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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Willow 15

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I want a long board and can't decide what to go for. Should I get a second hand Kessler 185 with kst going cheap or save my pennies and go for a brand new Prior 187? I have read Bordy's review at hardbooter so I think I know which is the correct decision but any other views would be welcome.

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Dude I'm currently trying to decide between those two exact same boards also (with 2-3 cm less).

These Kessler seem absolutely amazing but the price is just so high it's almost ridiculous. And from what I have read, they do not last for very long. Most people seem to keep it for one or two seasons at most. I've also read that some even managed to break them in two, which kinda sucks when you buy a board this expensive. I'm guessing they're great if you have sponsors to back you up, but other than that it's like buying a Ferrari.

So, right now I'm heading more towards a Prior Metal. They also seem like killer boards, all the reviews I have read are really good, and the price is more decent.

By the way, is there an expert around who could tell me what bindings fit well on a Prior Metal? I've been looking at the Catek OS2s, they look really cool. What else should I consider?

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If you go for the Prior metal WCR, I would get their newest version where the titanal is covered by a top sheet layer.

Delams on titanal can be a bitch, and this newer version seems to help.

Also, check out Coiler's titanal deck construction too.

With regards to Catek OS2's, I have three pairs of Catek bindings (Catek WCR, OS1, and OS2), and the OS2 is my favorite. It's lighter, easier to adjust, and modular enough that I'm considering getting their highback softboot version just for kicks.

I use the OS2 baseplate and powerplates on my full board quiver of eight boards- and move the binding plate from board to board. This set up allows you to travel with a quiver or 2-4 boards in a very compact and low profile package, and binding changes are done with just having to turn one screw.

The only thing I would do if I were mounting an OS2 to a titanal board would be to spread out the footprint of the binding with a plastic spacer that can be purchased on the Catek site. I use my OS1 binding on my titanal board for that very reason, since the baseplate of the OS1 is bigger than the OS2.

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If you aren't racing, and the kessler wasn't custom built for someone with similar abilities and weight as you, I think you'd be wasting your money on a used one. I would go with the prior if that is your choice. But I would seriously get in touch with Bruce and get a custom Coiler for a better price - and IMHO his boards are higher quality.

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I don't race but i used to, so my style of riding is more race than ec. I have a Kessler 162 without kst which I like, but even though I've only ridden it on indoor snow i really, really like my new SG pro race t 163 (I am looking forward to getting to real mountains). I would like to try kst but i am guessing my SG is just as good. So my decision was nearly at Prior and now Tex1230 comes in with Coiler, forgot about that one. Custom is probably where its at, so now I gotta think specs. Like your new board Pokkis with 23 waist, what size feet/binding angles you using on that?

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By the way, is there an expert around who could tell me what bindings fit well on a Prior Metal? I've been looking at the Catek OS2s, they look really cool. What else should I consider?

There are these really awesome bindings made by some company called Bomber... TD2 or something...

And I'll take a new Prior with a warranty over a used Kessler every time. Other metal boards to consider are Coiler and Donek.

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How do you figure out all the dimensions that work best for you when you get your board custom built? I seriously have no idea what width, waist, etc. I need...

This will give you some pointers: http://www.bomberonline.com//articles/how_to_buy_snowboard.cfm

Yeah, I've heard of those :P. But they're out of stock right now. Any idea when they'll be back?

That's a question for Fin or Michelle. bomber@bomberonline.com

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Hey I have another newbie question in case anyone cares to answer.

How do you figure out all the dimensions that work best for you when you get your board custom built? I seriously have no idea what width, waist, etc. I need...

Thanks crucible for the infos on OS2s, it's much appreciated.

not sure of your level of experience - but you should go out and try a couple dozen stock shapes before you commit to a custom. The stock shapes from all the big alpine makers are good for the majority of riders provided they are in the correct weight range.

I was not aware that you had experience quality of new metal Priors, unfortunately mine is still waiting for snow to arrive. Could you share more info about issues with new ones?

I should clarify my opinion - I have not ridden the new priors. I base my opinion on non-metal versions of both makers that I have tried over the last few years. I think Bruce makes a better board in terms of responsiveness, build quality, and durability. I also believe that this is the first year that prior has added another layer above the metal for protection, whereas Coiler has been doing that for a couple of years at least. I will try a new metal Prior when I have a chance, But I'm not throwing money at a boardmaker who has just changed their manufacture until the new design is proven for a year or two.

(Just so you know, I'm not trying to pick on Prior - I won't be buying a Madd Metal or a Donek Metal anytime soon either, and I love their standard boards.)

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what's your location feastofvermin?

