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Is This A Great Barnyard Of A Country Or What? - POLITICAL

C5 Golfer

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oh yeah its wide spread for sure. I just thought it was funny to see him get caught since most politicians are putting on a big show of patriotism whether they give two ****s or not. Its almost refreshing to see Obama hanging it out there not even realizing the Gaff.:lol:

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Even tho we are all, except those in uniform, supposed to hold our right hand over the heart during the National Anthem, how many do you see do it at a sporting event each time that wonderful song is sung - even tho sometimes the artist butchers and mutilates a wonder piece that needs no improvement. But that is a topic for another discussion. :flamethro

{ All - defined as legal law abiding US citizens }

active duty personel in uniform should salute, out of uniform they should stand in the position of attention no hand on heart and no salute

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patriotism, most common in totalitarian regimes.

The US is somewhat unique in that respect.

we love to wave flags and ham it up.

Seem soviet to me sometimes.....

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I meant we are unique in that we are fairly free but worship our flag like a deity.

I am at a loss as to why that is. :confused:

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because canadians, swiss, kiwis, australians (well, they do a LITTLE), germans, swedes, fins and so on are not into it like we are.

In fascist regimes it was big, in communist countries too but generally not in free ones.

I love my country but I don't feel that I have to claim american superiority over the rest of the world.

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because canadians, swiss, kiwis, australians (well, they do a LITTLE), germans, swedes, fins and so on are not into it like we are.


I am not so sure about that Bob, I remember the last Olympics and when the 1st place Gold medal team from country X was on the podium and they were looking at their flag being raised and honored -- I saw tears of joy. I think they were into IT.


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different thing and bad example

I've seen people cry at the US open but I am sure it had little to do with where they were from.

I've had this same conversation with real live foreign people, that's where this observation comes from. Euros make fun of us for it.

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different thing and bad example

I've seen people cry at the US open but I am sure it had little to do with where they were from.

I've had this same conversation with real live foreign people, that's where this observation comes from. Euros make fun of us for it.

I'll give ya that Bob..It was not a very good example. And your face to face w/foreigners is prolly right on. My experience tells me a few countries with which I have had some insight/experience/visual would be the South Koreans and Thailand - I'd say they may understand the flag thing better than the Euros. I will never forget how the Koreans sent a soldier home in Vietnam compared to us. They escorted him with what appeared great honor and ensured he left Vietnam soil unharmed when it was his end of duty there. When any of us US Army guys left - it was So long , See ya.. be at the airport at XX:XX time. Where I was stationed was a joint base of US and S Koreans - I saw their departure quite often, they seem to be a very proud people.

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american exceptionalism apparently is the wikipedia word for it, pretty good write up.

and I just had to follow up and post this, <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mCDZMWVWuc"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mCDZMWVWuc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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that in most other countries loyalty is assumed and people don't feel the need to display it to thier fellow citizens. That might be seen as lack of patriotism by Americans who are used to wearing thier flag on their sleeve.

The unique history of the US, especially it's founding explain much of this difference, but to foreigners it seems very ott.

In the UK there is now seen to be more of a need to ensure immigrants are brought into the general society and pride in the country is part of that.


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A little late to the party, but I wanted to respond to the original post:

C5: I think your barnyard fable is intellectually dishonest, because it quite effectively shows why communism is unfair, but it implies that Democrats would agree with what happened here.

I don't think most Democrats would agree that it would be right to take wealth away from the hen, and redistribute it because the other 4 animals were purposely avoiding work and being lazy. Well, OK, liberals would probably want just enough bread to be taken and redistributed, so that everybody doesn't starve, and then maybe some more to put into programs to help the other 4 animals contribute better year, but than again most conservatives would probably also agree that letting them starve to death is not quite right either.

I think a bleeding heart liberal would write your parable as:

The little red hen came from a long line of chickens who all were in the bread-making business and knew everything about making bread. Also, she had 50 tons of bread from last year in the stock market.

The cow was a single mother, and needed to take care of her 3 kids and instill some good family values so her kids wouldn't get into rock and roll, drugs, and dungeons and dragons, so she worked as hard as she could but could only put in a few hours a day.

The duck grew up in a bad part of the barn, and didn't learn how to make bread very well. He tried to learn when he was a kid but his teacher sucked because none of the good teachers wanted to work in the bad part of the barn. Also, he spent most of his time outside of school dodging bullets and helping his brother get off of cocaine.

The pig was perfectly fine but was only given 60% of what everybody else was getting because pigs are dirty, and nobody likes dirty pigs.

