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From: Glenn Chapman

Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:08 PM

Subject: weekend update

Jan 29-30.

Saturday. I picked up my boards at Speed Factory (Dave did a killer base grind). Did a quick base edge bevel and wax on my All Mountain got to the hill at 7:57, I was on the lift at 8:10. Team members in attendance 1(me). First run on Lower Walking Boss, grooming was OK not great. Second run Upper to Lower Walking Boss, the Upper success story from last week was a fluke back to the same old. Flume was actually better than Walking Boss. I hit Flume a couple of times and headed to South Mountain (see shout out below). I have only ridden South in the afternoon and wanted to see what it was like in the morning. I hit Rip Saw first run. They need to learn how to operate the winch cat. The headwalls were crap. I had my first major crash right under the lift; tossed fully over the nose as the board dropped in to **** grooming (that's my story). I landed flat on my back, took a second to gather myself, no major damage (sore hand, slight tweak to shoulder) so I continued on. I did two more runs over there then headed to the Kanc Quad. I rode Porn Star three or four times it was consistent. I saw Andy Flogor making laps waited for a while to ride with him but I never found him. The lines started building up pulled the cord at 10:45. As I was leaving I saw Gleb in the Gondi line, he had his new board, greenish snake skin top graphics, BARF. All the parking was full and the people were still streaming in as I was pulling out, it was a Zoo.

Sunday. I got there on time. PBR roll call: Beth, Lore, and I. Lore went out on her carving board on the lower mountain, Beth and I (me on the SL board) headed to North Peak via Angle Street. Hit Walking Boss on the second run. The light was flat and the grooming wasn't. Switched over to Flume and it was better, did a few on that and went to the bottom to ride with Lore. I saw Joe's NSR making laps on Hero's Highway. Do you get point taken away if your board is making lap and everyone on the lift thinks; "Is that Joe and why is his stance so narrow?". Did three runs on the Highway with my wife, I will take the hit on points. While we were riding up my wife said that she had seen Joe and Beth(Sloane) making laps last weekend. Fess up Joe how many laps??? After a quick break I headed to the Kanc, made a couple of runs. I saw that the race course was pulled and did 4 or 5 on Coolidge St. It was the best snow and grooming that I had seen on the mountain (for the weekend, maybe even the season) even after a morning of race training. Lines were fairly reasonable and I was out of there at 1pm.

Team32 race report. Joe did the Team proud, he race solid at Ski Ward and held down fastest times of the day. The Race Team will be on the road for a race at Ragged next Sunday. Wax up, it is a fairly flat course. Overlays will be available for Team members.


Hero's Highway points -10pts per run, -100 for not admitting guilt and getting caught

Glenn 3 runs, -30pts (sometimes you just have to take the hit for marital harmony)

Joe -100 from prior weekend, Joe's NSR was making laps like Kyle Bush, we will give it a pass this weekend.

PBR cup points 10pts per cup, BARFing within a 24hr period -100 and negates all cup points up to the BARF, rally points (post BARF cups) +20per cup

Glenn zero cups, 0pts

Wipeouts (hippers do not count, single rotation -10, multiple rotations -10pts per rotation, day ender -100, season ender -1000

Glenn -10

Shout Outs +50 per

Glenn +50. The lifty at the transition lift to South came running out of the shack and said that he had seen me earlier making runs on Flume and was loving it.

Clothing Deductions -10pts per violation. Violations include but not limited to: neck gators, mittens, white pants, warmers of any kind, no TEAM32 stickers on board, clown clothes (see Gleb's)

Glenn: black pants, black jacket, gloves, no neck gator, no foot warmers, Team32 stickers on boards, 0pts

First chair/Gondi +100pts

In line prior to first load +10pts

AIS (ass in seat) before 8:30 zero points

AIS after 8:30 -10pts

Glenn zero each day

So the way I total it I was +10 for the weekend. Joe -100

i will take full responsability for my actions the sunday prior to yesterday. it was me, trying to get some brownie points. my heli trip got pushed back a day, so instead of me getting home on the 13th at 11:55pm, im not getting back the 14th at 11:55pm. i know its a hallmark holiday to most of us, it can still get you in aton of $hit. which coul dlead to a couple runs downs hero's highway on a sunday afternoon, when you think noone is looking. but i guess not !

