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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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Shelly is sick, so sadly, I must send our regrets for tomorrow.

Ink - I'll give you a call on Monday or Tuesday. Need to drop off that package we discussed and pick-up the prototypes.

What, No Coca Porter :eek: :eek:...........What's Up With That, How will you be able to ride consecutive days without a 'recovery drink' :confused:

Rumor has it that one of the national breweries talked Lovey into buying their product instead of Tommyknockers.

I propose that we move the post-ride libations to Idaho Springs. I'll be dropping Lovey management a note in the next few days, letting them know my displeasure with their decision. I'm thinking about nixing my daily breakfast in protest... :angryfire

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for helping me after my collision to day. Tony, thank you for taking KarverKai and keeping him occupied and sugared up. Everyone else, thanks for sticking with me and giving your witness views to patrol. I appreciate ALL you guys. Matt, Angie, Jim, Art, sorry to put a damper on the day but thanks for helping out and being there for KK and I.

You are all great friends. Thanks!

Oh yeah, I'm doing ok tonight and we got KK a small set of Salomon ski boots this afternoon.


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Matt, Angie, Jim, Art, sorry to put a damper on the day but thanks for helping out and being there for KK and I.

Trust me, after the past few days Jim and I have had - you DID NOT put a damper on anything as far as we're concerned. We are just so thankful that you are alright, which is more important than any missed run!

Despite the unexpected happenings of today, it was still great to see everyone before the holidays. Jim's birthday was yesterday, and it was pretty sh*tty with that whole waking up to a blazing barn fire at 6 am, so this was a nice way to recover and see some friends and get our minds off yesterday's craziness, so we have to say thanks to the LCI too!

Happy holidays, guys! :o

PS can't wait to see KK rip on actual hard boots and plates!

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Sorry to hear about the collision Ink. Hope you are doing better, glad to hear that it didn't put you out for the season like others here on the message board.

How did it happen, hit from behind??

Heal fast, heal stronger!



I'm feeling like I got hit by a truck when it was only a 48yr old female skier. Took her right knee to my right rear ribcage, just under the shoulder blade. I walked away with some bruising, she got carted off in an ambulance with knee/leg destruction. I'll be back out as soon as I can get away from work again.

I was heelside after seeing a clear signal from PCDenver, she was coming in straight from the merge lane and T-Boned me. I was the downhill rider.

When are you coming out? Happy Holidays if you don't make it out yet.


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Wow, that explains why I didn't run into you guys (and gals) after I met Big Mario in the parking lot that morning. I thought some weird, hardbooter alien abduction had occurred. Sorry to hear things went so terribly awry, AND that I didn't get to meet all of you.

On the other hand, I did have a pleasant day riding with two older skiers I met while staying in Frisco. And we were all taken by Loveland--what a stunning mountain. I can only imagine what it's like when the whole resort is open.

Well, all the more reason for me to come back! I hope everyone recovers from what sounds like a series of unfortunate events.

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After reading of Ink's experience and watching two of my local fellow carvers get hit from behind on Sunday I think I am only going to break out the alpine board on mid-week days and use the carving skis on the weekends. It is just too crazy here at the local resorts on a weekend unless you are out there at first light!

I did ride my board for a brief spell last weekend but was skittish the entire time I was on it. Looking over my shoulder, looking for the straightliner who suddenly appears going mach 10.

When I am on snow skis I am one of the faster ones on the mtn and the risk of getting hit from behind is significantly reduced.

I just don't want to be knocked out of commision this early in the season.

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Grooming was a bit inconsistant in places. It was most Excellent on firecut, spillway and switchback. In attendence: Ice, Ink, The Awesome, and myself. Loads of fun was had by all especially after this seasons inaugural ride on the short bus. We also had plenty of shout outs, but no one thougt about keeping a tally. I am out for next week, P and I will be in Aspen, though I might try and get a few runs in off of 3 on our way back into town


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It was good fun yesterday!

KarverKai is now a hardboot rider. Today was first day on HBs and he rode 3 runs, top of 2 to reload and did very well. His legs aren't used to the boots and he had a bit of ankle bit on one side. Also the crowds got kinda nutty with 1 running off diesel and moving very slowly. Made a few more softie runs then called it.


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