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Bloody hell. USA's sure one hell of a "sue another" country.


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What a piece of ****. Seriously. I hope this guy catches some rare degenerative form of anal cancer that eats away at the rest of his body until all that remains is his shriveled-up and diseased sphincter, leaving no doubt to the world as to the nature of the man. What a ****ing looser.

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So an out of control 7 year old hit an old guy hard enough to dislocate his shoulder, tear his rotator cuff so badly he needed surgery, and cost him $75,000 in medical bills. (I'm sure that at 60, he had no or minimal medical coverage). So that's either one huge 7 year old, or a normal 7 year old travelling really fast. I'd be a little bent out of shape as well.

If the "kid" had been 15, it would have been a completely different story.

Why does the kid get off because "he's just a baby"? 7 years old is way old enough to know that you don't tear around the ski hill hitting people, the same as you don't run around the mall with a shopping cart running into people's legs. And if he doesn't know any better, then it's his parents fault for not teaching him any better, and maybe an insurance claim might teach them some parenting skills.

I'm totally over the whole culture of kids not being responsible for anything they do, and the whole "touch me not" thing. And if the kid is scared to go back on the ski hill - maybe that's a good thing - one less social menace for responsible skiers to look out for.

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That's what the parents say.

Tell me how someone can end up with a serious shoulder injury from a slow speed collision like they described with a 7 year old, and then tell me what's wrong with this picture. If what they say is true, they would have bumped, and the kid would have got squished - not the other way around.

Trailer's comment is right on - the lawsuit is aimed at the parents, and the rest is media sensationalism. Guess the courts get to sort out who's telling the truth.

I didn't read the link posted here - this was the one I read yesterday :


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So an out of control 7 year old hit an old guy hard enough to dislocate his shoulder, tear his rotator cuff so badly he needed surgery, and cost him $75,000 in medical bills. (I'm sure that at 60, he had no or minimal medical coverage). So that's either one huge 7 year old, or a normal 7 year old travelling really fast. I'd be a little bent out of shape as well.

If the "kid" had been 15, it would have been a completely different story.

Why does the kid get off because "he's just a baby"? 7 years old is way old enough to know that you don't tear around the ski hill hitting people, the same as you don't run around the mall with a shopping cart running into people's legs. And if he doesn't know any better, then it's his parents fault for not teaching him any better, and maybe an insurance claim might teach them some parenting skills.

I'm totally over the whole culture of kids not being responsible for anything they do, and the whole "touch me not" thing. And if the kid is scared to go back on the ski hill - maybe that's a good thing - one less social menace for responsible skiers to look out for.

c'mon. this guy has insurance, works for TV Guide or something. Sounds like he's hoping to win his own little "Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes" by getting a shady lawyer and hoping these locals will cough up.Beaver Creek is swanky but I think he wishes a different 7 year old cut him off and took him out.

Allee, if this kinda mentality creeps into the ski bizz, guess what happens ?

Suits galore, insurance goes up and lift tickets are $100 a pop.

Doesn't it say on the back of your lift ticket you're assuming a certain level of risk ? Go play golf in florida on your next vacation ,Mr Pfallus, don't trip over any kids building sand castles at the beach. :nono:


Skier feels heat over suing boy :lol:


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Allee, if this kinda mentality creeps into the ski bizz, guess what happens ?Suits galore, insurance goes up and lift tickets are $100 a pop.

Doesn't it say on the back of your lift ticket you're assuming a certain level of risk ? Go play golf in florida on your next vacation ,Mr Pfallus, don't trip over any kids building sand castles at the beach. :nono:

The OP got it right, and yes, the whole thing is stupid. Accidents do happen at ski resorts, and I for one would never go boarding without a helmet, armor, and insurance coverage. I even have emergency medical for when I board in BC (a two hour drive away) because my coverage is not applicable out of my own province. And I have run into people on the hill, and had people run into me.

Unfortunately, I think this sort of thing is already endemic in the ski bizz. For half the resorts, the liability isn't worth the paper it's written on. Which makes me think - why didn't this guy sue Beaver Creek as well? I thought you were supposed to cover all your bases. :-)

I just object to the whole attitude of children are perfect, innocent and blameless, and nobody should have a problem with anything they do. The media has played this angle to the hilt on this one. I've been hit by more kids than adults on the hill, and most of them laugh about it because they know they can get away with murder.

