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Pissed off

Alex Walters

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I'm pissed off now, both at myself for not placing an order sonner and just in general because now I won't get a BTS. I just saw that BTS kits are already sold out when I was literally going to place an order today or tomorrow at the latest. I knew they were going to sell out but I thought I had more time, I didn't think they'd sell out in pre-sale, jesus. It says something about "until further notice" does this mean there's hope yet? or will I have to wait till the end of the season, or worse next year?!

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I'm sure Fin has taken last years (and pre-order) demand into consideration while getting this years batch ordered over the summer and all is not lost. Stay tuned. I'm sure there is another batch brewing if not already incoming.

When in doubt of anything the website says, best to just grab the phone. Michelle can give you the scoop. [update: I retract this last statement! For Michelle's sake. :biggthump ]

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NO NO!!! Please do not everyone call me. The phones here are busy enough - they ring CONTSTANTLY throughout the day. Check the web site, I personally update it as soon as I have information about anything. I'll give you guys the scoop on the BTS:

They are coming, but we only made a certain amount of them. The people that have placed backorders will get them soon. We are trying to ship them out end of next week, or beginning of the next. Hopefully.....The problem is we are waiting on one of our suppliers to send us some parts, so it's not us that's late, it's those guys (without trying to pass the buck, but it's true).

Once I get through the bakcorders if I have any left over, we will put them back on the web site for purchase. If not, you guys may have to wait until next season. Unfortunately we can't just "make more", it's a huge process that takes many many weeks, and by that time the season is usually over. We made TRIPLE what we made last year thinking that would be enough. So for those of you who didn't get your order in, sorry! :(

We also sent out 2 emails with updates for those people who have orders with us already. We try to keep everyone in the loop.

What I ask is that you guys PLEASE have patience! We are working as best we can to organize all the orders and promise that we want to ship them to you WAY more than you want them shipped. If you have an order confirmation, you will be contacted very soon about the shipments.

Email is always a much better way to contact me, but the BEST thing to do is to check the web site. I spend a lot of time just trying to keep it updated - you guys don't have to double and triple check it :)

Honestly, I love my customers but it doesn't make it any easier when everyone calls/emails/ and says "hey, I didn't look at the web site, and I didn't check my email, just wondering where my order is" AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

And BTW, Even I don't have a BTS kit yet - just keep that in mind :1luvu:

Thanks, we'll keep you guys posted as to what is going on!

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I've modded my first post to retract the 'call Michelle' statement. I should have known better. Sorry Michelle! :D

Yep. Great update. And here's hoping that next year, there is less demand (or more made) so there are enough to go around. I'd held off ordering last year to see how people liked that first batch. They must work great because I think I've only seen one set offered as 'used' on the site and I think that was more as a favor done by someone that had purchased several pair and was willing to sell one of their non-primary sets to get them in the hands of someone that didn't have any. That's one of the great things about this community.

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We made TRIPLE what we made last year thinking that would be enough.

I'm gonna get flamed for saying this but...

If triple the amount barely fullfilled the preorders for this item, didn't you think you might need a few more than that? :confused:

Owell there's always next year. I know Fin and Michelle are busting their buns for alpine so this really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. :biggthump

I personaly never ordered mine because they were always out of stock. I assumed that once they were in stock they wouldn't already be out of stock (again). I'm sure I'm not the only person that did this... :(

Well thanks for trying. I know you guys can't keep everybody happy at this point! You snooze, you lose! :smashfrea

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Easy to say that they should have estimated a higher demand.........But then again it isn't us who is putting up the capitol to buy the overhead to make the product. If they made too many they would be stuck with the product. The profit margin is small as it is, add in some un moved stock and it could mean that Fin is not able to pay the bills, etc........

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...The BTS should have had $10 added to the price.

Simple market dynamics. If all (currently available) are selling out, price is too low. Increased price now to prevent sellout, lower prices next year. But immeh, hey? Arguably, a higher price (read: higher margin) would allow a larger amount of unsold stock to still be profitable. Of course, there is always the risk that it just won't sell, right?

Although...considering it's a new product, there really isn't any decent way of managing everything. It'll just work itself out within a couple years anyway.

Then again, I got a preorder in quite some time ago. :D

Michelle...updates? I got my order confirmation (October 5th), but nothing after that. Was I supposed to get something of an update? Just checking...Thanks.

Edit: Just remembered - I had an email blackout for a little while in November. My incoming email was just eaten by a black pit of doom. (I have no idea why it happened...and the provider hasn't said anything.) So...that's probably what happened.

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Michelle...updates? I got my order confirmation (October 5th), but nothing after that. Was I supposed to get something of an update? Just checking...Thanks.

