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noah/dan, all true stuff. however, as noah just pointed out its not just running. dr d made running sound like it was the only sport to do this. people use excuses like these to not do something. kinda like when women say they dont want to lift weights cause they dont want to "bulk up" when in fact they are so far from working out enough to get there its humorous. for the goal of most involved here they really dont have to worry that running is going to burn all their muscle away.

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I'm in....

I find if I don't have an organized sport to force me to practice and compete I'm pretty much worthless. So I try to take advantage of semi-competitive/collaborative stuff like this to help keep me focused.

One of my problems with 2 small kids is finding the time. So with the season upon us and sales climbing I've had to split days in the gym with days at home.

Since my wife is a CPT she bought us a TRX for home workouts. I laughed when I first saw it and thought it was a waste of money, I don't laugh anymore. There is a lot you can do with these. You can get a great cardio/resistance train in 20 minutes. You will feel your core getting stronger by the workout.

Agreed with Kent: I also found the Max incline on the treadmill kicks my heart rate and sweat production up faster than level 8-10 running does. And the sauna can't be beat for post workout relaxin.

I'm getting in really good shape, but the wine parties are killing me. Once I shut down on those I think I'll drop pretty quick.

Weigh in: 224

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I'm in....

I find if I don't have an organized sport to force me to practice and compete I'm pretty much worthless. So I try to take advantage of semi-competitive/collaborative stuff like this to help keep me focused.

One of my problems with 2 small kids is finding the time. So with the season upon us and sales climbing I've had to split days in the gym with days at home.

Since my wife is a CPT she bought us a TRX for home workouts. I laughed when I first saw it and thought it was a waste of money, I don't laugh anymore. There is a lot you can do with these. You can get a great cardio/resistance train in 20 minutes. You will feel your core getting stronger by the workout.

Agreed with Kent: I also found the Max incline on the treadmill kicks my heart rate and sweat production up faster than level 8-10 running does. And the sauna can't be beat for post workout relaxin.

I'm getting in really good shape, but the wine parties are killing me. Once I shut down on those I think I'll drop pretty quick.

Weigh in: 224

I have two small kids too and I blame them completely for me getting out of shape. If only they knew. :eplus2:

Quitting beer has been good for the waistline for me. FYI from what i have read, wine ( at least red wine) does not seem to produce purines which can affect your joints. I am still learning on this and if someone knows better or finds out let me/us know.

Good to have you along. Since I can't find another Frontier I may have to break down and get a Tanker this winter. :biggthump

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My boys are turning two and four this week.I credit them with keeping me in shape.I'm not taking part in the challenge as I am not looking to lose weight , so I will get the heck out of this thread after saying just a couple more things.I can understand that it often is not pratical to have one's kids around when embarking on a fitness program,but the most successful way to get and stay fit is to work fitness time into lifestyle.With kids it is a great opportunity to spend time with them and get in shape.For example ,my four year old rides his little bike fast enough to require a fair amount of aerobic effort on my part to keep up while running.His two year old little brother is often along in a jogger.Of course there is the ever present bike trailer,skiing and riding with them,wrestling with them chasing them around,and on and on.Maybe it's easier said than done,but kids can be a great catalyst to better fitness.With the people I train it often seems society has us believing otherwise.

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Yeah. My dad stopped being in shape for many reasons. We tried learning how to snowboard together and he couldn't get off the ground because he was out of shape. I'm too fast on my skis with him on his, so now I snowboard and he skis but even with that now he gets tired really quickly. It's kind of sad and depressing. :-(

I haven't done too well on the exercise front this month. I planned on swimming once a week (I set a low bar) and I've swum once. I've been sick for the other weeks though and I think I actually lost weight which wouldn't be good.

Time to go out and be a fool!

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I'll join in here. I wasn't activley trying to lose weight, but I've started to anyway.


Stopped eating in the Zoo (employee cafe, it's "the zoo" because you're never sure what's behind the glass) and been hitting the PB&J for dinner instead

Started making my own meals in bulk at home so I can zap one of them instead of getting a burger and fries from the deli

Stopped eating so damn much

Started riding/skiing every morning before work

Started taking the dog out for walks again

I lost 5-6 pounds last week, my first week of doing this stuff. Just enough so that I can't go down a pants size, but enough that I need a belt. The other benefits started kicking in on tuesday or so...increased energy (and the increased appetite to go with it :smashfrea ), I'm more focused, I've been able to quit caffene, etc.

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This week kind of stunk for me. I got stung on the side of the face by a ??hornet? :mad:

Ddin't even know there were still out. Not usually allergic to these things. Started reacting a bit, so took benadryl, benadryl cream on bite but by Tuesday my face was quite swollen and right eye swollen shut. Felt like crap all week and haven't done much. Better now, just in time to finish tiling the new bath surround this weekend, but there will be a couple of workouts this weekend.

Just my check in hope everyone gets out this weekend.

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in florida?


Here's my 1st attempt at a pix video....comparing my 1st Ironman with Ironman #9.

They never should have allowed me to race my first Ironman as I was completely out of shape....then again, round is a shape. Right?

FWIW - I was much faster on a snowboard as a fatass.

I had a lil problem at my last Ironman, so the only goal in Florida was to cross the finish line.....


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Terry!

Been having lots and lots of fun with these workouts. Did six weeks on a combo of hypertrophy and fat loss (one day of each, day off, one day of each and weekend off). Shaped up the legs and the aerobic system something killer.

I picked up one of the girls in the gym as a workout partner and we're currently doing hypertrophy II Mon, Wed and Fri. Which is rather ... um ... interesting. I'm used to putting in a lot more workload but it certainly seems to be doing something, if the sore muscles are anything to go by!!

Finished school last night so I can start doing some work on the stationary bike from next week onwards to get the cardio back up. I'll be on this program until Xmas, and then for the new year I think I'll mix the fat loss and strength programs. Should be fun!

Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this program - I needed an change badly and this has been awesome.

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