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You're over sensitive, it suggests to me that you're either a cop that is in "the lone ranger phase" and thinks he/she posses superior moral, legal and general superiority or another authoritarian figure who's ego has gotten out of hand.

Law Enforcement - yup

Lone Ranger - lol, nope

Possess superior moral, legal and general superiority or another authoritarian figure who's ego has gotten out of hand - nope, but your entitled to your opinion

Oversensitive - yeah, sometimes maybe because of the next item

Personal experience with lost and/or injured friends, family, and fellow law enforcement due to the subject matter - yup

Hate for law enforcement? Not at all, distrust, yes. Cops are just as if not more crooked than the general population and yet every time someone says anything that either cops or their groupies don't like people like you get overly defensive and act like being a cop is akin to sainthood. Go take your circle jerk somewhere else because I don't buy it.

I don't know where you interpreted from my post that I think all cops should be revered as saints, I don't. In fact, I have a post here regarding a very bored traffic officer ticketing me on a bicycle for speeding.

Bob, I think I'm clear on what your position is, and your entitled to it, but if you feel I'm being unfair in my response or unclear as to your comments feel free to message me, as I think it would be unfair to the other members to hijack this thread.

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ok, back on topic...

COKing, can you tell me...

what are the proper uses of each lane of a 4 lane highway?

2 or more cars come to a 4-way stop, which car has right of way?

2 cars are waiting at a red light, opposite each other. one car has its left directional on. the other has its right directional on. the light turns green for both, who has right of way?

how many seconds gap is generally considered the minimum "safe" distance from the car in front of you?

you are in the left lane of the highway and the car behind you flashes its high beams, what should you do?

you are waiting to make a left turn. when should you turn your steering wheel to the left?

you parallel park on a hill, your car pointing uphill. what should you do before leaving the car?

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skatha... if you don't think that a 14 year old is going to pretend he's not having fun you don't understand modern youth.

and as for the fact that you dont think i'm serious about driving consider this: i've been in car accidents before where i've had whiplash, tweaked my neck, one car accident i was in i was wearing a cast on my leg; guess what happened: the broken bone re-broke and the fiberglass on the cast lacerated into my knee causng a mangled scar that still crosses my knee as a testiment to the crash. dont you dare imply i don't actually take this seriously.

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ok, back on topic...

COKing, can you tell me...

what are the proper uses of each lane of a 4 lane highway?

2 or more cars come to a 4-way stop, which car has right of way?

2 cars are waiting at a red light, opposite each other. one car has its left directional on. the other has its right directional on. the light turns green for both, who has right of way?

how many seconds gap is generally considered the minimum "safe" distance from the car in front of you?

you are in the left lane of the highway and the car behind you flashes its high beams, what should you do?

you are waiting to make a left turn. when should you turn your steering wheel to the left?

you parallel park on a hill, your car pointing uphill. what should you do before leaving the car?

Half the licensed drivers in New England would fail your test...and 75% in New Jersey

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here's your answers

right or left lane on a highway can both be merging lanes, the right lane is the slow lane and the left lane is the fast lane.

if you arrive at the same time as another car; the person on the right of you has right of way

the car on the right has the right of way; but you should always allow the other car to go to avoid collisions

3 seconds in urban areas under good weather conditions

4 seconds on the freeway

6 or more in bad weather

should someone flash their high beams at you; you should change lanes to the right after making sure you won't cut anyone off or hit them and allow the person behind you to pass

keeping your hands in the 9 o' clock and 3 o' clock positions you push up with your right hand and pull down with your left hand; so that you keep your arms out of the way of the airbag should you become involved in a collision

parking uphill with a curb; you should turn your wheels to the left

parking uphill without a curb; you should turn your wheels to the right

whenever you leave the car you should lock it and walk around the front side of the car to avoid being sandwiched between two cars should someone hit the back of your car

all that from memory; we dont get out own books; we just read the entire text and take tests throughout the classroom time

i don't actually get my permit (which means i have to be with a parent/legal guardian at all times in the car) until i turn 15; statistically 15-15.9 year olds are the best drivers on the road, in terms of collisions; but otherwise the second you turn 16 and get your license and can drive alone i become (statistically) the worst driver on the road

until i turn 18 however; i can only have passengers that are direct family members (mother, father, sibilings) in the car with me. that motion passed a few years ago (making the system a progressive license system) has actually improved teen collision rates.

included: i don't drink, smoke or do drugs and; never plan to do any of them until they are legal (excluding drugs and smoking).

now i've just proven that i know my stuff :D

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keeping your hands in the 9 o' clock and 3 o' clock positions you push up with your right hand and pull down with your left hand; so that you keep your arms out of the way of the airbag should you become involved in a collision.

