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Head tuning

Surf Quebec

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Arnaud, I've read the 20 pages of the thread before and saw your souplesse-head-2.avi movie.

The modifications you're talking about are those ones ?

En résumé, si on pars de chaussures "stock"

En faisant sauter le rivet, la découpe est plus facile.

- découpe et ponçage pour réduire l'épaisseur de la coque dans la zone d e frottement avec la tige

- poncer la languette pour réduire l'épaisseur et augmenter sa souplesse

- intercaler la rondelle plastique au remontage et rondelle métal sous la boucle de coup de pied

- monter l'ACSS

I can translate to english if someone is interested.

D.T. I'm more on the light side, 160 pounds, so the head boots are less flexible for me than for a 220 pounds guy.

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Yes the video was made after all modifications

En faisant sauter le rivet, la découpe est plus facile.

- découpe et ponçage pour réduire l'épaisseur de la coque dans la zone d e frottement avec la tige

- poncer la languette pour réduire l'épaisseur et augmenter sa souplesse

- intercaler la rondelle plastique au remontage et rondelle métal sous la boucle de coup de pied

- monter l'ACSS

Oui !!

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im about 180 and im riding the head stratos pros, is that what you're talking about or are you talking about the stratos? either way i made my a bit softer for racing, they come completely locked out (not the best for pretty much anything). to tune them to be softer what you do is open up the angle adjustment/ walk/ride switcher and take a flathead screwdriver and twist the nuts on the spring (both on the outside and inside evenly) until the boots get to the stiffness you want

hope this helps!

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Anybody tried these mods with a BTS? I have BTS/Yellow and I weigh 170ish.

Is a softer flexing boot going to allow you to be a more dynamic rider? I'm plagued by very static riding...granted some of it is downright laziness. :o

Would this mod help or perhaps promote a more dynamic technique?

Otherwise if you just want a softer HB why not try a different shell or a stiff SB?

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its not so much about making a boot softer, if its too soft it starts to get unstable; but if its too stiff it'll make it hard to remain in good control; so just go up with a tool and mess around with it until it gets comfortable

the BTS system is nice because its nice and adjustable, but you have to drill if you're using head boots

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  • 2 months later...

Are there any other Head Stratos Pro modification updates ?

It seems as though the modifications were a work in progress (constantly improving).

Arnaud's, posts gave me the inspiration to do the modifications (I wish I could read French) and I'm happy I did. I started with cutting out the 'wings' and I was very glad I did. Now after making the committment to do the modification for someone else and taking the time to study what the limiting factors actually are, (especially after seeing his video, if you haven't seen it, check it out) I decided to "remove more plastic" as Arnaud refers to. The difference is Incredable.

I look at it like Blueprinting an engine, all the little things that add up are important (pay specific attention to the champhers at areas of friction).

As for the life long arguement about "Hard vs. Soft", I personally don't believe this comes in to play with the Tuning/Blueprinting. What you are really doing is removing the bind & interferance points which keep the boot from traveling through its full range of motion (without excessive force).

I am now free to 'control' the Hard vs. Soft with the springs of the BTS (or another system of your choice).

Same as a suspension in a car. You could spend thousands on trick shocks, struts, springs, shocks, bushings, bars and ect. But it would all be worthless if the basic geometry of the suspension system kept everything all bound up!

Does anyone know of a supplier for boot hardware ( flange/flat headed bolts) that needs to be replaced after such modifications? :confused:

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Just to add my two cents, with BTS (yellow) plus just the "wing cut," I'm LOVING the flex of the HSPs. I'm about 165 now, and with the soft orange tongues, I can actually get quite a bit of forward flex out of the boot.

I just started carving in a serious way last year, but I can keep up with most of the faster guys on our mountain (if not look as smooth as they do while I'm doing it).

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shawndoggy, I was happy with that mod aslo, until I seen Arnauds video! Try this, flex your boot as far forward as you can, go ahead, force it (I'll bet that you will have to). If it is like mine was, when I did this the Cuff overlapped the Shell and it got jammed in this position. I could not get the overlapped cuff back over the shell without prying it back with a screwdriver. 85% of the force needed to flex forward was created by the Cuff / Shell interface in the heel area, you can see that & feel it. When you do the "full cut" and drill & slit the Cuff you will NOT believe the difference! It will be like the video :biggthumpAWESOME.

Nice summertime modification (if you can wait). I picked up all the hardware I needed (surprisingly @ Lowes) to assemble the boots without altering any of the original holes for $10. I'll post the the Lowes part numbers if anyone needs them.

Arnaud, have you done anything with the front of the boot (tongue) and do you know if the Stratos & Stratos Pro tongues are interchangeable :confused: I promise, this will be the last time I ask !

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Post #5 above, where it says "here" (in red), page 19, Arnauds 2nd post at the bottom, click on "ici". Put it on Replay & You won't be waiting till summer after you admire it a few minutes. :D

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Look on the www.extremecarving.com forum, you'll probably find it by searching the keywords "head tuning". I've downloaded it and unfortunately delete it.

The video will show you that, once tuned, there is absolutely no resistance in flexing between the upper and the lower part of a head stratos pro boot. Only the BTS or ACSS will control the resistance.

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have you done anything with the front of the boot (tongue)
Yes, I reduced the thickness of the tongue with the sand machine. Reducing thickness increase softness (According to inertia momentum formula, softness depends on cube of thickness : I = w*th^3 / 12)
do you know if the Stratos & Stratos Pro tongues are interchangeable
No, I don't know
I promise, this will be the last time I ask !
You're welcome ;)
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