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Winter came back (ish)...

Kinda cold up here at Lovey.  So cold even Mr. Ice had issues.   Small group today, Monodude came back from injury and was rippin as were Oddjob, Mr. Cold, and Mr Mario (who was on his Hawaiian special).  

Not sure if the snow was good or not but certainly felt like winter up there!  Probably laid down ~2" in an hour or so.  This led to some "interesting times" where some people found themselves going way too fast on an ungroomed ice field in a white-out.  Can't complain, it was fun! 

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6 hours ago, erazz said:

  This led to some "interesting times" where some people found themselves going way too fast on an ungroomed ice field in a white-out.  Can't complain, it was fun! 

I plead guilty to this.  Several times.

An interesting day for certain, my beatup,  aging,out of shape body was feeling it early today

In some ways, I am looking forward to the end of the season so that my front knee and back Achilles can get some rest and heal up.

Already planning my off season training for next year.

3-4 weeks left for me

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34 minutes ago, HillB said:


Stop talking about the end,  Big. There's still lots of riding to be had. 

I know.

The spirit is quite willing, but my body has been rebelling most of the season, lately even more so. May have to start riding a little more surfy, and less racer monkey


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Rather firmish

For the first time in about a month we could actually see today, that was a nice change, it made hitting mach looney on the early morning melt freeze a little less terrifying since you could actually differentiate between wind glazed boilerplate and the slightly less bumpy groomed boilerplate. It did, however, soften up rather quickly. Skier Pete, and jay both found easter eggs, with skier Pete ironically winning a snowboard.  Actually, its more of a noodle with edges, and it shoul provide pete with the opportunity to work on his butters. In other news, we welcome Lance, Katey, and Logan to the Island of misfit toys with their purchase of lovey passes for next season. We also kept spotting an unknown fruit booter on the lift, turns out it was MattJ and family, returning to the slopes after a few seasons off with injuries. The usual suspects were out today, Ice, Ink, the Oh so Odd one, The Dude, and fresh off a season of racing, RacerH. Oh, and I as well.

2+1 left for me, see you next sunday


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jay and i found 2 big eggs while hiking the ridge.

the new ride is a Sims Juice, manufactured by Never Summer, 157cm

According to one review: Carving ***, Jumps ***+, Pipe ***, Jibbing ***+

in other words, i'll be selling all those silly custom coilers and will now be

riding exclusively in the pipe, dudes.  Most importantly, this board matches everything i wear.

my favorite easter ever.

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I'm done. Went up Friday. I thought that groom on Firebowl would soften up as the day warmed but the groom just got pushed aside as the day went on leaving blue ice underneath. As of noon it never warmed up enough to soften. I felt like a cat trying to hold onto a glass pane being tilted to a higher & higher angle. However I did see some carvers (including a female HILLB?) carving some nice turns on slopes that I could not. 

Season wrap-up: a paltry 9 or 10 days total (less than my 12 normally). None of them on the weekends. I don't think I'll ever be able to justify going on the weekend again. One of my BEST POWDER DAYS EVER (Loveland Lift #8 mid-January) and the best carving day (for me) at ATC at Buttermilk. Dislocated my shoulder briefly but this did not end my day (or my season). Took the winter tires of my car this weekend so I am officially done. Free New Belgium beer at noon last Friday.

For you hard-cores enjoy the rest of the season. Maybe see you next season if you can make it up mid-week.   

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12 hours ago, pcdenver said:

in other words, i'll be selling all those silly custom coilers and will now be riding exclusively in the pipe, dudes.  Most importantly, this board matches everything i wear.

That's how jibbing always starts; a free board from a shifty guy in a seedy location leading to a lifetime of woe. Oh wait, that's the thing with the free crack pipe, right? Never mind...

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Nyquil addiction - Some kinda crud canceled my Sunday plans the last couple weeks, but I'm not giving up on the season.

I tried biking a few miles Saturday, but the body revolted.  I'll hit it again today, shooting for next Sunday.


18 hours ago, pcdenver said:

Most importantly, this board matches everything i wear.

Congrats, Jibber Pete!  You always were a stylish slope side icon.  Does this mean you've already applied the Krylon?  

Hope to see you kids next week!


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john e - don't look at the snow stake today, friday april 21.

if you do, note that it is wrong: there was more snow than indicated.

I was testing that new Sims board . . . (which i traded for a Sims Blade) . . . works fine in powder.


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7 minutes ago, pcdenver said:

john e - don't look at the snow stake today, friday april 21.

if you do, note that it is wrong: there was more snow than indicated.

I was testing that new Sims board . . . (which i traded for a Sims Blade) . . . works fine in powder.


Thanks for lettling me know pcdenver. I would have gone today if I knew you were going. :(

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What an epic epic day.

Bluebird sky, excellent snow all around, no traffic either way, and an awesome crew.   The few who were missing totally missed out.  Sorry.

At one point there were at least 10 carvers laying waste to Lovies grooms.  Snow was 1.5 on the MES scale and though complaining was rampant I think it was pretty neat.  So in no particular order today's groom destruction was done by Mario, Monodude, Mr. Ice, RacerH, Swiss Arne man, pcdenver, Ink, Kai (who did an awesome job of plastering Mario), Shelly,  a new (to us) Dennis, an odd person, and a small contribution was also made by me.





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2 hours ago, erazz said:

 Kai,(who did an awesome job of plastering Mario),





But it was nowhere near as epically epic as my plastering of you, and the rest of the team, which became collateral damage.  Team, please accept my sincerest apologies for my inadvertent plastering of all y'all, I am truly sorry:eplus2:

Looking at the current forecast, a couple of inches every night this week, cloudy and below freezing all week, we may indeed have another exceptional winters day next Sunday

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