Remember don't turn the wheel until you have a clear area to turn. If your wheels are pointed left while you're sitting there waiting for an opening, somebody could rear end you and you'd get pushed right into oncoming traffic.

parking uphill with a curb; you should turn your wheels to the left

parking uphill without a curb; you should turn your wheels to the right

whenever you leave the car you should lock it and walk around the front side of the car to avoid being sandwiched between two cars should someone hit the back of your car

Actually aren't you supposed to get out of the vehicle and walk facing traffic, no matter which way you're pointing? That way you don't have your back to things that may come.

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When I first moved to the US 14 years ago, I tried to find books on driving skills/technique. More out of interest than anything, because I had practiced something called advanced driving and riding back home in the UK. I was amazed to find virtually no books on driving, but just a zillion books on cars. The average bookstore in the UK might have shelf after shelf of books on learning to drive and advanced driving/riding techniques. The only rationale I could come up with, is that Americans view driving in a different way. Maybe as a right, not a privilege, certainly not a skill (except on the race track).

example books


The Bible of driving there is


and for bikes


Talking of police riders, there's some interesting riding in parts 1/6 2/6 and 4/6 of this utube vid



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what are the proper uses of each lane of a 4 lane highway?

Answer:Use them all at the same time!

2 or more cars come to a 4-way stop, which car has right of way?

Answer:The fastest on the gas! (or the first person to jerk forward three times....this is easy!)

2 cars are waiting at a red light, opposite each other. one car has its left directional on. the other has its right directional on. the light turns green for both, who has right of way?

Answer:They are both going straight so who cares?

how many seconds gap is generally considered the minimum "safe" distance from the car in front of you?

Answer: .5 cause I have ABS (TECHNOLOGY rocks!!!!)

you are in the left lane of the highway and the car behind you flashes its high beams, what should you do?

Answer:slam on the brakes and flip them off!

you are waiting to make a left turn. when should you turn your steering wheel to the left?

Answer:As late as possible in the turn to scare your wife and the oncomming driver.

you parallel park on a hill, your car pointing uphill. what should you do before leaving the car?

Answer:Take your last sip of coffee (Irish Coffee), check your breath, hang up your phone, and make sure you look good for the Judge!

Jack that was too easy.

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skatha... if you don't think that a 14 year old is going to pretend he's not having fun you don't understand modern youth.

and as for the fact that you dont think i'm serious about driving consider this: i've been in car accidents before where i've had whiplash, tweaked my neck, one car accident i was in i was wearing a cast on my leg; guess what happened: the broken bone re-broke and the fiberglass on the cast lacerated into my knee causng a mangled scar that still crosses my knee as a testiment to the crash. dont you dare imply i don't actually take this seriously.

All the numbers that apparently mean something to the driver testing people are useless unless you exercise the muscle called common sense. You are 14 or so? And you have been in a car which crashed what five or six times? Part of all good decision making is the one that puts you in the safest position. There are people who go through life having accidents and tickets every year. They never learn about defensive driving. Without being paranoid I assume that every car on the road is being piloted by a drunk who is getting ready to pass out. So on a two lane if a car coming toward me drifts even a foot toward the center line, I have an avoidance plan for that part of the road.

Last year I avoided an accident by looking at the delivery truck who was going way too fast when a line of traffic stopped. I always check my mirror when traffic stops suddenly and sure enough this guy all over the road. I rolled into the ditch on the right hand side just in time to see him rear end the car behind me hard enough that he almost rolled into the car that was in front of me. Extraordinary? No. Just looking around for who is going to try to kill me.

I have hit three deer and a cow ( the cow and one of the deer were fine cuz I almost got stopped ) in thirty years of driving in the mountains. Been off the road twice to miss deer. Turned a car over at 15 driving on a gravel road at 75. Dumb. Dumb. Threw my buddy out of the car and we were both fine with just bruises and a couple of minor scrapes. The guy who saw it said we flipped five times.

I also hit a soft shoulder on a dirt road about 12 years ago and ended up turning a car over then too. The crappy thing about that is that I knew I was too tired to keep driving and was looking for a pull out safe enough to nap in for a while when that happened.

