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I'm Fat, I'm Dieting & Exercising - Who's with me?


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I bet you're talking about the Bulgarian split squat with overhead press, right?

You guessed it.

Fat Loss I workout B just about does me in. Bulgarian split squats are freakin' hard!

Yup, even without the overhead press they're hard, add the OH press in, and they're quadruple (sp) freakin' hard! (Something for you to look forward to in Fat Loss II B ;) )

After finishing Fat Loss II B, I just lay on the floor for a while so my heart rate can drop a bit, and I can continue the day without fainting, or :barf:

I've never done any strength training that gets my heart rate up like that workout...

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and was even @ 218 for a little while. Slowly shedding the gut, maybe, because of (1) green tea with Hoodia (?), and (2) biweekly testosterone shots that have the side effect of building muscle mass (?), and moderate exercise, BUT

Just got a two month gig with the U.S. Census as an "enumerator" (we're the "scouts" who go out with GPS hand-helds to "purify" the database that'll be used to address next year's questionaires and to direct on-site follow-ups.)

Will be hoofing a lot of it and hope to ride my bike for the rest, weather permitting. Hope to be 200 by summer's end and 180 a year from now.

(My state retiree health plan is putting smokers into a higher premium bracket this year, and the obese will follow next year. Cant' have that ...)

Good luck to everyone who's fighting the battle of the bulge.

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I think the general thought is that HIIT is a very efficient way to improve cardio fitness, but you need to be decently fit to start with. IOW not for beginners.

Just curious: What's your reasoning behind why "beginners" shouldn't do interval training?

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Anyone care to share the contents of some of the aforementioned workouts?

I've been working towards trading a pound or two of fat for muscle, and generally working on getting back into the shape that I ought to be in.

If you're asking about "The New Rules of Lifting", it's basically a program that focuses on more functional lifting, or, lifting weights the way you would use your muscles in "real life". Most of the lifts end up being compound lifts also, working more than one muscle group at a time.

Differenent from other body building programs where you isolate each muscle / muscle group and work the crap out of it...

HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training. (If you were asking about that.)

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Just curious: What's your reasoning behind why "beginners" shouldn't do interval training?
I'm no expert but I think there are a few reasons. One is that it is tough training, so it's certainly possible to hurt yourself if you are really out of shape. Another is that if you are way out of shape, you simply can't effectively do the training - if you are at the point where you could make a lot of gains in fitness simply by going for a walk a few times a week, not for you. A third is that HIIT requires that you understand what is happening with your body - when you have pushed anaerobic, when you have recovered, when you are really working too hard and should stop as opposed to just wanting to quit, etc.
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I'm no expert but I think there are a few reasons. One is that it is tough training, so it's certainly possible to hurt yourself if you are really out of shape. Another is that if you are way out of shape, you simply can't effectively do the training - if you are at the point where you could make a lot of gains in fitness simply by going for a walk a few times a week, not for you. A third is that HIIT requires that you understand what is happening with your body - when you have pushed anaerobic, when you have recovered, when you are really working too hard and should stop as opposed to just wanting to quit, etc.

Good points.

Everything I've read lately just suggests that beginners won't do the training with as much "intensity" as more experienced folks would, and their rest times will be longer than those with more experience. It is all about "perceived exertion" though, and as you said, newbie’s might have a problem knowing when they're pushing it too hard...

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Ok so since my break-up....ROFL! (Boy did I need it)

Instead of eating my self to death, I decided to take a much different approach and lose some much needed weight. I weighed 140 maybe, size 8 I suppose at the time.

I now currently weigh 128 lbs and wearing a size 4 but could easily fit into some size 2's. Oh by the way, I'm 5'7. I'm going to try not to lose anymore weight though. Otherwise, I might have to wear a weight jacket to snowboard and water-ski.

Just thought I would add my 5 cents ;) Love ya!

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Ok so since my break-up....ROFL! (Boy did I need it)

Instead of eating my self to death, I decided to take a much different approach and lose some much needed weight. I weighed 140 maybe, size 8 I suppose at the time.

