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Snowboard Censorship


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who knew ?

teenage snowboarders would be into a porn star on their board ?

no way !!

we all need to read Tipper's best seller

"Raising PG Kids in an X-Rated Society"

We're here to.....Pamp Yoo Aaaaap !


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUzUbtIptqQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUzUbtIptqQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


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I don't see any difference in the graphics on the boards than what you see in public at the local mall in the windows of Victoria Secrets, Fredricks of Hollywood, and even some of the shirtless photos of women "tastefull done in B&W" hanging in Abercrombie & Fitch, Buckles, or Hollister. If there were actual genitals and nips showing, like the "artwork" on the Libtech decks that's one thing, but because it's Burton everyone goes into attack mode. Hypocritical if you ask me. I bet everyone badmouthing Burton has some reef ads laying around somewhere. I'm not saying it isn't tacky, but Burton continues to get mauled for everything around here and it's getting tired.

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"It's pretty much semi-porn in the public eye," said Farrell, an Eagle-Vail mom. "If people buy a Playboy, they typically go to their bathroom or their bedroom. They don't sit in the middle of town square to view it."

She's so right. We definitely don't allow sexy, racy images in our town squares:








Come on people. Don't we have more important things to worry about? Have you seen these boards? They don't show any nips or other bits. Heck, I'm the parent of an 11 year old girl and 14 year old boy and I don't care very much about this. Its way less revealing or disturbing than what my daughter and I saw in a parade in San Francisco two weeks ago (think full nudity - then think about the kinds of people who are willing to get naked and walk through the streets - not always the ones you want to see naked).

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I don't see any difference in the graphics on the boards than what you see in public at the local mall in the windows of Victoria Secrets, Fredricks of Hollywood, and even some of the shirtless photos of women "tastefull done in B&W" hanging in Abercrombie & Fitch, Buckles, or Hollister. If there were actual genitals and nips showing, like the "artwork" on the Libtech decks that's one thing, but because it's Burton everyone goes into attack mode. Hypocritical if you ask me. I bet everyone badmouthing Burton has some reef ads laying around somewhere. I'm not saying it isn't tacky, but Burton continues to get mauled for everything around here and it's getting tired.

I doubt that the people protesting at burton are BOL'ers, and that Vail Management has ever checked us out over here. We all know you love Burton...that's your decision, But I don't think the participants on this thread are bashing Burton so much as posting an article, and commenting it...

Personally, I couldn't care less if the topsheet is a bit racy. Might I remind you all how impressed we all were with Gleb's Alice wonderland board, complete with a sluttly looking alice and queen of hearts? (BTW...Great work Fleck. I suspect we'll be seeing more topsheets by Fleck this season)

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well I hope for an Elisha Cuthbert signature series

and seriously I did find the Speed or whatever it was called a lot less appealing a board with blood stains all over the nose I mean that was truly stupid and not even laughable when thinking further at least I would not want to have that board on my feet in the case of an actual accident and someone I just collided with is bleeding on the slope


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Human body is sacred. It is the measure of all things and the cannon that beauty of all other things is measured against. It's been painted and sculpted in naked form since the beginning of the existence of art expression. Many masterpieces kept in museums show nudity. When European civilization finally got out of Dark Ages, the cultural movement was called Humanism and the art movement Renaissance. Aside from all technological and cultural brake-through of that period, one of the main features was that, once again, it was ok to depict naked human body.

We are born naked. Nudity can not be considered as shameful, as it is perfectly natural. Same applies to sexuality.

If one ever willingly looked at porn movie, naked advert, love scene in a movie, even at own wife while undressing, etc, etc, and still find a skimpy clad picture of a girl on a snowboard offensive, I’d call him a hypocrite. You don’t like it – don’t buy it and don’t look on it when passing by someone else’s.

Here’s a pic of my suggestive snowboard. Bikini sticker came with it from the factory. It comes of, though. I’ve got another one without it, too.


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does Clear Channel know about this ?


I'll never forget the first time I heard 50 Cents on the radio in Brazil, UNcensored. I forget the song but there was plenny o' cursin'.

Then again, there's so much crime in Brazil they're really nawt too worried about cussing on the radio.

I had the head bob goin'. Cranked it up !

uhuh, uhuh !



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I doubt that the people protesting at burton are BOL'ers, and that Vail Management has ever checked us out over here. We all know you love Burton...that's your decision, But I don't think the participants on this thread are bashing Burton so much as posting an article, and commenting it...

