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Heads up from Madd!

Guest Madd1

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What is that ugly kid graphic?? reminds me of those EMO dorks. I wouldnt ride a board with that on it!

and the 158 would buck you off it like the prom queen would kick off a member of the drama club at a keg party.

At the time, I'm sure it was before yours(think 1995) that graphic was hot **** and it DOES have a cooler story than most graphics on any snowboard. that graphic is much a part of Madd as the carbon butterfly.

When I see that graphic it brings back memories of the old days, I love it. I suppose that's a big part of them continuing to use it, those of us that were around back then remember and love it.

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and the 158 would buck you off it like the prom queen would kick off a member of the drama club at a keg party.

At the time, I'm sure it was before yours(think 1995) that graphic was hot **** and it DOES have a cooler story than most graphics on any snowboard. that graphic is much a part of Madd as the carbon butterfly.

When I see that graphic it brings back memories of the old days, I love it. I suppose that's a big part of them continuing to use it, those of us that were around back then remember and love it.

the prom queens a whore, I wouldn't be caught dead at a keg party,

and sure as hell wouldnt ride a stumpy 158!! :AR15firin

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Jesus, that 158 could rock your world if you gave it a shot.

those boards teach you good alpine riding habits and reward you when you give them powerful input like very few other boards.

for a couple of years my everyday board was a 190 and another season it was a 197 so I know how you feel about short boards but do your self a favor and if you're at the SES get on a madd 158, mount the bindings up front and ride the board powerfully.

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Bob speaks the truth. The 158, especially the classic one from the mid 90s is a nutty board. Super stable mid-GS size turns then ridiculous twitchy super compact turns BAM BAM BAM, all with the same board on rock hard conditions with loads of rebound when you want it but stable and solid at the same time. It demands 110% of your energy, especially when aggressively loading up the nose, but its certainly worth it. There is a reason people covet these little but dangerous boards. Your legs will burn at the end of each run!

Read Billy Bordy's take on it for a rider perspective who's had many many more boards under his feet than most any of us:


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What is that ugly kid graphic?? reminds me of those EMO dorks. I wouldnt ride a board with that on it!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :nono:

funniest part is that DB is serious about that remark. :freak3:

LeeW, I would pay a dollah to see DB take that board up to speed, attempt to rail a turn and get highsided and bounced into a snapped collar bone. :eplus2:

that little ugly kid will make you PAY for your EMo lack of respect and experience. :flamethro

Madds are awesome boards but DEMAND to be ridden like a sniper rifle. :AR15firin

can't wait to try some the new batch of Madds :1luvu:

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What is that ugly kid graphic?? reminds me of those EMO dorks. I wouldnt ride a board with that on it!
... sure as hell wouldnt ride a stumpy 158!! :AR15firin

Why don't you go back to making stickers and let the rest of us who have half a ****ing clue talk about boards.

I'm 6' 230lbs and the Madd 158 is the only board under 170 I would ever consider...I've ridden several of them, including an original, and I can say without exception it is the best designed board I have ever been on. I will pick up another soon...

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I used to be a longboard snob. Until I tried an '06 158. Bought an '07 afterwards. I love that board. If you crave that zero-g feeling between turns, this is your fix. On steep ice where you absolutely, positively, have to get the carve done, accept no immitations. Sugarloaf's steepest stuff - White Nitro below the crosscut, upper Gondi Line, Sluice headwall, Cribworks, Flume - this is the kingdom of the 158.

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I used to be a longboard snob. Until I tried an '06 158. Bought an '07 afterwards. I love that board. If you crave that zero-g feeling between turns, this is your fix. On steep ice where you absolutely, positively, have to get the carve done, accept no immitations. Sugarloaf's steepest stuff - White Nitro below the crosscut, upper Gondi Line, Sluice headwall, Cribworks, Flume - this is the kingdom of the 158.

Or a vintage 162 beamer freash out of some dudes car hole, :eplus2: ;) :p :D

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IIRC, there's a pretty good story behind the MADD kid. I won't even try to tell it as I'm sure I would butcher it beyond repair.

I think the boards look amazing - probably just because I can't imagine how fun they are to ride.

Could u tell me the story of it? Ive always liked that logo/artwork.

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LeeW, I would pay a dollah to see DB take that board up to speed, attempt to rail a turn and get highsided and bounced into a snapped collar bone. :eplus2:

that little ugly kid will make you PAY for your EMo lack of respect and experience. :flamethro

Madds are awesome boards but DEMAND to be ridden like a sniper rifle. :AR15firin

can't wait to try some the new batch of Madds :1luvu:

well, dude, if he's insisting to use soft boots on MLY board he just acquired, i really dont think he'll even be able to dial in at least 10% wif hardboots. Takes mad skill to even stand up on that board with hardboots for a n00b.

tho i did find ur bet hilarious!!

sorry for hijacking -- i really think the word "emo" is retarded itself. But thats me, im old school punk-ass. im sure youve seen pix Fin posted of me and him posing as Danzig/Misfits and Bono. :)

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Little surprise, seeing as you also liked that old avatar of yours!

good meeting you last week.


hahaha, yeah, totally, man, was nice to meet you, too!! I sorta relied on Michelle's "vouch" on people, and when she just grabbed you for a nice hug, I just knew you'd be a cool suave dude, too (well, except for the boston red sox shirt thing -smirk-). Hope to see you again in near future. SES? I honestly dont think Ill be able to go knowing how anal-retentive my terrain park boss is about me taking a week off to rail in.

