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Drunk plows into bike race in Mexico - incredible photo


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A car driven by an alleged drunken driver plowed into a bicycle race along a highway near the U.S.-Mexico border Sunday, killing one cyclist and injuring 10 others.

Juan Campos was apparently drunk and had fallen asleep at the wheel before crashing into the race in Monterrey, Mexico, police investigator Jose Alfredo Rodriguez said.

A photograph taken by a city official shows the horrifying moment of impact. The force of the collision sent bicyclists and equipment high into the air and Matamoros newspaper El Mañana described children crying, women shouting for help and men trying to lynch Campos before police arrived to arrest him.

Killed in the crash was Alejandro Alvarez, 37, of Monterrey.

Campos told police he was an American citizen from Brownsville, Texas. The U.S. consulate could not immediately confirm that.

"We are looking into the incident in terms of whether American citizens were involved,'' consulate spokesman Todd Huizinga told the Associated Press.

The crash happened 15 minutes into the race along a highway between Playa Bagdad and Matamoros, authorities said.

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it takes a special kind of moron to drink and drive.

Having had a DWI, I can personaly say that it isn't the facts of "the first time you drank and drove, it was the first time you got cought" that sticks out in your mind. On average 7 out of 10 people who consume alcohol will also drive on any given occasion. Be it a picnic, snowboarding, out for dinner, or a ball game. It is the fact that someone hit the bikers and had alcohol in their system that is remembered and remarked.........that they drank and drove.

Any amount of alcohol in the body is still enough to cause questions and possible problems to arise.

One beer or 10 beers, still a drinking driver.

Just remember that if you do go out sometime and are consuming alcohol. You don't have to be "Drunk" to kill someone or get a ticket.

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Having had a DWI, I can personaly say that it isn't the fact people consume alcohol and drive, but its the fact that someone hit the bikers and had alcohol in their system that is the time that is remembered.....

....that they drank and drove.

Any amount of alcohol in the body is still enough to cause questions and possible problems to arise.

one beer or 10 beers, still a drinking driver.

Just remember that if you do go out sometime and are consuming alcohol. You don't have to be "Drunk" to kill someone.

Sorry Dave, no offense but I stand by my statement. Convicted DUI'ers should never operate a vehicle again. I don't give a crap how you try to justify it.

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I'm not justifying it.

But Crucifying someone who made a bad judgement call is no better than sayig a Diabetic who crashed because of insluin shock should never get a license either, or someone who just simply fell asleep at the wheel, or that a convicted drug dealer or prostitute shouldn't get parolled/bailed because he/she has the potential to "sell" again... and, well the list goes on.

Now presently I don't drive, but it is partialy by my own choice.

My DWI was one of those rare situations where I realised I was "drunk" and I got mine as I moved my truck about 300 yards and pulled it back over and parked, and as getting out, the cops nailed me (long story lots of drama) despite the fact I was "doing the right thing".

So its a double edged sword.

I know people who do everything illegal under the sun and never get cought, and some who are "by the books" and still catch flack for doing what they are supposed to do.

Drinking and Driving is not a good idea at anyrate.

EDIT: I rarely drink anymore either.

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Didn't sound to me like he was trying to justify it. Sounded like he was trying to make sure folks understand the gravity of the offense and not make the same mistake he did.

Regardless, that crash is a total horror show. Un-F#@!ing believable.:(

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Thanks Ding :) yeah.

Also, myself as a cyclist, it is something that I'm constantly alert to and riding "defensively", but a split second is all it takes, and even if all peope involved are sober, or a mechanical error happens, flying monkeys Whatever, its still tragic.

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But Crucifying someone who made a bad judgement call is no better than sayig a Diabetic who crashed because of insluin shock should never get a license either, or someone who just simply fell asleep at the wheel, or that a convicted drug dealer or prostitute shouldn't get parolled/bailed because he/she has the potential to "sell" again... and, well the list goes on.