Personally, I couldn't care less if the topsheet is a bit racy. Might I remind you all how impressed we all were with Gleb's Alice wonderland board, complete with a sluttly looking alice and queen of hearts? (BTW...Great work Fleck. I suspect we'll be seeing more topsheets by Fleck this season)

So by saying, "Those boards are so goddamn stupid. And Burton, you're goddamn stupid."... No nothing even remotely directed at Burton there, I see your point.

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stop quoting nonsense, Jack

Wow, you should really look into some options about dealing with your feelings. This hatred is just going to continue to stew and fester until it manifests itself into an ulser or something. Let the hate go.:biggthump

Edit: Almost forgot to thank Jack for pointing out the mistake. I would be on board against X-rated porn being used as snowboard graphics too.

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Human body is sacred. It is the measure of all things and the cannon that beauty of all other things is measured against. It's been painted and sculpted in naked form since the beginning of the existence of art expression. Many masterpieces kept in museums show nudity. When European civilization finally got out of Dark Ages, the cultural movement was called Humanism and the art movement Renaissance. Aside from all technological and cultural brake-through of that period, one of the main features was that, once again, it was ok to depict naked human body.

We are born naked. Nudity can not be considered as shameful, as it is perfectly natural. Same applies to sexuality.

If one ever willingly looked at porn movie, naked advert, love scene in a movie, even at own wife while undressing, etc, etc, and still find a skimpy clad picture of a girl on a snowboard offensive, I’d call him a hypocrite. You don’t like it – don’t buy it and don’t look on it when passing by someone else’s.


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I think the boards are stupid I thought the Sims Vivid boards were stupid, I think it panders to demographic that we probably don't need at most resorts. Maybe I'm a prude but when I look at Gleb's board and I see good artwork I look at the Burton/Sims boards and I see saalacious nudity....paraphrasing Justice Potter Stewart "I don't know what pornography is but i know it when I see it" too many people will look at those boards and cry foul. As a Sport, is this really a direction we want to go. Burton seem to be embracing the Skateboard world they recently bought into without actually looking at where that world has already been...

then again maybe I'm just getting old I don't find SNL very funny these days either (barring the political satire)

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Human body is sacred. It is the measure of all things and the cannon that beauty of all other things is measured against. It's been painted and sculpted in naked form since the beginning of the existence of art expression. Many masterpieces kept in museums show nudity. When European civilization finally got out of Dark Ages, the cultural movement was called Humanism and the art movement Renaissance. Aside from all technological and cultural brake-through of that period, one of the main features was that, once again, it was ok to depict naked human body.

We are born naked. Nudity can not be considered as shameful, as it is perfectly natural. Same applies to sexuality.

If one ever willingly looked at porn movie, naked advert, love scene in a movie, even at own wife while undressing, etc, etc, and still find a skimpy clad picture of a girl on a snowboard offensive, I’d call him a hypocrite. You don’t like it – don’t buy it and don’t look on it when passing by someone else’s.

Here’s a pic of my suggestive snowboard. Bikini sticker came with it from the factory. It comes of, though. I’ve got another one without it, too.

I disagree completely. You're not even close. You cannot say the Venus de Milo and Playboy fall into the same category. There is a difference between artistic study of the human body and intentionally sexually provocative images. (I say intentionally because well, if you get off on the Venus de Milo that's your problem ;) )

Now, I'm just a man, so I've certainly looked at my share of... "stuff", but I am not a hypocrite. There is a line between what is supposed to be public and what should be private. I walk around my house in my boxers scratching myself, but if I saw someone doing that outside on their front lawn next to a main road I'd think they were crude, or even trash, and that wouldn't make me a hypocrite.

If you want to look at sexual stuff in private, go nuts. I'd only say that makes you normal.

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it's pandering to the least common denominator.

But when your common denominator is also your target market, it actually makes sense.

+2 for Boris's comments. If you don't like it, don't look.

Eagle-Vail mom needs to get a job, or a life, or both. It always amuses me when people have kids, knowing full well what sort of a world they're bringing them into, and then start complaining about how it all needs to be changed because ZOMG, I have children now!! If you're not prepared to actually 'parent' and deal with the good AND the bad, then don't have kids - and don't expect the rest of the world to revolve around you!

The Venus de Milo isn't my type, but I do have to say Praxitele's Hermes ... hubba hubba.:cool: If he was based on the sculptor's boyfriend, then he was a lucky guy.

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