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Snowman Is Down

Thor VonRippington

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Docs decided to remove a large chunk of my colon (large intestine) due to a problem called diviticulitus. First 24 hours after surgery was defnately a pain in the ass. Not sure how long they intend to take away my snowboarding privledges but we will address that tomorrow. I might just be able to go home tomorrow also yea!!! Going to stay in Frisco close to the hospital for a few days before venturing back to Grand Lake. I am guessing that on snow activities are going to be curtailed for at least 3 week mabey longer but I still hope to make it to the UTAH carve ses with Fin. Ride safe and be well to all, see you soon.

Think Snow

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no unfortunately Im only 38, youngest case that they have seen in Summit County. It has put a major crimp in my style but the Docs assure me that a speedy and complete recovery it to be expected. Due to the associated weight loss with this problem I am going to have to start wearing flak jackets to bolster my weight in order the bend these big boy race stock boards that I so affectionately love.

Think Snow

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Get better soon Mark(and Curtis too ).I'll try to get down there late season and hope to ride with you then.Right now,it's holliday bunnyhill hell.In fact, if I don't go to Heaven,eternity will be nothing but rope tows and catwalks full of squeally never ever teenage girls wearing pink puffy jackets.

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Thanks for the kind words and well wishes. With any luck I might get to go home today!!! 5 days in the hospital is enough to drive just about anybody nuts. My guts feel like someone did a number with a kithen aid mix master but it is getting better every day. I can finally eat albiet very small portions and this is the second round of hospitalization and weight loss I have had to deal with. I am down to high school weight which I have not been in close to 20 years. I am sitting here in my room waiting for the Docs to come and poke me one last time before my departure, I look out the window and its sunny and cold last snow was yeasterday or the day before and I am shure that conditions at the Basin are incredible. I hope to be back in action in about 3 week but in the mean time everyone go out and burn some big turns on your big sticks for me. Be safe and looking forward to riding with everyone real soon.

Think Snow

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The good Doctor Lee has released me from the hopital. It feels good to be getting out of the bin. If you ever need medical help while in Summit County the hospital in Frisco has an excellent facility with excellent and beautiful staff and mountain views that can not be beat by any medical facility. They all took excellent care of me and the level of professionalism is unparrelled. Thank you Summit Medical Center for the excellent level of care the you have provided me.

Think Snow

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