Those analogies aren't really applicable. A drunk driver made the choice to drink and drive. The driver shows a clear lack of respect for other drivers on the road.

The justification comment was in regards to Dave’s now edited first paragraph. It sounded like he was trying to say it only matters cause the guy got caught.

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Splitting hairs for discussons sake, the "tired" person chose to drive rather than pull over and take a nap. the "sugar shock" is because of an inatentive diabetic who let their sugar drop below a criticaly safe level.

Peopel on perscription (and some over the counter) drugs are also at risk.

Neglegence, and a poor decision is still to blame.

Alcohol and Alcoholizm is a scapegoat and the crutch of it being a "disease we are powerless over" is Bullcrap IMHO.

Its a poor choice.


so I agree,

but poor choices also are to not eat a candybar ( or monitor the sugar levels), or take the pain pills at home rather than being in discomfort while driving, and zonking out. My best friend is a Diabetic. He has first hand experience with such, and he too is at risk for loosing a licence just as any drinking driver.

Neglegence is the crime, not the person.

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I drink at lunch almost every day I snowboard and I ride better than most even after lunch...

LOL. There is some merit to this, but then again, if you get in an accident ont eh hill, and have any "substances" or "Under any influences" (other than shear joy and exhileration of being in the great outdoors) you are also in the same "neglegent" zone and can be sued and held accountable.

Just a FYI ;)

ps: my entire first year snowboarding was done with the aid of beers and shots, so I'm no saint to call others a sinner :)

"DRINK RESPONSIBLY" also = to OxyMoronic Statement for Legal Jargon of nonsensical nature of said Alcoholic beverages.

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There are more accidents caused by distracted drivers than dui's, plus most drinking related accidents occur late at night, not while school busses are dropping off kids. Cell phone use, eating, applying make-up, etc. all cause more accidents together and involve more children, but you will never here the uproar and mob chanting for no tolerance if caught driving while on a business call or scarfing a burger. It's because drinking and driving is what's called a "sin" law. It carries imagery of alcholics (who make up the minority of accidents because they actually have more experience while it's the weekend warriors who end up getting stupid and wrapping their car around a pole). Also most statistics that state "children were killed", most of the time it's 16 and 17 year old "children" who were the ones drinking and causing the accident. I'm not saying inocent children haven't been killed, but the statistics don't give a realistic view. They'd rather you think that all these "children" were fast asleep in mom or dad's car and rammed into by and old, unshaven, low-life, drunk. That's the picture that gets painted, and you know, I'm sure it's happened, and no accident is good. I'm also not excusing drunk driving, but anyone who's ever steered with their knee while trying to reach something in the back seat has no right to be so self-righteous.

I also think it's hypocritical for people to preach about one strike and you're out when they have personally done it themselves, even if it was just once and didn't get caught. Just look at the numbers of drinkers on here from the beer threads. These remarks remind me of the "Truth" adds against smoking like the companies were targeting children because they used flavors like cherry or vanilla. Pipe tobaccos have been using flavors for decades and nobody thinks children are being targetted by them, and just look at Bacarddi.... limon, rasberry, orange, basically all the flavors of your typical box of pop-cicles. And of course adults don't like those flavors...:smashfrea

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a "disease we are powerless over" is Bullcrap IMHO.

Glad it's just your opinion. The path that starts with those words has led many people to a well lived life, when they were certainly not headed there before.

I have seen too many friends that were smart, funny, talented and piss it all away with a bottle of whiskey or a twelve pack a night.

We buried one this winter. A very good friend who had much to offer the world. Even after the doc said he would absolutely die if he didn't quit, he continued. That is addiction. To say that you can't be addicted to alcohol, is to imply that you don't believe in "addiction" at all. If that is the case I hope your path is easy. For the many who are in that fight personally, it usually is not.

Another friend that I thought we would be burying as well, started down the path of realizing powerlessness and addiction to alcohol.