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Ran into Gleb (sp?) this past Saturday and he mentioned that there is a Team 32 that meets at Loon and rips. I am a newbie on hardboots- in my first real season (rode my setup maybe 6 times last year).

Going to be at Sunday River Saturday, Loon on Sunday.

New to the sport, new to this Forum.

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today we put a whoopin on thA street. its the 1st time i have ever seen it groomed from tree line to tree line, flat across. i was drooling, i actually thought i was seeing things, as i made my way up gondi line looking at it, i couldn't believe my eyes. i had the 185nsr, knowing that the biggest board that ive ever legitimatly carved down that trail was on an 178 proton, back in my puke and rally days. so i new i had to $ack up and do it, to it ! the snow was soft, and kind of slow, that's what probably helped me get that little extra time that i needed to get that twig around in time. i ended up getting, 5-6 fully linked turns down that 1st headwall, then down to an epic upper to lower basin st. by the time the lifts opended there was about a 1/2"-1" of fluff on top of the groom, and by 1:15pm they already had a good 3"-4" of fresh fluff. i wish you guys where there, even more so, i wish that i had my177all/mtn "mack truck" that's fhuckin stuck at customs, at my disposal today. today would have been the perfect day for the all mtn's, good packed powder with smooth fluffy powder on top. there was noone there, so as people would ski down, their tracks were getting filled back in faster than the the skiers could ski it off. thats probably how the nsr was still effective at 1:15 when i pulled the plug. if it was a saturday we would have had a fhukkin catastrophe on our hands..........! :eek:

lOon pOwda day fhukka's, B's jackets, marlboro reds in the mouth as they ski down the hill, jeans tucked into the rear entry boots, no gloves, no hat and aviators for goggles !

chappy and i will be at bromley on friday working on our tan's with anton ! see you $hitbums on saturday. gleb the fresh meat is all yours... :barf: at least you dont have to buy us beer's anymore ! :biggthump

gfy's !

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boys good tilt today at jagged ! it wasn't pretty, but will take it, T32 style ! stfuaryp's !

chappy thanks for the invite on friday, we'll be going back at least a couple more times ! next time, im bringing my mouthpiece, im still feeling that one. it slowly moved up into one of my top 4 snowboarding catastrophies as the pain grew, further and further into the weekend.

the weekend finale came as a one too punch to the guy fatha. a his and her chirp chirp from the tag team duo from the north shore ! i thought the burbarian was going to jump across the table and rub his beard on your face ! he had his dancin shoes on today in the gates, i was surprised he didn't give his fist's a quick workout of the chin of bib # 62, and his better half.

gfy's and ill catch up with you guys in a couple weeks ! :biggthump

fhukkin powda.................... guy ! a T32 sticker will be on the chopper, i promise !

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its chappy's/hollywood's first official year on the club, so he's a wee bit post shy and a little confused with his team obligations and duties. so ill just keep copying the nonsense he privately sends the team until he starts doing it on his own.

during his team inauguration, he was told he was filling some big shoes as president of media relations, video production and team advertising. the shoes he was filling was actually a mondo size 24, white deeluxe shoe btw, we are missing greatly and we send our best to exit 24 along with a dizen roses wishing a fast and speedy self suspension.

