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something happened on the way to work yesterday, I touched my brakes and either my tires were cold or I hit some sand/oil/water, the next thing I knew I was on the ground with my motorcycle on top of me. The end result is I broke my right ankle. It's swollen a bit today and likely needs surgery I have an ortho appointment on monday and hopefully surgery on tuesday. Right now I'm flying on Rush Limbaugh's favorite Oxycodone...I spent yesterday on Morphine (talk about a high, I understand what addicts feel like now though I never want to feel that first rush again). My bike came out of this with nothing more than a broken rear brake lever peg. Not that I will be riding it anytime soon, looks like new years at a minimum before I can even walk again. I can honestly say that I have never felt anything like the pain I felt before they gave me the Morphine. Hopefully Physical Therapy will get my ankle together by the end of Feb and I can get a few days in March...one thing for certain I will be buying a set of ThermalFlex's before I hit the snow now

This came in the mail and I have to stare at it for the next few months as well

Ace55's, RnR 56mm BlackHoles, Speedy Lunatics. Khiro Bushings and shock risers, Indy hardware



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I'm curious, were you wearing bike boots (I'm assuming you had leathers on since you don't mention road rash or skin loss)?

I always wondered if my Sidi boots would keep my ankle from getting crushed if my foot ended up under my bike. In my two low sides, one I just scuffed up my leathers and the other I broke my finger when it got pinned by the clip-on, but my lower body was free of the bike.

Heal well and enjoy the meds. Ice is your friend too - big time. Early and often.

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I didn't have a crush injury so much as a twist...the inside of my boot had some small scuffs. The Orthorpedist who stopped at the scene proscribed Morphine and then met me at the ER told me that my Sidi boots saved my ankle from a compound fracture for sure. He saved my boot by doping me to the gills and then removing the boot, he said later he wasn't sure they could cut the boot off and figure why destroy it.

oh and my fall was a low speed highside

helmet is toast but yes I was wearing full gear so nothing else was damaged I wanted a new helmet this spring anyway but this isn't the way I wanted to buy one.

also as a said an excuse for Thermal Flex's

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While you're healing, it'll seem like forever, but once it's healed up so you can do what you enjoy it'll be faster than you expected.

I didn't think I'd make it back to the slopes the next season when I did the whole tib-fib with compartment syndrome last year, but I managed to make it back to the slopes for this past season. Look at it this way, once you're back on the slopes, there'll definitely be a good base layer come Feb/March.

Heal up and try to stay positive throughout the healing process, it can be frustrating.

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Tinker, I would have posted my Xrays but my computer screen died in the crash and I can't get is fixxed until next week (my wifes computer which I am using doesn't have photoshop) I will post them when I can but the report says I broke the Lateral Malleolus and Distal Tibia. I tried to step off the oxycodone last night....mistake.....:eek: My wife (a nurse who works with my PCM) is picking up some non narcotic pain killers today.

What amazes me is that I considered myself in good shape I swim 4-5 miles a week, I was 3 weeks into the P90X series and not dying, I skated park or cones 2-3 times a week but I am exhausted just moving around my house on crutches and going upstairs.....:nono:

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I'll tell you what, Motrin 800 worked pretty good for me when I goobered up my thumb on a belt sander. I could still tell my thumb wasn't quite right, but the pain was very bearable, the throbbing completely stopped, and I didn't feel at all compromised mentally.

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Glad to hear the bike made it OK!! That would suck to break badly.

Heal quick! PT, more PT, when you are bored - PT, when you are not bored - PT, PT for fun, PT for pain, PT to PT, PT for America, PT for freedom, PT for mom, PT to save the planet, PT for sunshine...you get the picture

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highsides suck both on the snow and on the pavement. I've busted my clavicle getting tossed and tweaked my shoulder pretty good getting ejected unintentionally.Funny how skating seems safer than moto

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and SAVEs it !

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If I had been going 10 mph faster I probably would have walked away with nothing but a few bruises...as it was I wasn't going fast enough to get thrown from the bike and I got stuck under it as it fell forward. This was the opinion of the police officer who helped me out from under my bike as well

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this is pieced together from what people said and what little I remember (lots of morphine has blurred my memory. I was 2-3 car lengths behind a Ford Tempo sedan (I don't know why that sits in the forefront of my memory) it was early, cool and I was on my way to work, on time for a change. I had just crossed the RI/CT border into Ct when I saw brake lights I touched the front brake and the next thing I remember I was hitting the ground, my computer was flying over my head, and then pain....lots and lots of pain in my right ankle I tried to sit up and I felt the bones move I got queasy...Someone pulled my bike off me...there was a nice woman with roadrash on her arm trying to help me feel better....I remember little things over the next 20 minutes...asking them to turn off the gas lever from the tank before they tried to pick it up....showing then that the rear brake lever had been locked past it's normal position in the crash...the Paramedics taking off my helmet...a really nice guy stopping the paramedics from taking off my boot and proscribing morphine before they moved me (he turned out to be the Orthopod at my local hospital). I know the front tire slide a bit though why I don't know it could have been oil, water, sand or even a manhole cover.

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