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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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I'm sad. I posted an honest critique of my woeful heelsides and get accused of snark. It's an understandable mistake because my snarkiness is rated on a logarithmic scale.


I think you are being way too sensitive.  You need to follow Choppers advice:


Not safe for work, small children or overly sensitive metrosexuals

Edited by big mario
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Ski patrol informed me that the fun race is tomorrow (also today, but I didn't run it); too lazy to check the site to confirm. The Saturday crowd lightened up. Tomorrow should be good!


might actually have to try this for once. Last time I ran gates, Inky and barefoot skier whooped my ass, but I beat Tony, which helped lead to the development of hotrod race wax

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Lessons I should not have to relearn:

Squatting and deadlifting within 3 days of riding could lead to tired, dead, unresponsive legs, and should be avoided at all costs.

Buttering and attempting to carve switch is not the time to lose focus

But I, however, am a dumbass.

Funky, crunchy, marblely inconsistent occasionally soft grooming off of reload and 6, Richards had the best grooming by far at the basin. The best runs of the day where had off of 3 after a shortbus ride down to the valley.  Apparently I got infected by a beginner bug as soon as I got of the bus, and managed to get whacked by the chair I just exited on the first 3 lift rides. I was knocked down twice, and sent careening from a glancing blow .  All was well on each subsequent ride after.  A new play area was found in double dip, there are a few areas to catch some nice air, though waiting to long could put you in the trees, which Mr. Positive and I nearly experienced. Still a fun run.

Notably absent today was The Dude as he convalesces in the Denver VA, hope to see you back this season!  Odd Job, James, and Erazz rounded out the crew. All in all a good, yet slightly off kilter day, with reasonable crowds. I expect the spring break lunacy to start ramping up in the ensuing weeks, I may need to break out that rake

Edited by big mario
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Erazz!  Sorry we lost you yesterday!  Gut disorders suck!  In reference to your ski boot woes, I gleaned the nether regions of the equipment stash and uncovered some decent 28 & 28.5 Raichles, with liners roughly 10 & 10.5US!  Both are resting in the SMV, patiently awaiting your perusal!  The fold has been waning recently, so get well quickly, we need the presence!



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I shall do my best.  My feet were unhappy with me.  I am starting to believe that these boots really are too stiff  :freak3:


I will also refrain from strenuous exercise like cycling, deadlifting, and competitive eating. (I do believe that the LCI crew has these covered already  :eplus2: )  

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Anyone riding at Loveland next Monday? March 14? I'm going to be in town and looking for company. The last time I rode at Loveland, I left in an ambulance (whiplash and concussion after being mowed down by a skier). Hoping to not repeat that experience!

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Sunday at lovey...

March madness is upon us. Very quiet start to the day but became a zoo real quick.

Apparently it helps if you have the front leg more straight and use the tongue instead of the toes... Who knew?

Stories of broken heel pieces big Swedish snowboards. No rakes were spotted but the day is still young.

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This part of the splinter "Loveland Kamasutra Initiative" group?


I must say, I find my mind to be a truly frightening place at times, yours however........

Go easy on the new guy btw, I am not sure he is yet  aware of what he has stepped in by hanging around this place

Edited by big mario
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Sunday 3/13
Okay, a bit of an overstatement, but it is officially here. Daylight savings time certainly kept things pretty quiet early on, which allowed for a fair amount of run desecration before the clueless hordes of Kantexahomanebraskens descended upon our big little mountain. I knew this was coming, and have turned my attitude down from its normal 11, left the rake at home, and adopted the much more laid back ways of your typical Colorado stoner snowboarder and added "wow, whatever dude" as my new mantra. We shall see how well this works out, especially without me actually being stoned. I have to say to myself, "good luck with that"
Hard to believe, aint it?
On the hill today in no particular order, besides myself, MR.POSITIVE, fng Erazz, our own Bionic man, AKA ArneBurner, Oddjob, and special guest rider all the way from Sweden, Mats from Alpine Punk and now Maverick Snowboards. Mats, I truly appreciate that you like my surf style of riding, but I am not ready to give up my stupidly aggro racer monkey stuff just yet, it is too much fun when I am on snow that will support it. Besides, how else am I going to trap inattentive, clueless riders in my trenches?
Hoping for more consistent conditions for next weeks demo day,

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New idea:


When people talk about powder depth they say mid-calf or 12" or something similar. 


Alternatively, we could come up with a rating for groomed snow. For metal hardness, they push a hardened steel ball into a metal sample & see how deep an impression it makes. It's called the Rockwell Scale. A higher number on the Rockwell Scale indicates a harder metal.  


We could come up with a similar scale for packed snow. I'll propose the Mario Scale. This would be an inverse scale: the lower the number, the harder the snow. A 5 on the Mario Scale would indicate a 5" trench depth at the apex of one of his turns. Some might call this Hero Snow. Others would think it is too soft. A 1 on the Mario Scale would be a 1" depth at the apex. 


This could be a useful predictor for an upcoming weekend. If we anticipate a 3 on the Mario Scale, it could be pretty sweet. If a 0.5 Mario is predicted, I'm staying home.


Other thoughts? Do great minds think alike? 

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