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OT: Beer (again)

Mike T

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my new favourite. the bottle beats draft guinness. not as bitter, more... nutty? fruity? good, anyway.

if we can get it even through the government liquor maldistribution here in BC, you should all be swimming in it down there.

some brewer or other's double chocolate stout is also a great drink...

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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

I just gotta give a shout out to whoever it was here that recommended Dogfish Head - Raison D'Etre. Best new beer I've tried in a long time, and I've tried some good stuff!

IIRC, that was me :) I believe I recommended it because you mentioned liking Unibroue's la Fin du Monde.

If I'm wrong and you haven't tried La Fin du Monde, I recommend that you do. It is similar in character to Raison D'Être but is different enough so as not to be boring.

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Originally posted by mirror70

If I'm wrong and you haven't tried La Fin du Monde, I recommend that you do. It is similar in character to Raison D'Être but is different enough so as not to be boring.

I love most Unibroue offerings. Fin du Monde, Maudite, Don de Dieu are my favs of theirs. Raftman is wierd though, kind of apply.

I think Raison D'Etre is smoother and more drinkable than FdM though. That's no slam of FdM, it's just that RD is so heavenly.

My favorite beer on the planet is Leffe Blonde. Leffe Brune is excellent too, but I can't get it.

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The Wasatch Brewing Company in Park City has a running battle with the state of Utah and isn't above poking fun at the locals. While competing at the NASTAR Nationals I had to sample POLYGAMY PORTER. Their slogans?

Why have just one?

Bring some home to the wives!

My wife liked First Amendment Lager. Needless to say we bought the T-shirts......

Polygamy Porter

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Originally posted by Mark.Andersen

Jack, where do you find Leffe Blond stateside? I love it, but can't seem to find it locally. I've resorted to buying Hoegaarden as a white beer substitute, and while Hoegaarded is damn good, it's not Leffe. They are however, brewed by the same firm...

I get it at a liquor store chain in Massachusetts (Kappy's). Leffe and Hoegaarden are imported by Labatt (at least they are in the east, maybe it's different in CA). Wherever you buy Hoegaarden should be able to order Leffe for you. If they tell you no, they're just being lazy. Otherwise, I found it at www.samswine.com when I didn't know I could get it in Mass. Actually Sam's is quite reasonable, I pay about $36/case at Kappy's.

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I know it might sound biased, but the Great Lakes Brewing Company right heer in Mount Cleveland has been making special beers for a while! The Christmas Ale is to dye for,, really,,after a night of this,,, we all call it Evil Ale!

But I found a new one,, really good even though its french canadian I still drink it,, 9 percent alcyhol!


But if ever in the area gotta go to the brewery,,oldest in Cleveland and has a bullet hole in the bar where Eliot Ness had a scuffle,, never did solve the torso murders!



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