If you are in the East Coast The Startinggate located at the base of Stratton, VT is the only shop in the East that offers demo's.

(Just so you know, I'm not trying to pick on Prior - I won't be buying a Madd Metal or a Donek Metal anytime soon either, and I love their standard boards.)

Actually I'll have to counter that Matt, Donek has been testing Metal boards since 2005 and is coming out with a full line of metals this year. I suspect with all the testing Sean has put into his boards that they will be right up there with Coiler and Prior.

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practically, no - but my opinion stands - I'm not buying the first commercially available run of a new design. I'll let someone else be the guinea pig (of course - I do not live in the mountains so my on-snow time is limited/precious and I don't want to deal with equipment problems)

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what's your location feastofvermin?

If you are in the East Coast The Startinggate located at the base of Stratton, VT is the only shop in the East that offers demo's.

I'm in Quebec, Canada and the closest shop that still sells alpine boards is in Montreal. It's a bit far so it's not like I can try a new board every weekend. I've been riding the same old Hot Blast for many years now and I really need something new but I'm kinda confused about what to buy cause I've never really tried anything else.

That place looks interesting though, it's kinda far but I might try to go there for a weekend during the winter. Thanks for the info.

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two comments

1. Show the north american guy some love!


2. wtf is indoor snow?

I don't race but i used to, so my style of riding is more race than ec. I have a Kessler 162 without kst which I like, but even though I've only ridden it on indoor snow i really, really like my new SG pro race t 163 (I am looking forward to getting to real mountains). I would like to try kst but i am guessing my SG is just as good. So my decision was nearly at Prior and now Tex1230 comes in with Coiler, forgot about that one. Custom is probably where its at, so now I gotta think specs. Like your new board Pokkis with 23 waist, what size feet/binding angles you using on that?
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Global warming, if you believe in it has hit the UK real bad. When I was a kid, thirty years ago, I lived at a place called the Lake District which is a small hilly area in the north of England. In the winter there was loads of snow. I used to miss weeks off school due to the school bus being unable to get to my village (which accounts for my bad english). I remember things like skiing under a midnight moon, having to walk (no lifts) but having the time of my life. Now our winters are crap, grey and damp, and if it does snow it melts within five mins. So this little story brings me to FastsKiguys quote

wtf is indoor snow?
. When I am not in the Alps, I have to get my fix at places like this http://http://www.xscape.co.uk/snow/castleford/ A bit like Landgraaf but way smaller. Its only good for a few turns, but when a new board gets deliverd to your house in August and you can't afford a glacier trip its ok.

So relax your immigration laws so I can move to your mountains and drink your beer and abuse all of your lovely snow!

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Hey, that place looks kinda cool! Especially for the park guys.


Global warming, if you believe in it has hit the UK real bad. When I was a kid, thirty years ago, I lived at a place called the Lake District which is a small hilly area in the north of England. In the winter there was loads of snow. I used to miss weeks off school due to the school bus being unable to get to my village (which accounts for my bad english). I remember things like skiing under a midnight moon, having to walk (no lifts) but having the time of my life. Now our winters are crap, grey and damp, and if it does snow it melts within five mins. So this little story brings me to FastsKiguys quote . When I am not in the Alps, I have to get my fix at places like this http://http://www.xscape.co.uk/snow/castleford/ A bit like Landgraaf but way smaller. Its only good for a few turns, but when a new board gets deliverd to your house in August and you can't afford a glacier trip its ok.

So relax your immigration laws so I can move to your mountains and drink your beer and abuse all of your lovely snow!

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Hey I have another newbie question in case anyone cares to answer.

How do you figure out all the dimensions that work best for you when you get your board custom built? I seriously have no idea what width, waist, etc. I need...

I started on a Nitro GTX log and decided that I would bite it and buy a Coiler for several reasons:

-Bruce is far too close for me to ignore.

-I spoke with Bruce extensively about what, how and where I ride to come up with what he would build for me. He knows so much more than I and at this early point in the game I value his (or any other more experienced riders) views enought to follow his lead. I absolutely love the board he built me last year as it did exactly what he said it would and I have to impress upon you the importance of being on the right equipment to advance your skill set.

-If you have some time on a carving board you will already have things you like or don't and it is important to tell this to your builder. This will help you get on the right type of board.

-If you have a cute sister, sell her to fund the many boards you will want to buy when you start to be able to recognize the strengths of different setups.

I am going to SES 09 to try a bunch of different setups and to get my GF to try carving. If you can afford it, do it.

But what do I know?

P.S. you probably won't get a Coiler new this year, but hey, there's always next season so get your order in early!

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