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Why don't you go back to making stickers and let the rest of us who have half a ****ing clue talk about boards.

I'm 6' 230lbs and the Madd 158 is the only board under 170 I would ever consider...I've ridden several of them, including an original, and I can say without exception it is the best designed board I have ever been on. I will pick up another soon...

Well I'd rather listen to people who have a whole clue, A$$holes can keep their opinions to themselves :rolleyes:

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well, dude, if he's insisting to use soft boots on MLY board he just acquired, i really dont think he'll even be able to dial in at least 10% wif hardboots. Takes mad skill to even stand up on that board with hardboots for a n00b.

tho i did find ur bet hilarious!!

sorry for hijacking -- i really think the word "emo" is retarded itself. But thats me, im old school punk-ass. im sure youve seen pix Fin posted of me and him posing as Danzig/Misfits and Bono. :)

BWAHHHH ha ha... OK sure, takes "mad skill" Not sure which board you're refering to the MLY or the Madd, not that it matters.

But dont Put words in my mouth, Im experimenting, But I guess you are %100 right all of the time, right?? right?? So why dont you just tell me which is the best board set up for me, please, really id like to know. Cause im just so ingnorant.... what are hard boots??? wheres the board for my other foot??

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is there a dunce cap around for this guy?


how old are you? Not that age is the only thing that indicates maturity but I was just wondering.

Seriously though, it's all your loss not getting on the 158.

Oh age is never an indicator of maturity, but hey this is the internet; right whilly$hit?

Well being a jackass certainly isnt going to help convince me, dont you think?

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Dude you really need to walk away from your computer for a bit.

We get it that your young, I have cut you a ton a slack for just that reason.

Its one thing to be on this forum to learn Its another to insult others who are in the know.

How much are you learning by personal insults and name calling??

May be you should have done the race for the cup, It seem to me you could us some real world experance.

Play Nice or don't play, We all have no problem placing you on the Ignore list, I am sure thats not what you want.

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Oh age is never an indicator of maturity, but hey this is the internet; right whilly$hit?

Well being a jackass certainly isnt going to help convince me, dont you think?

If you're calling me a jackass you ought to grow up a little. I've cut you allot of slack as well as tried to be fairly polite.

FYI my comment about the 158 bucking you off was not saying you can't ride just saying it's a board that demands allot from the rider.

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If you're calling me a jackass you ought to grow up a little. I've cut you allot of slack as well as tried to be fairly polite.

FYI my comment about the 158 bucking you off was not saying you can't ride just saying it's a board that demands allot from the rider.

No I wasnt refering to you I was refering to Tex.

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Dude you really need to walk away from your computer for a bit.

We get it that your young, I have cut you a ton a slack for just that reason.

Its one thing to be on this forum to learn Its another to insult others who are in the know.

How much are you learning by personal insults and name calling??

May be you should have done the race for the cup, It seem to me you could us some real world experance.

Play Nice or don't play, We all have no problem placing you on the Ignore list, I am sure thats not what you want.

With the exception of a couple of instances, I wasnt calling anyone names, theres, a difference between calling someone a name and decribing what they are being like.

If someone wants to get an idea across, being a jerk about it will only meet that idea with resistance(not just from me).

I follow the golden rule as much as anyone, forgive me for not being as nice when someone isnt as nice to me.

Could you define "real world experience"?

BTW I sent you an email yesterday.

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We get it that your young, I have cut you a ton a slack for just that reason.

Sadly, he is not (I would speculate early 30's). I think his issues are more related to a lack of maturity!

He just wants to ask questions and then argue with everyone when they give a response. :confused:

Do yourself a favor and put him on your ignore list.


Sorry for the hijack MaddMike. The new boards look great. This thread has made me very interested in a 158. :D

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Sadly, he is not (I would speculate early 30's). I think his issues are more related to a lack of maturity!

He just wants to ask questions and then argue with everyone when they give a response. :confused:

Do yourself a favor and put him on your ignore list.


Sorry for the hijack MaddMike. The new boards look great. This thread has made me very interested in a 158. :D

WHOA your a few years off there!

Funny, comming from you DT, you've shown few examples of imaturity yourself. Cant wait till we meet up! :1luvu:

Lets everyone one jump on the bandwagon! :lurk:

Hey I suck, can I put my self on ignore?

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