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Over? Over??!! Was It Over When the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor!!??


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Thirty years ago yesterday was indeed a storied moment. I speak, of course, of the 30th anniversary of the Animal House theatrical release.

Poor Dean Wermer passed on to the great kegger in the sky a couple of years back. But much of the original cast remain with us, including the truly nuts Donald Sutherland. (While shooting The Last Living Confederate Widow Tells All, (??) the good Colonel regularly left the set "in uniform" and dined at Atlanta lunch counters. He also personally trailered his monstrous stereo system from Canada in a U-Haul)

Our local 96 FM rock jocks are celebrating the anniversary all week, climaxing in a memorial toga party at The Old Bar. Frankly, the thought of of a bunch of fat, sleek-headed sextugenarians reliving their misspent youths while decked out in old bed sheets is kind of off-putting.

Still - toga, Toga!!, TOGA!!! Aaahhh... Who's with me .... !!???

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Good Call BB ! THIS IS an important anniversary.

The story is based on a frat from UMass Amherst.

You know I can't resist some good youtube here :rolleyes:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uepFO4psgKE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uepFO4psgKE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnVKkJFYkhg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnVKkJFYkhg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Willy -

I'll have to check my sources, But I believe it was in fact a frat at Dartmouth, with the local Women's college being Colby-Sawyer...

I actually won;t check my source, seeing as it is an ex Girlfriend, who is nuts...But her father was the inspiration for Bluto - John Belushi's Character...

" Mind If we Dance your Dates?"

"-No, No...We were Just...LEAVING"

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Having read The Real Animal House, an XMAS gift from my wife, I'll confirm that the minor league highjinks of those Ivy League wooses were reputedly the inspiration for the flick.

However, those of us who survived Rho of Sigma Pi during the 60's/70's know different. The movie reads like a catalogue of our lesser misdeeds. I could elaborate, but you've seen the movie. Now read the book...

And then papa Bush will tell you what it was really like in those golden good ol' days...

disclaimer: those who say they can really remember that era couldn't possibly have been there...

here's to your bliss

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Well, I don't know what college/frat house the movie was intended to portray, but I can tell you that the dorm that you see in the opening scenes was my freshman year dorm at the university of Oregon and that many of the scenes were obviously shot in Eugene, Oregon.

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with facts. Next you'll be tellin' me Fawn Leibowitz was Dean Wermer's love child!

We don't need no stinkin' facts, man. We're the eff-ing Deltas, dammit.

In the spirit of brotherhood, however, "... here's a little number I think you'll like.

It's called ShamaLamaDingDong! Now HittIt!!"

regards BB

aka The Grand Old Man of Pigma Si...

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I stand corrected.......:cool:

Alpha Delta (ΑΔ)

Alpha Delta, 2007

Alpha Delta ("AD") was founded by members of the Gamma Sigma Society. In 1847, the society became the Dartmouth chapter of Alpha Delta Phi, a national fraternity.[12] The house dissociated from the national in 1969 and renamed itself Alpha Delta Fraternity. Alpha Delta is well known for being part of the inspiration behind the movie National Lampoon's Animal House. The screenplay, co-written by Chris Miller, class of 1963, was inspired by a pair of short stories Miller wrote in National Lampoon in 1974 and 1975 ("The Night of the Seven Fires" and "Pinto's First Lay") about his experiences as a member of Alpha Delta Phi. In November 2006, Miller published a 336 page memoir of his experiences in the fraternity under the title The Real Animal House: The Awesomely Depraved Saga of the Fraternity That Inspired the Movie.


I'm never gonna believe another drunken UMass alum ever again:rolleyes:


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Watching that movie was the worst thing I could have done before entering college. I used it as the blueprint for my next four years. I entered college with such promise. I left with a lot of good stories. Sort of like Pinto. I'd say Flounder but I didn't have the hot girlfriend back home.

BTW, you guys don't know jack. The real inspiration behind Animal House was McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Ivan Reitman is an alumnus of Mac. There was a student residence there (frats didn't really catch on in Canada until recently) called Whidden Hall. The place was bonkers even in the early 80s when I visited friends there.

