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Lucky Charms?


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Does anyone here have any lucky charms that they take when they go snowboarding? Fess up...

Some people have lucky underwear, I have a pair of lucky firefighters pants. I totally wasn't wearing them when I fell and hurt myself earlier this season! I've learned my lesson. I'll be wearing my lucky firefighters pants when I get back on the horse this sunday.

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i had a pair of burton boxer shorts from the dawn of time

my father aquired them when he worked as a manager for a textile company, jake and his posse apparently showed up in a sweet black BMW and worked out a production contract

they havnt been washed to my knowledge, but i have since been unable to locate them

so my new lucky charm is a saint christophers necklace (patron saint of travelers)

im actually agnostic, but it was a gift from my sister, and i havnt died in a crash travelling down the mountain yet:biggthump

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No lucky charms for me. I do use a piece of glass on hill but I can ride without it - sometimes.

What is critical for me is that I absolutely have to put on my left boot first.

Once I was in a stupor, and put on my right first, realized what I had done, took it off and started over. Had a really great day. I probably would have crashed hard if I hadn't done that.

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No lucky charms for me. I do use a piece of glass on hill but I can ride without it - sometimes.

What is critical for me is that I absolutely have to put on my left boot first.

Once I was in a stupor, and put on my right first, realized what I had done, took it off and started over. Had a really great day. I probably would have crashed hard if I hadn't done that.

I'm pretty sure they have a name for that...


I don't think I have anything that I take with me (that doesn't have a purpose).

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  • 1 month later...
i have a small (about the size of a large marble)leather bag tied shut with sinew, containing 3 small turquoise nuggets that i have with me at all times as a protection against damage from falling. :D

it's called JAMESON buoy :D

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