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Grumpy old fart..


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Have this issue with a patroler at our local mountain. I've run into him (not actually) a few times. Each time he's had nothing but snide remarks about snowboarders. This morning he kept going on and on while in the lift line, and even on the lift up the hill. I was in the chair in front of him, and could feel him burning holes in my back, and hear his remarks quite clearly.

I'm reluctant to confront him on his perceived issue with me. I know not all of the patrolers feel that way, and there are a few knuckle draggers who patrol our hill too. I can't imagine he treats colleagues like this.

I just had signed up to train as patrol last weekend. I'm not going to let this idiot stop me, but it does give me pause.

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Have this issue with a patroler at our local mountain. I've run into him (not actually) a few times. Each time he's had nothing but snide remarks about snowboarders. This morning he kept going on and on while in the lift line, and even on the lift up the hill. I was in the chair in front of him, and could feel him burning holes in my back, and hear his remarks quite clearly.

I'm reluctant to confront him on his perceived issue with me. I know not all of the patrolers feel that way, and there are a few knuckle draggers who patrol our hill too. I can't imagine he treats colleagues like this.

I just had signed up to train as patrol last weekend. I'm not going to let this idiot stop me, but it does give me pause.

I am a grumpy old fart too.. My question is have you asked him about it or confronted him in a positive sense?

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Have this issue with a patroler at our local mountain. I've run into him (not actually) a few times. Each time he's had nothing but snide remarks about snowboarders. This morning he kept going on and on while in the lift line, and even on the lift up the hill. I was in the chair in front of him, and could feel him burning holes in my back, and hear his remarks quite clearly.

I'm reluctant to confront him on his perceived issue with me. I know not all of the patrolers feel that way, and there are a few knuckle draggers who patrol our hill too. I can't imagine he treats colleagues like this.

I just had signed up to train as patrol last weekend. I'm not going to let this idiot stop me, but it does give me pause.

Maybe you could take some suppositories by the patrol shack. If he thinks the problem may be something else other than he is not regular and thus full of s--t, then ask him whats up?

Some people have huge attitudes about snowboarders. Still.

I guess you could also take the high road, but what fun would that be. I do like my suppository idea. Good luck.

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I think what he is doing is hiding the fact that you are a better boarder than he is a skier and he is insecure. What you should do is join the patrol and strive to be a better first aider too then he will go ballistic and make an ass out of himself .

Myself being a board patroller, get ribbed all the time. But it all comes down to one thing. They cant even come close to carving like we do. Also, I get more complements on my riding that put downs so I don't care.

Ps: Don't let one assho le get in you way to be a patroller. If it becomes a problem you can take it up with the Patrol leader and he will deal with it.

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If you work hard and set a good example, he may be willing to change his tune.

I went on a mountain tour on the weekend with an "old fart" who was busy telling the rest of the chair (all skiers) that all snowboarders were irresponsible morons, how they were ruining the resort, how one ran him down, blah blah. We ended the day with me running rails through the tree islands, him cutting powder 8's behind my carves, and singing my praises about my control, great attitude and amazing riding (not so much, but hey, he was impressed).

I know it's aggravating, but sometimes it pays to bite the tongue... be the bigger man and show him that some of us are actually okay.

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If you work hard and set a good example, he may be willing to change his tune.

I went on a mountain tour on the weekend with an "old fart" who was busy telling the rest of the chair (all skiers) that all snowboarders were irresponsible morons, how they were ruining the resort, how one ran him down, blah blah. We ended the day with me running rails through the tree islands, him cutting powder 8's behind my carves, and singing my praises about my control, great attitude and amazing riding (not so much, but hey, he was impressed).

I know it's aggravating, but sometimes it pays to bite the tongue... be the bigger man and show him that some of us are actually okay.

I take it you figured out the new donek?


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C5 Golfer: I am a grumpy old fart too.. My question is have you asked him about it or confronted him in a positive sense?