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I'm never gonna believe another drunken UMass alum ever again:rolleyes:

You obviously never learned the first lesson of Greekdom -

"You f____ed up, man. You trusted us!"

Never, no never, trust your brother! He'll lie to you. He'll steal your beer. He'll snake your date. (And brag about it the next day.) All in the name of raging hormones and a screaming good time.

It seems probable that you were just as sloshed as your UMass friend. So your credulity can be forgiven...

And 'GOAT - Where the Hades is Hamilton, Ontario? (and does the dorm still exist.....?!) As for your wasted college experience - Maybe you should have stayed longer - more memories!

As for not knowing Jack - Isn't he the testy forum moderator who likes symmetrical, custom, alpine decks with retro-zebra graphics... ?

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Hamilton, Ontario: population 505,000

Home of the CFL Tiger-Cats, Stelco steel mills and Bob Young, the Red Hat guy. Nobody intentionally tries to live in Hamlton. You just end up stuck there.

It's sort of the Pittsburgh of Canada without the glamour.

As for my university/college years, I don't consider them wasted. Well, maybe I was wasted but the years weren't wasted. I just didn't get anything out of it resembling an education. Sure had fun though.

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Dateline: October 1964.....Gainesville, Florida.....

Playboy Magazine has just named the University of Florida the #1 party school in the nation......


I pledged Sigma Nu at U of F in 1964. When I saw Animal House thirty years ago (at a movie theater/bar in Stowe, VT) it sure brought back memories of college.

We weren't the inspiration for the movie but I sure could identify with a lot of the characters.

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Cultural Revolution at Zoo Mass?



please tell us that you went to UNC-CH

Bigtime party school


Pros: Good people, hot girls, tons of alcohol and its easy to find a party.

Cons: Takes a while to realize that school work is more important than beer.

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Actually, I could have gone to UNC-CH (i was accepted as a Junior transfer)

I probably should have gone to UNC-CH (didn't 'cause i was in Luv)

And, as any good Frat man would have predicted, the object of my affection has gone through life "in the arms of another."

No, Willy, I went to N.C. State - Raleigh, the Land Grant Ag/Tech poor cousin just down the road from "Whiskey Hill."

(You know your Alma Mater's in trouble when the first two Epinion review headings are, 'Worth the Money', and 'The End of the Illusion')

The observations and stories I could tell about the storied, once-toxic "State/Carolina" rivalry could bore the Suzukas off our readers for months, so I'll be brief.

Suffice to say, my maternal grandfather was the first, and the last, Dean of Men of N.C. State when that was an excellent description of the student body. During his 40+ year tenure, he confiscated more whiskey and contraband fireworks than you could possibly imagine.

'The Dean' was hanged and burned in effigy by pissed-off students more often than the vilest of politicians or tyrants. (I don't know what he did with the booze, but we took the firecrackers up to the family's red clay farm and detonated 'em by the 100's!)

And, while most of my Carolina-bound peers were life-guarding or otherwise frittering away their teen summers, I was "priming" tobacco on that farm using a mule-drawn slide. Still, when the weekend arrived, we former plowboys managed to party down "purty well" at good ol' N.C. State.

All this is by way of saying that my Animal House fixation is honestly acquired, and like a number of the expelled Faber Delta's, I ended up in the Pacific and VietNam after seeing most of my freshman year through the bottom of a beer mug.

Though no preparation could have been completely adequate, those Sigma Pi parties stood me in pretty good stead during the many bleary-eyed nights that followed in Tijuana, and Subic Bay, and Hong Kong, and Kaohsiung, and...


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I have a lightly used DVD of Animal House for someone that would enjoy it. $5 shipped.


that would be a welcome addition to the collection.

How'd ya like the new avatar ?

F1 in Hungary right now is rockin ! Go Massa ! Go Ferrari ! Go Brazil !



Massa blew up his Ferrari....doh !

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