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Broken Pelvis


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Last Saturday I suffered a broken pelvis at Loon. We picked up about 10inches of fresh snow that had a funky wind packed consistency. I was charging a fresh powder line down the skiers right edge of a trail. After straighlining for a bit I went into some quick slalom carves through the powder. Next thing I know, I buried my nose and was instantly catapulted into the woods. I must've flown 20 feet through the air!!! I was heading towards a tree, but luckily I missed it by a few inches and hip checked a rotten stump. The impact was so traumatic that the stump was decimated into a pile of bark & woodchips. I instantly knew that I broke my hip or femur because I couldn't move my left leg. Luckily my back, neck, internals, and head (thank you helmet!!) were all OK. I'm very, very lucky because if I hit the tree rather than the stump my injuries would've been catastrophic. My wife was skiing with me so she was on the scene instantly, but thankfully (for her peace of mind) she didn't see the accident.

Anyways, I was in the hospital for 5 days on a morphine drip. My surgery went great. The doctor performed a percutaneous procedure where he inserted 3 screws into the pelvis through 3 tiny 1cm incisions that are now covered by bandaids. Prognosis is good because of my age. Crutches for the next 4-6 weeks, pool therapy, bike, then weights for the next several months. It may be a pipe dream, but the doc is very optimistic that I'll be riding again. I'll take his word!!! :biggthump

Many thanks to Team 32 for the phone calls, emails, & visits. Team rules say a vacant slot must remain open for fellas on the IR. Also, mad props to Stevo & his wife for helping out after the accident & for delicately pulling off my boots!!!

For those interested, here are some pics of the CT scan of my fractures. The first pic is a groin shot. The second pic is a 180 rotation of the first--a hip shot with the femur digitally removed. I highlighted the fractures with red lines. I won't post the post-surgery pics of my screws. JD almost puked when he saw 'em.

Anyone else ever suffer a broken pelvis??



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Dang, Enzo, sorry to hear this. As a fellow bone breaker myself, I can tell you the good news is you'll heal up fine and 100%. Bones heal real nice.

No pelvis but I have done the left femur due to a tree and I getting cozy. Once again, long recovery, but fully functional when done.

Good luck!

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Dang !!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear that !!!!!!!

On the up side/ winter is almost over!!!!!!!

With a injury like that all I can say is------------- MILK IT !!!!

Breakfast & newspaper in bed / full control of the remote / no driving, no yard work for a yr!

No honey do's for at least 6 months !

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh & you know Indulge in things that take your mind off the PAIN !!!!!!!! :eplus2:

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Sorry to hear about your injuries bro. In January '98 I got stuck toeside on in a GS course and got a tree. I ended up with a shattered right pelvis that luckily didn't affect the socket, all above it, kidney in 3 pieces, lacerated liver, 2 broken ribs and a broken back. No surgery luckily, doc said "lay there, you will heal". My recommendation is to do everything that your doc, and PT say to do and don't try to make an early comeback. That is just an extended period of recuperation waiting to happen. I was back riding the next season but my mind never came back to attacking a course like I needed to.

Heal well and you will ride again.


I had a friend who broke his pelvis similar to yours and he is back riding also but he was only 19 when his happened.

Keep us informed of your progress.

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No turns on powder days.


Bola is serious about the no turns part, he just straightlines pow as long as nothing is in his way!

Bola turns? :p

sorry, you know I had to!

On a much more serious note, get well soon Enzo.


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Are there cracks thru the articulating surface-thru the acetabulum? If so does this increase your chances of arthritis later on? Pretty cool they could just pop the screws in without a lot of cutting, gotta be was faster recovery. I never used to think of broken bones....now I think "speed kills" all of the time LOL! Good luck on the healing :)

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Look at all the friggen red lines! I still feel sick thinking about that day...I have been riding like a girlyman ever since:(

Next season we'll finish off that run except please don't be dancing down the sidelines at 40mph....save that for the bunyan room;) Really glad you are doing well...care package on the way with some nutritional suppliments:biggthump

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The pain has been very manageable with painkillers every 4 hours. Even immediately after my accident while lying on the snow, as long as I didn't move my left leg, the pain was somewhat tolerable. If my leg moved, it obviously killed. The worst part now is just stiffness & discomfort in my thigh/butt area from sitting or sleeping in the same position for hours on end. I'm on a blood thinner to help reduce the chance of blood clots. Every day I'm getting more mobile with crutches around the house.

The more I research my injury, the more I realize how lucky I am. The pelvis is a tough bone to fracture. Since it takes such a traumatic, high-impact accident to break it, often times it's accompanied by internal bleeding or severe internal organ damage. I have no other additional injuries, except maybe a sprained knee.

Stevo--I'm like a meth addict when I see pow. I can't resist charging when there's an open shot down the line. No regrets!! Again BIG thanks for your help!!!

Bola--I usually subscribe to the "No Turns" philosophy on pow days as well. I guess I got cocky and thought I could hot doggit with some carves. D'oh!!! what was I thinking??

Fastski--the fractures did crack through to the socket, but the doc says things tightened up nicely after inserting the screws. I am at risk for arthritis & cartilage damage, but won't know for about a year. I've been taking a heavy dose of glucosamine/chondroitin for the past 5 years for my knees. I'm hoping this significantly reduces my chances for future hip joint issues.

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The more I research my injury, the more I realize how lucky I am. The pelvis is a tough bone to fracture. Since it takes such a traumatic, high-impact accident to break it, often times it's accompanied by internal bleeding or severe internal organ damage. I have no other additional injuries, except maybe a sprained knee.

One school of thought is that it takes a lot of energy to snap that pelvis so maybe there's a little less to damage your spleen, bladder, or whatever. Hope the ol' hip is nearly as good as new in a few months-especially that articulating part! Good luck again :)

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look on the bright side your pelvis was in the same three pieces until you were fully mature anyway? :biggthump

pretty impressive CT just be glad the bones did their job and protected the soft important stuff inside them!

Feel better quick man

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Sorry to hear about your pelvis... I fractored a hip years ago, never notice it riding. I hope you heal stronger then before the stump. I have also flown inverted through the trees at loon very scary.....

Best of luck

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Fastski--the fractures did crack through to the socket, but the doc says things tightened up nicely after inserting the screws. I am at risk for arthritis & cartilage damage, but won't know for about a year. I've been taking a heavy dose of glucosamine/chondroitin for the past 5 years for my knees. I'm hoping this significantly reduces my chances for future hip joint issues.

I take the same stuff, youll do great. (I order online if you need a cheap supply)

I almost took out a snowgun the other day.. thank god they left the hay bails there.

welcome to the hardwear club. :)

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