Hah, no problem here with old farts, even the grumpy ones. Just using it as a pejorative to describe this one. In my case I'm citing a particular example. Where as I don't dislike all grumpy old farts, he seems to think of all snowboarders as vile examples of humanity.

And no, I have yet to confront him in any manner. I'm not even sure I care to waste breath on it. I doubt my sunshine and roses attitude can sway his deep seated hate. I did try to ride the lift with him today, but he stood back like a spoiled child with his hands at his side, making me ride the lift on my own.

Of course I was deeply hurt and damaged by this. :rolleyes:

edit..(Qualifier... I consider myself a grumpy old fart in training, just hit 33 last week.)

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Call him on it. You dont need to take that kind of crap. I would also have a discussion with his supervisoror the head of the patrol. If he is creating this kind of negative experience, not only with you but other paying customers, his employer needs to know. If it is just with you, call his bluff and ask him what his specific problem is. If it is with boarding, tell him it is perfectly legal and that as a paying customer you would expect him to keep his smart comments to himself. I am surprised his co-workers let him get awat with it. when I pay to recreate, I want to enjoy it, not let some tool ruin it due to his sexual frustration (even if it is with himself, how frustrating is that?) :AR15firin

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That was a good idea to go on the lift with him. The big problem is you want to join a group of which he is a member, otherwise you'd have lots of options.

But I've gotta laugh, I can't stand snowboarders either! Probably it's just fear but that straight running/can't turn/can't stop bugs me when I'm skiing along but positively infuriates me when skiing with my wife. She skies slowly, she's a "risk averse" person, she's on blood thinner, so when out of control boarders shoot by, I get scared....and angry. Of course, this can (and does) apply to skiers too and obviously people who can control where they are going are not in this group.

So maybe this guy is in charge of safety at the hill (ski patrol, right?). He's crusty, older, maybe not the most accepting of "new" ideas. He's seen accidents, maybe had a close call himself with a straight liner. So everybody gets tarred with the same brush. Maybe he was a bully in grade school...or got beat up by one a lot, who knows?

So maybe trying to get on the lift with him would be a good idea. 'Course it looks like he's going to try to avoid that but it would be fun to try. You could be like "Snowboarders....I can't stand'em either. Can't turn, can't stop, bugs the hell out of me" or something, then you'd quickly find out if he's gonna get along or not.

Hah, no problem here with old farts, even the grumpy ones. Just using it as a pejorative to describe this one. In my case I'm citing a particular example. Where as I don't dislike all grumpy old farts, he seems to think of all snowboarders as vile examples of humanity.

And no, I have yet to confront him in any manner. I'm not even sure I care to waste breath on it. I doubt my sunshine and roses attitude can sway his deep seated hate. I did try to ride the lift with him today, but he stood back like a spoiled child with his hands at his side, making me ride the lift on my own.

Of course I was deeply hurt and damaged by this. :rolleyes:

edit..(Qualifier... I consider myself a grumpy old fart in training, just hit 33 last week.)

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Get him drunk and dress him up in mid 90's snowboard gear (especially the jester hat).

Take photos of him in compromising positions (propped up with a doob and a copy of TWS).

Show him the photos, with the attendant threats of exposure.

Personally, I'd have a really hard time not letting him know how weak his attitude is.

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Hey, the dinosaurs used to rule the Earth too...he'll be gone soon. :cool:

If he's a mountain employee and is really a PITA, I'd complain to management about his attitude and tell them how much it bothers you. He's affecting the enjoyment of half the people on the hill EVERY day.

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I agree with wavechaser 100%. It is only common sense not to have employees, even volunteer employees, that are prejudice against any patron, especially one in the position of a patroller. Service to a snowboarder could be compromised by that patroller be it conscious or unconscious. I would inform management. If he is making you uncomfortable, it is probably making others uncomfortable as well. There is NO EXCUSE for behavior like that. :nono: If that doesn't help the matter, slash his tires, :eplus2: just kidding again.

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