our carry on and had no problems.

Best of luck on trying to get some compensation.

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Wow! Your helmet broke? That's a serious hit. Sorry to hear about your stuff.

On a flight back from CO, I discovered that the base plate to one of my bindings was bent - how the f#ck did they manage that? They must have run it over with a truck.

I hope they replace your stuff for you.

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Did they charge you $100 or more each way for the right to treat your board like s**t?

Seriously! Seems like they would have had to toss it real, real hard to do the kind of damage they did. Pricks.

+1 pipe insulation. I don't use a sporttube, but I double wrap my board's edges in pipe insulation and then wrap the whole thing in shrinkwrap (using one of those big shrinkwrap rolls you can get at a packing supplies store).

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Ugh.. I'm sorry man. That really sucks.

Very similar thing happened to one of our riders last season with his metal Prior and he was using the sport tube.

Could only assume that upon airport inspection, workers removed the board from the container and dropped it.. hard.

Don't think he noticed the damage until he reached the mountain destination and unpacked his gear, so trying to

file a claim at the airport a few days later caused even more of a hassle.

From his unfortunate experience, I've learned to ALWAYS inspect my gear before leaving the airport.

I bought the Sport tube and pipe insulation this year. Took a Northwest flight back from CO a few weeks ago,

and upon returning I unpacked and inspected my boards right in baggage claim. No damage to my Kesslers, but was a little miffed that

they were re-packaged backwards (Rotated nose-to-tail.)

I usually packaged them base-to-base, but next time I might go as far as taping the boards together so that they might not end up re-packaged (base to binding).

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i wish i was that lucky.... thats f***ed up; no one should ever have to say that about a company to which they hand over hundreds of dollars to safely: again SAFELY transport them AND their possessions.

Yeah at Logan, I searched for our bags for 2 hours, found 3 boot bags and all 3 big suitcases but no board bag...and there was a HUGE mountain of them there. I had the tired whining kids and pissed off wife with me ...so nice of them to add 2 1/2 hours of stress to the trip when it was bloody almost over. X^(

I hate to travel by air !!!!

That's some serious damage!!!!! I'm still cringing.....Those a holes can pay for a new Kessler and helmet!

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In Japan it's easier to ship your board to the mountian and take a train than it is to try to transport your board with you, If I ever fly to ride I will FEDEX my board. My experience shipping electronic test equipment has taught me that luggage is just comthing they throw around

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