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Camel pack funk


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Dear Forumites,

While I love clean crisp water, and the idea of good hydration, can't anyone invent a synthetic water bag / hose that doesn't turn water into a foul chemical elixer? Has anyone succesfully treated / pickled a camel pack bag and rid themselves of this displeasure? I have tried sugar water, lemon juice, vinagar, still, and I am still left with the same aromatic polyvinyl funk.



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I got one last summer for cycling, and it still tastes nothing. I only put water in it, nothing else. After each ride, I rinse it thouroughly and leave it to dry upside down with something in the opening so water can escape (mine has a fold over type closure).

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I've replaced the bladders in all mine with Platypus bladders from REI. Its a much better solution. I always hate the plastic taste from Camelback bladders. The Platypus ones are made with food grade plastic and impart no taste to the water. Plus they make one with a big zip lock end that's super easy to clean and they come in various sizes. Regardless of size, they all accept the same hose connection. Now I just buy backpacks that will hold a bladder and use the Platypus. Or sometimes I just put a smaller platypus bladder into a big pocket (or the rear pocket) in my jacket. It works great.


FYI, Steep and Cheap has a Camelback Snowblast on sale right now for $34.

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Dear Forumites,

While I love clean crisp water, and the idea of good hydration, can't anyone invent a synthetic water bag / hose that doesn't turn water into a foul chemical elixer? Has anyone succesfully treated / pickled a camel pack bag and rid themselves of this displeasure? I have tried sugar water, lemon juice, vinagar, still, and I am still left with the same aromatic polyvinyl funk.



i have the brush from camelback to clean out the tube, that works well. a tip from bschurman, use listerine in the bladder to clean it.

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:eek: Augggghhhh, DON'T USE LISTERIN!!!

Unless you particularly like that taste. I had a friend who did this just before a trip to Red Rocks NV to do 1200' of climbing. The water tasted like mouthwash for the entire day as a result I drank very little water that day. It took many washings and a dozen uses before the taste went away. MMM listerine.

I've only had a problem with chemical tastes for the first couple uses of a camel back bladder. I don't like platypus bottles. The only one I had cracked where it tended to bend; the plastic is more stiff and susceptible to failure due to repeated flexing (or at least about 6 years ago they were).

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Dear Forumites,

While I love clean crisp water, and the idea of good hydration, can't anyone invent a synthetic water bag / hose that doesn't turn water into a foul chemical elixer? Has anyone succesfully treated / pickled a camel pack bag and rid themselves of this displeasure? I have tried sugar water, lemon juice, vinagar, still, and I am still left with the same aromatic polyvinyl funk.


Hi Alg,

I think you are talking about the silicone flavor rather than funk from not being cleaned, right? I don't think there is anything you can do to rid a particular type of bag/bladder of that flavor. It is because of the material the bladder is made out of. The only thing you can do is, like Sinecure suggests, switch to a different brand of bladder. The flavor usually comes from the bladder not the hoses.

My camelbacks (4 different ones) have that silicone flavor you talk about. Some people are more touchy to it than others. Some of my friends say they can't taste it, others say they can't stand it. I'm somewhere in between. I do find that rinsing out the bladder a few times before filling it with the days water reduces it greatly. Definitely don't leave the same water in it over night if you don't like that taste because it really picks it up then.

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I think I'd rather taste stale jack daniels than listerine.I used used to race dirtbikes in the woods(hare scrambles) and a camel bak was essential.just run gatorade with some cranberry juice and you won't taste the funk.cranberries can cure all sorts of funk related itches and rashes. :p

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Mine is a MEC. It tasted plastic/antibacterial stuff the first two times, but now it's ok, but the taste is still a little plastic, not neutral like rigid Nalgene bottles. Nalgene now makes some hydration pack, but I don't know if they are good though.

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You definately want to get a bladder hanger or something so it can dry out every night. You should only have water in it when you're filling it and using it, other than that it should be drying or in the process of drying. I think that would probably help reduce the plasticy taste. Also crap can't grow in it then.

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De-grunge the pack using your favorite method. I use chlorox and rinse a few times. Then I use Aquabon in my water. No chlorine taste.

I do the same thing with my water tanks in the boat, except I use a lot more chlorox. After rinsing, I add the appropriate amount of Aquabon. Water tastes good for quite a while and Ice Cubes (very important to boaters) don't smell at all.

Aquabon can be found at your favorite marine store. Google also knows where to get it.

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I think I'd rather taste stale jack daniels than listerine.I used used to race dirtbikes in the woods(hare scrambles) and a camel bak was essential.just run gatorade with some cranberry juice and you won't taste the funk.cranberries can cure all sorts of funk related itches and rashes. :p

Where do find stale Jack? I have never run across this. Of course the Jack she does no last long in my beverage preparation area. If you have some that is about to go stale and undrinkable, then forward to me please.

As for all the whiners :eplus2: about plastic taste, just try going down the river when some wiseass treats all available drinking water on the trip ( for three days) with straight up Clorox bleach - as in a half cup of bleach per fiver. That will make a little plastic taste seem like mountain fresh spring water.

Of course I had enough frothy carbonated beverages to survive. It is weird to brush your teeth with beer though. I still can't get used to the taste.

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That chlorine is the pits, I found out the hard way that good water is worth every penny/fils/dinar. The more expensive the water in Bahrain the less chlorine...and when you are drinking a few gallons a day it makes a huge difference.

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Where do find stake Jack? I have never run across this. Of course the Jack she does no last long in my beverage preparation area. If you have some that is about to go stale and undrinkable, then forward to me please.

As for all the whiners :eplus2: about plastic taste, just try going down the river when some wiseass treats all available drinking water on the trip ( for three days) with straight up Clorox bleach - as in a half cup of bleach per fiver. That will make a little plastic taste seem like mountain fresh spring water.

Of course I had enough frothy carbonated beverages to survive. It is weird to brush your teeth with beer though. I still can't get used to the taste.

I remember leaving some Jack in a Bota bag for a few weeks and the taste just lingered.still tasted better than clorox bleach - like a gulp of pool water- nasty

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I went the Platypus bladder route, and have been oh so happy ever since. In Japan I used Pocari Sweat or Aquarius powdered drink mix, nothing like that here :( so I usually just use water. no issues as long as the water's good.

They sell that at most asian (assi ?) markets. Ive bought energy drinks before and seen this.

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They sell that at most asian (assi ?) markets. Ive bought energy drinks before and seen this.

hummmm not seen the powder in any of my local asian food markets and only Pocari drinks not Aquarius. Aquarius is the best hangover helper I have ever had. However you have given me impetus to look further for it

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