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Loveland Report for all of you Coloradans

big mario

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Got out for the first day this season today, and got in about 10,000 vertical before the jacka$$ factor got too high. Coverage at my favorite local resort was very nice. Spillway and Richards were added in addition to catwalk, mambo, and homerun,and the rest of the mountain was looking really white. If The next storm drops as much as predicted, I'm thinking 2 and 6 will be open,and quite possibly 4 By next weekend, not too bad for this early in the season. If what I was overhearing in the lift line is any indication, A-Basin sacrificed a lot of quality in order to be first. I did not see any rocks, and coverage was run wide, not the usual white ribbon of death. By the way, it was windy. I wouldn't want any of the regulers to be disappointed. :biggthump


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Thanks for the report Mario. Snowman and I rode A-Basin yesterday which had one run (not even 1,000 vert) and one lift. It looked like the upper lift was getting close to being able to open. Sounds like Lovey has a lot more going on.

Let me know when it gets good at Loveland. I grabbed a 4 pack so I could chase you guys aroung up there this year.

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It is snowing at about 3000 feet and did last night as I can see the foothills around our town.There's been talk of an early opening at Lookout Mtn if it keeps coming. The cable is up on new lift but has yet to be fully tested.They

might wait to open for the completion of that lift but would not need to for regular operation.Sorry about the thread intrusion,your reports are just getting me excited.Come on snow!!

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I talked to two of the riders, Matt, and I didn't catch the other guys name. I was quite pleased with how I rode yesterday, because I have not spent that much time getting ready this year. I hav'nt even been riding my skateboard.

Pete is up there now,and from what I can see from the cams It looks like its still snowing.I will get a report from him later. No bigge Steve, hopefully you'll be riding soon.


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I have a strange mix of envy and a desire to hold on to summer a little longer. It's going to be 65 degrees F here tomorrow, I think I'll drive my S2000 to work with the top down! :D

Ski areas don't open here in the prairies for another month and a half, then it'll be -40 here by February. :rolleyes:

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Broke out the 186 speedster today for day two. Rode spillway and richards, two trails that have intimidated me in the past, with power speed and beauty

(well maybe not beauty) I'm thinking I like bigger boards. Conditions were much better than I expected given the warm temps and lack of cloud cover since last monday. The only downside is the increase in ski teams starting their early season training. Nothing like afew b-liners to keep you on your toes.


P.S. Hey Thor,

I talked to Dustin while he was at Bola's carassing that which you covet.

just thought I would let you know, she's a 'ho :eplus2:

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Broke out the 186 speedster today for day two. Rode spillway and richards, two trails that have intimidated me in the past, with power speed and beauty

(well maybe not beauty) I'm thinking I like bigger boards. Conditions were much better than I expected given the warm temps and lack of cloud cover since last monday. The only downside is the increase in ski teams starting their early season training. Nothing like afew b-liners to keep you on your toes.


P.S. Hey Thor,

I talked too Dustin while he was at Bola's carassing that which you covet.

just thought I would let you know, she's a 'ho :eplus2:

She'll be a ho when I say she's a ho!

... until then she's a sweet innocent virgin and you filthy manwhores need to keep your dirty mitts off her! :nono::AR15firin

As for the 186... has to be one of the funest GSer I've been on.. very lively yet super smooth. But.. mine is still for sale.. must move on.

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She'll be a ho when I say she's a ho!

Well Stan, sorry to disappoint................ I didn't have to ask twice. :D Maybe you should reconsider anyway, I heard that she has an "infection," if you know what I'm talking about.

All I can say about Bola's is that place is a effing candy store.

- Swallowtails from: Nitro, Rossi, Prior, APO

- Pintails from: Prior and Dupraz

- Metal alpine boards from: Virus, Kessler (that nose is funky!), SG, Nidecker and he has some spots reserved to order Coilers

- And alpine boards from the above plus many others.

It is hard to walk out of there empty handed! :eplus2:

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Well Stan, sorry to disappoint................ I didn't have to ask twice. :D Maybe you should reconsider anyway, I heard that she has an "infection," if you know what I'm talking about.

I'm telling Shelly! You and BM shouldn't spread your drool around like that.

It is hard to walk out of there empty handed!

... Did you?

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What do you have to say for yourself DT?

I got Metal! I will say that the Nidecker Carbon/Titanal was very tempting considering the price. Might have to consider one in the future once they have a bit of a track record.

The D1 is of the 5'5" variety. ;) The D1+ was temping though.

Shelly also picked up a 160cm Khyber last night (to compliment her 150 Khyber and 156 Magestic) and has the Coiler coming (to compliment her Proto). Plus she still has two other boards; she's as bad as I am. :D

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