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I need a helmet.... for my ass !


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Christmas day. Conditions were loose granular and a bit of underlying ice with just a bit of mud and rocks thrown in to make it "interesting". I left my hardboots and brand new ride at home YET AGAIN for another weekend of working at Jimily due to less than ideal carving conditions and an overwhelming desire to NOT get a core shot from a rock on my first day out with it.

So, what did I do for fun ? teach freestyle Ledge jumping and work on my ground impacting resistance techniques.


Pic is the resulting ASS BRUISE from getting corked out off a plastic barrel effect in the park and slamming ass/hip down first to the ground in efforts to show the ice who was stronger.


I was wearing my helmet.......... but It was in the wrong location. :eplus2:

ps: yes that is my ass :P

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couple years ago i got hit from behind by another snowboarder while on toe-side edge. i landed on my hip so hard i thought i'd broke something. there was a painful burning sensation. i was able to get down the hill. i went to the emergency room. they just said to keep it iced and keep pressure on it.

the swelling was huge and it literally sloshed around -- you could hear it. all i could wear were sweat pants. it hurt like hell walking around. after a week i went to see a doctor whereupon he drained some blood out. it was just too much to be re-absorbed. he didn't get all of it because it started coagulating.

i couldn't board for more than a month or so. i bought crashpads after that incident and wear them all the time.

hope your injury is not as bad.

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Three years ago I hit a tree. I was hauling ass down a cat track, turned into some fresh powder and then tried to avoid a big rock at the last second.

The impact was to the hip but the bruise traveled around the circumference of my leg and eventually all the way down to my ankle. It was freaky having my whole leg all black and bruised.


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yeah I'm healing. It's been an ache that only really bothers me when on my feet standing for long periods of time and the muscle tenses up... so like after work in the kitchen this week I'm ready to die. Luckily I have 3 days off this week (which I've not had in 6 months).

Any injury that you can get up and snowboard away from and bitch to complain about for a few years is a good one :D

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Skipup - no photos to add? You could be like "hey, look what my nice ass looks like when itz all shredded up and purple"...and all us BOL guys could be like "wow, thatz the nicest shreded up purple ass I've seen!"

The funny thing is the number of people who photograph their injuries at home - the kitchen apparently being the preferred spot...I don't think I ever have done that. This thread is getting a little like that scene in Jaws where Quint and Hooper (and Brodie passing with his appendix scar!) are comparing their scars.

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here are my pictures.

the one where my leg is purple is about a couple days after my injury. the second where i'm standing is about 3 weeks later. note the freakish flesh balloon next to my knee.

last year i accidentally went through a mogul field on hardboots. i flew off one mogul, hit another, then caught toeside edge. i had severe hematoma on my leg next to the knee. it was really huge like a water balloon. when i stood up it hurt like hell because the weight of the fluid would sort of split the epidermal layers. its sloshed around. it really sucked at work. i went to urgent care three times asking them to drain it. they wouldn't which was strange because they had no problems draining a previous injury to my hip. i had to tape my leg to keep the hematoma from moving around. after about a month i started snowboard again and the fluid started to drain. it felt really great after a few days boarding. some parts of my leg are still numb from the injury.

maybe there should be a freak show gallery of snowboard injuries?



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