He is three years sober. Working a good job, in a relationship and in great shape.

If what you are doing is working for you great. Please don't climb up on the "holier-than-those-powerless-people" soapbox, I don't think it is a good fit for you.

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To say that you can't be addicted to alcohol, is to imply that you don't believe in "addiction" at all.

i don't see where dave said he doesn't believe in alcoholism or addiction. nor do i think he was taking a "holier than thou" stance on the matter... far from it.

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i don't see where dave said he doesn't believe in alcoholism or addiction. nor do i think he was taking a "holier than thou" stance on the matter... far from it.
Alcohol and Alcoholizm is a scapegoat and the crutch of it being a "disease we are powerless over" is Bullcrap IMHO

What ever????

He says that it is a crutch of some sort to say what you actually have.???

It is bad enough for people who have it, thank God I don't, that they don't need to be stigmatized by having someone else accuse them of some sort of mental handicap for actually saying what it is.

This is akin to saying that the Holocaust did not happen. WTF over?

Main Entry: al·co·hol·ism

Pronunciation: al-k-h-liz-m, -k-h-

Function: noun

1 : continued excessive or compulsive use of alcoholic drinks

2 a : poisoning by alcohol b : a chronic progressive potentially fatal psychological and nutritional disorder associated with excessive and usually compulsive drinking of ethanol and characterized by frequent intoxication leading to dependence on or addiction to the substance, impairment of the ability to work and socialize, destructive behaviors (as drunken driving), tissue damage (as cirrhosis of the liver), and severe withdrawal symptoms upon detoxification

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You're right, Lee, and what addictions of any sort do to people and their families is gut wrenching. One of my best friends has a brother that is drinking himself to death and doesn't want to be rescued, the family is divided, and it's literally killing her elderly mother. Tragic all round.

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Addiction is the DISEASE, not alcohol.

Alcohol is the catalyst and also the relief to the behavioral patterns.

Gambling, Sex, Drugs, Drinking, Racing, Collecting objects, Watching snuff films, pain and inflicting it upon others ( or self) is the compulsory activity that leads to a repetetitive pattern and behavioral chemical dependance within th ebody and mind.

FWIW, I know more about this subject than a good many people do, so please by no means should anyone think I'm soap boxing here, or knocking AA, or condoning Drinking and driving, or any of the sorts. I just simply see the addiction in a more pure light than some are willing to accept it as.

Loosing people (or yourself) to the bottle is no fun (in the long run).

I had/have my own demons, and found a way control them through shear willpower.

"turning yourself over to God" is not always the answer. I found that addiction and the need to have an all consuming "thing" in ones life can/is also another exit for a few as a "substitution".

Replace Booze with Church.

Replace Sex with Gambling

Quit smoking Pot, but take up crystal meth.

Replace Booze with Snowboarding and Radio Control Vehicles. (me)

Collecting Tea spoons from every state or country that you visit.

Still addiction.

With some of the quivers around here............ some of yall definately have "Addictive personalities with a flair for Compulsory* ".. LOL.

Some forms are far more harmfull than others, but still boil down to the basic concept of "Addiction".

Ahlzhimers is a disease, Polio is a disease, CP is a disease, not alcoholizm. People dont ASK for cancer, (they do however ASK for a pck of Smokes at teh corner store, and a resulting effect from the act of smoking is potentialy Cancer.)

Cherrosis of the liver.... IS a disease, and is triggered by many factors, but the leading one being over consumption of alcohol.

If anyone has ever read the book " A MILLION LITTLE PIECES", you may have a bit better of an understanding, but its not as "real" as life happens to far less "exciting" for someone who is suffering from a lack of ability to control their intake of alcohol.

* Myself included. :smashfrea

EDIT: Lee, It sucks, yeah I have had a few friends and coworkers and myself who too were blind to their own addiction. Hopefully your roomate is better now?

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