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end of season carnage @ Okemo...


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This past weekend may go down in history as the worst string of rotten luck I have had in any single 24-hour period. The only upside was meeting Pat & Rick, but I wish I had spent more time with them...maybe could have avoided some of the carnage...but not likely.

I drove up to Okemo early - left work early, stokes for a "bonus weekend" (I had thought easter was going to be the end of the season for me)

Cross the border into Vermont, and I got the old Vermont "Blue Light Special" in the rearview mirror...I should have known...end of the month and they've gotta make their quota...first speeding ticket I've gotten since 1995, so I guess I was due...I should have turned around then.

We got to Okemo and checked into the Jackson Gore Inn, One of the best hotels I have been to in Vermont. I was kind of surprised at how cheap the ski & stay package was, I think it was because they needed to fill their broom closet sized rooms...

The room was small..but whatever...we're not gonna spend that much time in it...oh...the walls are paper thin and the people in the next room partied (loudly) till 3am...I have never called hotel security in someone before. I guess I'm just getting old and needed to sleep.

Got up the next morning and left before my wife and son woke up and headed down to the lift. I had planned on meeting Durace there, but we must have crossed signals somehow and I didn't see him. Bummer. I headed over to the Nastar Course that Pat was setting and someone had moved all of his gates around so it took him a little longer than planned to set it up. I did get to meet wavechaser and talk a bit. He and Pat are very nice guys and I hope I get to ride with them next year. Anyway, before the course was set, I got a call from my wife that my son really wanted to ski with me, so I said goodbye and rode back down to the hotel. (I did have a liftie tell me I needed to slow down, so at least Okemo is consistent)

Got back to the hotel and switched to skis, and my family and I heases up the lift. got to the top of the mountain, made two turns, Mrs Tex and I bumped into each other, and boom - she spun around and her knee popped.

Spent the rest of the day in the Orthopedic clinic (hopefully not her ACL - find out tomorrow) and drove home today.

Crappy way to end the season, but at least the knee went after 30 days and not back in November on the first day...

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I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the ACL...unfortunately, after I bagged mine the second time, medical science figured out that women tear their ACLs much easier than men do. They now make braces sized for women so she doesn't need to have her post-op cam brace cut to fit like mine was in '89...

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This past weekend may go down in history as the worst string of rotten luck I have had in any single 24-hour period. The only upside was meeting Pat & Rick, but I wish I had spent more time with them...maybe could have avoided some of the carnage...but not likely.

I drove up to Okemo early - left work early, stokes for a "bonus weekend" (I had thought easter was going to be the end of the season for me)

Cross the border into Vermont, and I got the old Vermont "Blue Light Special" in the rearview mirror...I should have known...end of the month and they've gotta make their quota...first speeding ticket I've gotten since 1995, so I guess I was due...I should have turned around then.

We got to Okemo and checked into the Jackson Gore Inn, One of the best hotels I have been to in Vermont. I was kind of surprised at how cheap the ski & stay package was, I think it was because they needed to fill their broom closet sized rooms...

The room was small..but whatever...we're not gonna spend that much time in it...oh...the walls are paper thin and the people in the next room partied (loudly) till 3am...I have never called hotel security in someone before. I guess I'm just getting old and needed to sleep.

Got up the next morning and left before my wife and son woke up and headed down to the lift. I had planned on meeting Durace there, but we must have crossed signals somehow and I didn't see him. Bummer. I headed over to the Nastar Course that Pat was setting and someone had moved all of his gates around so it took him a little longer than planned to set it up. I did get to meet wavechaser and talk a bit. He and Pat are very nice guys and I hope I get to ride with them next year. Anyway, before the course was set, I got a call from my wife that my son really wanted to ski with me, so I said goodbye and rode back down to the hotel. (I did have a liftie tell me I needed to slow down, so at least Okemo is consistent)

Got back to the hotel and switched to skis, and my family and I heases up the lift. got to the top of the mountain, made two turns, Mrs Tex and I bumped into each other, and boom - she spun around and her knee popped.

Spent the rest of the day in the Orthopedic clinic (hopefully not her ACL - find out tomorrow) and drove home today.

Crappy way to end the season, but at least the knee went after 30 days and not back in November on the first day...

Wow Tex ... the speed cops at okemo must have heard you were coming and called ahead to let the state police know.

But seriously, that sucks about your wife's knee - hopefully its not her ACL, and she heals quickly. At least it happened at the end of the season.

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Hope it is not an ACL, well wishes.


One of our local riders had a similar weekend last week. (speeding ticket part anyways) They are getting really expensive now days. In the Mt Hood "Safety Zones" it DOUBLES. It is not unheard of to get a 300-600$ ticket in those zones. Warning to those visiting us, HWY 26 approaching Mt Hood is the most deadly stretch of road in all of OREGON. Head's Up!!

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UGH... that sux :(

Prayers for her (and other busted knee recipiants today)... for it to not be "serious".

It was a day of busted up people for sure !

Jiminy may as well be called the "SLOKEMO" of Mass from now on also.

I was tagged at 48 Mph comming down 360 (just for shizt and giggles) last sunday and was made mention of to me today by the "powers that be" that I ride too fast :rolleyes:. Oddly enough it felt like I was slower than I was going when I yardsaled hardcore earlier in the very same day on the trail next to it.............

What sux is "speed" isn't what hurts, its the small little things that we do that usualy get us messed up.

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that sux mang !

hang in there texarcana

Heavy Metal !

I hit the pavement pretty hard yesterday, skinned my knee bloody and the hardware in my radius ulna aches bad today.

It freaked out some joggers, eating it right in front of them :smashfrea

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I hope your wife is alright but as far as a crappy trip is concerned, it's going to happen sooner or later.

We went to Killington for three days this season. Day One, the mountain was closed due to high winds. Day Two was fine. Day Three, it rained. 10 hour drive there, 12 hour drive home in a raging snowstorm. The way I look at it, Mother Nature owes me one. Same for you, your next 20 trips will be uneventful because you've paid the price.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i hate surgery.... both of my parents have had ACL and MCL blowouts, i've torn a few tendons in my right knee (luckily no ligaments) and my little brother tore something in his knee a little while ago too.... our orthopedist is buying a new Benz this year...... good luck with your sister, at least it's not the middle of the season

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