Just saying to all the morally outraged - maybe there are 2 sides to every story.

Out now. Told you I'd be unpopular.

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My son did the same thing to me - can I sue him for my broken ski?

isn't Stowe owned by AIC ? They may settle out of court for say....$1,400 plus mounting and a hot wax.

Allee, I could go on and on about all the near collisions, collisions and general rude behavior displayed on our local hill.They could put a little lawyer's booth next to the parking spot for the ambulance.

shame on this guy

baliff ! wack his pee pee !

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Tell me how someone can end up with a serious shoulder injury from a slow speed collision like they described with a 7 year old, and then tell me what's wrong with this picture.

Okay, simple. Consider a man who would grab a 7 year old and swear at him and threaten to sue him. I would not put it past that man to allow a harmless low speed collision (basically an invasion of his space) to send him into a rage. I can also imagine that man stewing and frothing about it for the rest of the day.... to the point where he becomes so distracted and careless about his own skiing and wrecks himself. Then he conveniently recalls the name of the kid who hit him and his father, and presto.

This guy is clearly insane. Kids are going to be kids. They make mistakes. Sh!t happens, especially on a ski hill. If you can't accept the risk, stay the hell home.

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You gotta remember, not all 60 y/os are as spry as the ones here on BOL. Just the act of falling can break bones. My grandma broke her pelvis when my uncles dog ran past her to get inside. My mom just slipped on ice and broke her ankle in 2 places. If the kid were to simply ski over the guys skis he may have tripped and landed on his shoulder.

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Grabbing a kid (or anyone for that matter) and shaking him while uttering threats of any kind constitutes AGGRAVATED FELONY ASSAULT in most states. Threatening anyone even without physical action while mentioning money is ATTEMPTED FELONY EXTORSION in most states.

This clown grabbed the kid shook him by the legs while making physical and monetary threats.

I think the kids parent's Should swear out a warrant for arrest for assault and have the bugger extradited to a Colorado jail cell. Then sue him back for damages and physical and emotional suffering from the assault. Because of this man's violence and lack of civil manners and self responsibilty a 3 grade child is now afraid to go skiing. I'd say that is probably worth $250,000 in a jury trial with an added 1,000,000 in punative damages.

This is what I think.

Grandfather Wolf

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This guy is clearly insane. Kids are going to be kids. They make mistakes. Sh!t happens, especially on a ski hill. If you can't accept the risk, stay the hell home.

Ok Jack -- I was going to stay out of this discussion because I do not have enough factual info until you said the above. Your last sentence in my gentle opinion is out of line. We all accept risks whether it be on the mountain or on the road getting there. Everyone young or old needs to accept responsibility for his or her actions and when they are minors the parents have to step up to the plate and accept that responsibility. I am not ready to give anyone a free ticket to be reckless just because I have to accept risk.

Sorry Jack - usually I agree with most of your fine commentary but not this time. :mad:

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some would say this is so irresponsible. The kid could wipe out hard, take down the laptop with him, smack his noggin on the door, etc

but he stomps it with confidence.....so cute yet unnnerving

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Ok Jack -- I was going to stay out of this discussion because I do not have enough factual info until you said the above. Your last sentence in my gentle opinion is out of line. We all accept risks whether it be on the mountain or on the road getting there. Everyone young or old needs to accept responsibility for his or her actions and when they are minors the parents have to step up to the plate and accept that responsibility. I am not ready to give anyone a free ticket to be reckless just because I have to accept risk.

Sorry Jack - usually I agree with most of your fine commentary but not this time. :mad:

You never made any mistakes as a kid? You never skied out of control? You never attempted a questionable pass without politely announcing "on your right"? If so, you were a way better kid than me.

I'm not saying give all kids a pass to do whatever they want, I'm just saying kids make mistakes. It's how we all grow up. Come on. A 7 year old simply does not have the same presence of mind nor judgment as an adult. They cannot be held accountable for the same things or at the same level as an adult.

Furthermore, I stand by what I said about risk. If you can't accept that people/kids are possibly going to crash into you on the ski hill, do something else. Yeah, in a perfect world it would never happen, but it does.

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