Edit: Just remembered - I had an email blackout for a little while in November. My incoming email was just eaten by a black pit of doom. (I have no idea why it happened...and the provider hasn't said anything.) So...that's probably what happened.

An update was sent in Nov, it probably went into your email vortex. Right around the same time the site was updated with the same info.

I've learned that when Bomber puts up preorders for something I want, "just do it" ASAP. It means I get my stuff and I betcha the preorder system helps them determine how much to make/order. If Suzukas/Indys come out with buckles... I'll be towards the head of the line.

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Sorry about the call last week Michelle. :smashfrea I should have emailed.

I still don't know whether I like my RAB or BTS springs better. There are pluses and minuses for both, but I've swapped BTS soft/med spring combinations so many times on my Suzukas that I'll be starting from scratch next week. Pretty sure I got it right this time. :freak3:

Just my .02.

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...The BTS should have had $10 added to the price.

Simple market dynamics. If all (currently available) are selling out, price is too low. Increased price now to prevent sellout, lower prices next year. But immeh, hey? Arguably, a higher price (read: higher margin) would allow a larger amount of unsold stock to still be profitable. Of course, there is always the risk that it just won't sell, right?

Although...considering it's a new product, there really isn't any decent way of managing everything. It'll just work itself out within a couple years anyway.

Maybe not. I won't buy one (Burton boots), but if I did, I would want to pay the lowest price possible so that Fin can still make money. If he chose that price, it is a price at which he is making money and he thinks he can sell some. It happens to be a good price so everyone are buying one.

If the price was higher, maybe some poeple wouldn't buy one and he would sell less. At this price he is sold out this year, but he know he will be able to sell some next year.

The alpine market is niche market, you can't really afford to play with price and demand the same way as the other markets because you can more easily lose a part of the market if the price is not right.

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Mike there are Indy's with the new buckles, they are called INDY C'.


really? Euro market only or something? I would have thought fin would have been all over this?

anyway...raising the price isnt necessarily the answer. Two sides to that. Quantity AND price, and again just too few were produced, but this obviously caught Fin and Co by surprise.

I ordered mine a while back. I hope that place in line is still held for me

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I sent my last set of BTS's to Bryan at www.snowboards.com last spring because I knew he would enjoy them and ride them through the spring and summer. This year I will probably send my BTS's to another deserving B.O.L. forum member. So there might be a set available after they are sold out.

And they are getting well used! Thank you!

I do have another local guy ready with cash in hand if you care to send them this way?

I could use a couple more myself, but I can wait and move them between boots if needed.

Thanks again!!

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Mike there are Indy's with the new buckles, they are called INDY C'.

I'll take that as a good sign that they will be available here in the USA next year. Now I need to find someone with a size 24 AF shell to see if what happens when It stick my feet & liners into them... tried on some SB shells in a size 24 this weekend and my toes didn't have enough room, but I find the AF shell roomier so maybe!

(Feet measure between 26.5 and 27... even the 25 shells are feeling a bit roomy!)

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My feet measure 27.5cm and 27.4cm at the bootfitters. I bought a pair of Mondo 27 Suzuka with moldable thermoflex liners. I did the shell test and they seemed they might be too big, but I molded them anyway. They were way too big and after 4 days of riding (and shin bang, etc), I ordered some 26 and molded them and they fit perfect with a mid-weight sock. Not sure if they would be snug enough if I had chosen to mold them with, and ride with, using only a liner-sock or no sock like some do. It's a 1.5cm size difference with my midweight sock, so not sure 'off' the mondo sizing would be, for me, if I wore only liner-socks.

It seems that some people have a foot that just comforms exactly to the boots inherent shape and they tend to need a smaller size that one would expect. Also different preferences in snugness and what thickness sock make a difference. I like my boots very snug. I also don't run them in walk mode, and prefer the stiffness of the Suzuka shell. Some like less snug and perhaps that preference sometimes goes hand in hand with those prefering softer shells and/or running in walk mode, soft BTS, etc. Just speculation on my part, there.

But the mondo size thing seems to be right for some, but at least one size off for many. And apparently further off for others. A good indicator of that is the number of boots you see in the want ads, here, that folks are selling because they are the wrong size, even though they had their feet measured for mondo. Measuring will get you a starting point, but trial and errors seems to be the best way to find the right boot for you.

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I still cant understand how that can be possible, mike...THREE CM?

Didn't Mike post his feet measured 26.5 - 27? And wearing a 25. So isn't that only 1.5 to 2 cm difference? Not three? (unless that was in reference to his statement about the 25s starting to feel a bit roomy?)

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I agree. Feet and hardboots can be a silly combo. My feet measure 25,8 and 26,2 (left and right). I can barely fit them into a 27!! mondo with thermoflex, Suzuka's. They are so tight that I have to force the second buckle to get them closing. I even made the boots wider in the front.

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