The goose had tendonitis, and could work, but not for very long.

Then the hen organized them all together, and the other 4 animals worked hard making the bread while the hen sat back and occasionally yelled out instructions, but mostly was watching the bread she'd had from last year growing into more bread on the stock market while she went snowboarding in Aspen.

And when all the bread was made the hen took most of it, because she'd been in charge of the whole production, and everybody else got just enough to survive on, except for the pig, who only got 60% of the bread per hour worked because pigs are dirty, and nobody likes dirty pigs, and the goose and the cow because they didn't work enough hours. And none of them made enough bread to put on the stock market for next year. That winter, the pig, goose, and cow starved to death, the duck had to sell her wedding ring to the hen for some extra bread but made it through OK, and the hen made about 10% on the market plus the extra bread profits from this year's production.

Oh, and Bush sucks!


I'm sure there are some far left people (e.g. pure communists) who believe that even in the case of your original parable, wealth should be redistributed evenly, and there are some far right people who would believe that even in the case of my stupid parable that no help should come to the other 4 animals, and if they were appropriately self sufficient they would move to another barn where they'd be treated better, or start up their own bread company, despite having no knowledge or resources to make it happen.

But in general, I think it would be more useful discussing the realities what is actually going on in the country and debating what is right and wrong, rather than simplifying it down to a parable that isn't representative of anything.

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I am a conservative, redneck, democrat, libertarian, Christian, pro-life, Pro-choice, Buddhist, Deadhead and former NRA member. ( only 'cause I forgot to renew not because I am anti-NRA now )

Go figure that one out if you are into labels and boxes that fit neatly around your ideology.


i'm an ullrist who just wants the basic rights of choice, privacy, gun ownership & OMG the right to keep more than 75% of my income, c'mon, really, god only asked 10%.:AR15firin:flamethro

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But in general, I think it would be more useful discussing the realities what is actually going on in the country and debating what is right and wrong, rather than simplifying it down to a parable that isn't representative of anything.

:biggthump +1

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But in general, I think it would be more useful discussing the realities what is actually going on in the country and debating what is right and wrong, rather than simplifying it down to a parable that isn't representative of anything.

Here is what is happening in my world today now that I am over the flu. I went Golfing. Met up with some friends for a friendly game. One of them is 10 years older than I so I gave him 10 strokes, One of the other guys is a bit over weight and does not practice much so I gave him 14 strokes, The last one in our foursome has not had the opportunity to go to golf school and or lessons from a Pro but he does ok on the course so I gave him 8 strokes, I shot a 77 and had to cough up a few dollars and pay the heavy guy and I paid the old guy a buck.. So anyway we laughed and they all said "Tough Sh!t " when I said I gave too many strokes away today. :lol::lol:

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Here is what is happening in my world today now that I am over the flu. I went Golfing. Met up with some friends for a friendly game. One of them is 10 years older than I so I gave him 10 strokes, One of the other guys is a bit over weight and does not practice much so I gave him 14 strokes, The last one in our foursome has not had the opportunity to go to golf school and or lessons from a Pro but he does ok on the course so I gave him 8 strokes, I shot a 77 and had to cough up a few dollars and pay the heavy guy and I paid the old guy a buck.. So anyway we laughed and they all said "Tough Sh!t " when I said I gave too many strokes away today. :lol::lol:

That's all well and good, C5, but at the end of the day, who bought the beer?

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I'm always being asked my opinion on politics since I work for the local newspaper, photographer. "So what did you think of Pres. Bush's speach?" "Don't know, I was taking photos." "So what was the score at the UD game?" "Don't know, I was taking photos and left before it was over."

Truth be told I'm probably more out of the loop than most. I'm just there to take pictures. Below is a still frame from the local news 6 o'clock report, and below that is a shot I took of Bush walking across the tarmac.



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I'm always being asked my opinion on politics since I work for the local newspaper, photographer. "So what did you think of Pres. Bush's speach?" "Don't know, I was taking photos." "So what was the score at the UD game?" "Don't know, I was taking photos and left before it was over."

Truth be told I'm probably more out of the loop than most. I'm just there to take pictures.

I know the feeling. I occasionally act as a cameraman for a small production company put together by some friends to put together videos of motorsports type stuff. Yeah, it's cool cause we get passes and vests that allow us to go ANYWHERE as opposed to just spec. points and every drunken idiot is trying to get these stupid passes, but you don't see much from behind a camera. A rally car will go by and you hear "Who was that" on the radio and your answer is "I don't know, it was a blue subaru."

There is the perk of watching the collection later that night with some beverage and food.

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