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  1. That's exactly right, and it's a very common thing for us to do. We usually use "rider" (pronounced "ridé") to simply imply going snowboarding. We also say "carver" (pronounced "carvé") to design the act of carving while turning, because there isn't any appropriate french word for it.
  2. put me in the "maybe" list. I suggest Mont Saint-Anne as a third spot, if it's not too far for you guys.
  3. I'm in Quebec, Canada and the closest shop that still sells alpine boards is in Montreal. It's a bit far so it's not like I can try a new board every weekend. I've been riding the same old Hot Blast for many years now and I really need something new but I'm kinda confused about what to buy cause I've never really tried anything else. That place looks interesting though, it's kinda far but I might try to go there for a weekend during the winter. Thanks for the info.
  4. Yeah, I've heard of those :P. But they're out of stock right now. Any idea when they'll be back?
  5. Hey I have another newbie question in case anyone cares to answer. How do you figure out all the dimensions that work best for you when you get your board custom built? I seriously have no idea what width, waist, etc. I need... Thanks crucible for the infos on OS2s, it's much appreciated.
  6. Dude I'm currently trying to decide between those two exact same boards also (with 2-3 cm less). These Kessler seem absolutely amazing but the price is just so high it's almost ridiculous. And from what I have read, they do not last for very long. Most people seem to keep it for one or two seasons at most. I've also read that some even managed to break them in two, which kinda sucks when you buy a board this expensive. I'm guessing they're great if you have sponsors to back you up, but other than that it's like buying a Ferrari. So, right now I'm heading more towards a Prior Metal. They also seem like killer boards, all the reviews I have read are really good, and the price is more decent. By the way, is there an expert around who could tell me what bindings fit well on a Prior Metal? I've been looking at the Catek OS2s, they look really cool. What else should I consider?
  7. Well seeing as no one seems interested, I'm gonna go ahead and offer you 200, plus shipping.
  8. What's so special about these boards that make the price so high?
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