Just recently one of my very good friend's daughter and another girl were killed after driving home from an all night party in another county. Of course all the speculators "knew" they were drunk. The tox tests came back completely negative for drugs and alcohol. Speed on a rural paved road was estimated at 45 mph. Neither girl had on a seat belt and both were ejected. The boy in the back was ok in his seat belt. Life does not always seem to be fair.

Accidents do happen. To be a good Jedi driver is a life long attention to details constantly while you are on the road. Good luck.

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right or left lane on a highway can both be merging lanes, the right lane is the slow lane and the left lane is the fast lane.

not exactly correct. The right lane is the travel lane and the left is the passing lane.

Just because you are alone on the highway and think you're going fast enough does not mean you should be cruising in the left lane. If a faster vehicle approaches and you don't notice, you force him to pass you on the right side, which is dangerous for both of you.

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i've actually crashed 2 times; multiple things happened in each one

That sounds like an excuse young Jedi.Of course multiple things happen. Usually starting with someone driving too fast or not paying attention to the surroundings.

I did get rear ended once, but feel like I could have avoided that one too with a little foresight. Not saying it wasn't his fault, but like I tell my newbie carvers when they start going across the fall line. Even though technical the uphill skier is in the wrong when they hit you, it still hurts just as much.

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here's your answers

what are the proper uses of each lane of a 4 lane highway?

right or left lane on a highway can both be merging lanes, the right lane is the slow lane and the left lane is the fast lane.

Left lane on-ramps are rare, so the left lane should seldom be a merging lane. In all other cases, the left lane is the fast lane, but more specifically, the passing lane.

2 or more cars come to a 4-way stop, which car has right of way?

if you arrive at the same time as another car; the person on the right of you has right of way

Correct, but incomplete. Left-turning cars must yield to cars opposite them unless the left turner got there first.

2 cars are waiting at a red light, opposite each other. one car has its left directional on. the other has its right directional on. the light turns green for both, who has right of way?

the car on the right has the right of way; but you should always allow the other car to go to avoid collisions

Nope. Two cars opposite each other = neither is on the right. The car turning left must yield to cars turning right or going straight. Cars turning right or going straight are duty bound to know this and proceed immediately at the green light, lest they cause confusion and delay by trying to wave on the left turning car. Cars behind the errant waiting car may try to pass it on the right.

Of course, collision avoidance takes precedence over right of way, so if the jerk turning left charges out first, you don't have a right to hit them.

how many seconds gap is generally considered the minimum "safe" distance from the car in front of you?

3 seconds in urban areas under good weather conditions

4 seconds on the freeway

6 or more in bad weather

sufficient. however "minimum" is actually 2.


you are in the left lane of the highway and the car behind you flashes its high beams, what should you do?

should someone flash their high beams at you; you should change lanes to the right after making sure you won't cut anyone off or hit them and allow the person behind you to pass

Correct. However this was a bit of a trick question, because you should never find yourself in that situation. If you've camped out in the left lane and ignored your rearview long enough to get flashed, you've already violated proper use of the left lane.

you are waiting to make a left turn. when should you turn your steering wheel to the left?

keeping your hands in the 9 o' clock and 3 o' clock positions you push up with your right hand and pull down with your left hand; so that you keep your arms out of the way of the airbag should you become involved in a collision

Nope. Pebu got the correct answer. Turn your steering wheel to the left only when proceeding to make the turn. While waiting your wheels should be straight so that if you get rear ended you don't get pushed into oncoming traffic.

you parallel park on a hill, your car pointing uphill. what should you do before leaving the car?

parking uphill with a curb; you should turn your wheels to the left

parking uphill without a curb; you should turn your wheels to the right


now i've just proven that i know my stuff :D

mmm... almost.

Here's another... your car has 3 rear view mirrors. What is the proper use and alignment of each?

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Here's another... your car has 3 rear view mirrors. What is the proper use and alignment of each?

Answer: I dont care about the passenger mirror, too hard to look at myself in it. The center rearview should be at an angle that is easiest for me to see if I have food in my teeth or a stray and whistling nose hair, but my wife adjusts it to put on her mascera. The drivers outside mirror is almost as useless as the passenger side, but in the sun, the light is better for the previously mentioned food check. So there.

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Here's another... your car has 3 rear view mirrors. What is the proper use and alignment of each?

At night, when someone is driving behind you with their high beams on, all mirrors should be strategically aligned to shine the high beams back at the offending driver.:biggthump

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