I now currently weigh 128 lbs and wearing a size 4 but could easily fit into some size 2's. Oh by the way, I'm 5'7. I'm going to try not to lose anymore weight though. Otherwise, I might have to wear a weight jacket to snowboard and water-ski.

Just thought I would add my 5 cents ;) Love ya!


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I was thinking the same thing.

I'm pretty lazy, so for me to exercise, it has to be fun and easy. That sounds pretty lame, but I know I'm not alone. For example: Bicycle commuting sounds pretty fun, right? Well, it does to me too, except at 6:00 A.M. when I'm thinking about getting out of bed early to brave the cold, ride 28 miles and then deal with showering at work and not having my car all day.

But what I finally realized is that even though I dread getting up and riding to work, all day long I'm looking forward to the ride home.

So what I've been doing lately is bringing my bike to work in the car or having my wife take me to work and drop me off with the bike. It's so damn easy, I'm fired up about the ride all day, and when 5 pm comes I change into my bike stuff, no shower needed, and I have a great ride home.

The difference is huge and it changes bike commuting from a big pain in the ass to a lot of fun. I don't save mileage on the car, but I don't care, it's more important that I ride.

Anyway for me it made a big difference, because my problem is getting motivated. When I'm at work in my cube, and that bike is sitting out in the cage ready to go, I can't wait to get on it and ride. At 6 AM I don't even want to look at a bike.

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weight isn't a good indicaiton on ur health.

6 pack doesn't == your cardio system are in good order.

i snowboard in winter

row/hiking/bike in the warmer climate

used to kendo year around; which i found to be excellent exercise for the mind and body.

go the gym pretty religously. not because i want to look good. it's so i can do the things i like to do.

i have rest pulse of 55; but still look like pillsbury doughboy... hey just more of me to love :)

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Nice pics Carverchick. You were no slouch at 10, but 4 looks stunning.

I have not checked in here for a while. Interesting to see all the interest in New Rules of Lifting. That is by far my favorite book on weights and fitness in general. They even have a version out now specifically aimed at women.

First three rules:

1: Do something.

2: Do something you like ( so you will continue to be active).

3: The rest is just details.

How can you argue with logic like that?!! Lifting weights and doing HIITS may not be for everybody. But if you are interested at all this book is a great place to start. Every one I have recommended it to has loved it. Of course they were all ready in to weights.

Alwyn Cosgrove is the source of all of those great workouts in NROL. According to him the fat loss hierarchy should be:

1: Correct nutrition - It is almost impossible to out train a crappy diet.

2: See #1 - Yes it is that important!

3: Activities that burn calories, maintain/promote muscle mass, and elevate metabolism - In other words lifting heavy weights.

4: Activities that burn calories and elevate metabolism - HIITS elevates the metabolism for up to 48 hours according to some studdies.

5: Activities that burn calories but don't necessarilly maintain muscle or elevate metabolism - Mid to low intensity cardio sessions or just being active at playing something you like (carving!!!)

Actual site for the above: http://www.alwyncosgrove.com/hierarchy-of-fat-loss.html

Most people do just the opposite of what Lou and Alwyn advocate. They start to do lots of low to mid intensity cardio (treadmill, cross trainer, etc..), and make a little progress and then hit a plateau relatively quickly. Unfortunately, the body adapts pretty quickly to this type of trainning and actually becomes more efficent at it and thus burns even less calories then when you started. Weight training also needs to be varried once the body has adapted to the current program. "Everything Works, But nothing Works for ever."

So if you are just doing cardio and not making much or any progress, maybe you should consider branching out to the other half of the Gym and try out the free weights. I made more progress with Alwyns programs that I ever did on my own following trainers in the Gym, trainning with all my lifting buddies, or reading the weight lifting magzines I'd read over the past 20+ years. Don't get me wrong, I did make progress, it just seemed that as my lifts got bigger, so did my waist. Very frustrating. I was able to change that with NROL. Hate to sound like a commercial, but these guys are great.

If you are really interested in reading more about these guys or just weights in general try these sites:




The articles on this site are incredible. Hours and hours of information.

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