chappy has done a nice job, starting out with our first ever T32 decal, that creates a BIG impact wherever they are placed. he has even made attempts at recruiting to grow team membership, which was once frowned upon by the origional 6 of the team. he got parental approval for a minor racer, that has a couple world cup starts and makes his turns on the same hill that T32 uses.chappy made an offer that origionally got turned down by the confused lad, until team president and "fill in" team muscle cornered the confused 17 year old ripper in a usasa starting corral and made him promise to put the team badge on his helmet for his next world cup start or else the consequences would make the tonya harding story look like child play.

so heres another weekend recrap written by this former yale grad, and yale university school newpaper editor:


Well it was a good weekend of riding. :barf:

Friday Joe and I headed to Bromley for some gate training with Anton. It was a fun session but nearly a season ender for Joe, he folded the nose and did the high side downhill edge catch to head slapper, he was only out for a few seconds and the fall rated a -10 on the CPS (Carve point system). :freak3:

Saturday the team returned to Loon and was joined by Ken and Gleb. We rode hard on Saturday the snow was pretty good and we found a few runs that the grooming crew didn’t ruin, I am now going on the assumption that when a trail is good at the Goon, the groomer must have made a mistake. Joe, Ken and I were in the Gondi line prior to first load so points all-around. Saturday saw 2 new categories added to the CPS, Frosting points, Joe was cut off and totally frosted a guy. This was not just a little spray but a righteous wave of snow, the dude was pissed but with three of us he was outgunned. The next new category was the addition of freestyle points, Ken and Joe hit a nice knoll jump, shifty air and grab respectively. There is a new category up for nomination KennyMac, if you do a move on the hill that closely resembles a KennyMac near disaster or disaster, points will be added or taken away depending on the outcome. For instance, I did a blind jump in to Lower Flume, the groomer path was narrow and I went in to the bumps and had to hit the brakes. This would be -10pts, if I had landed it and rode out clean 20pts. I did give myself a -10 for this week but let me know if the category stays in. :eek:

Sunday was a USASA race day at Ragged. :barf: Snow over night turned to rain and refroze making conditions less than optimal. Joe killed it on all runs securing 1st overall in both GS and SL. Ken was in the biggest race group, he was racing well but a small mistake in the GS cost him first and dropped him to a respectable 2nd. He brought it home during SL and killed his group by 7sec. I raced in a group by myself but placed 6th and 7th overall, not as good as I would have liked but that is racing. :boxing_sm

Next week Joe will be Heli-boarding in Canada, The race team will be at Gunstock on Saturday and on Sunday I will be riding with NOOBs at Waterville (If you have friends that want to learn to ski or ride they have a $35 deal on Sunday through Friday, sign up online only). There is a gate training at Okemo on the 18th and 19th, it is on the NASTAR hill set with snowboard stubies. I may try for the 18th. We may also be working with Anton to get another day at Bromley, midweek lift tickets were $44 and a $10 tip for Anton, let me know if you are interested. :biggthump

Carve Point System

Weekend 2/4-2/5/11

Weekend Total's:

jc 160 pts :D

kb 80 pts :)

gc 80 pts :p

gleb 60 pts :ices_ange

Last Week Total's:

jc-100 pts :confused:

gc 10 pts :cool:

Season Total's:

jc 60 pts

gc 90 pts

kb 80 pts

gleb 20pts

Hero's Highway points -10pts per run, -100 for not admitting guilt and getting caught

PBR cup points 10pts per cup, BARFing within a 24hr period -100 and negates all cup

points up to the BARF, rally points (post BARF cups) +20per cup

PBR round points 20pts per round purchased

Wipeouts (hippers do not count, single rotation -10, multiple rotations -10pts per

rotation, day ender -100, season ender -1000

Shout Outs +50 per

Freestyle points varies due to radness of trick

Clothing Deductions -10pts per violation. Violations include but not limited to: neck gators,

mittens, white pants, warmers of any kind, no TEAM32 stickers on board, clown clothes (see Gleb)

First chair/Gondi 100pts, In line prior to first load 10pts, AIS (ass in seat) before 8:30 zero points,

AIS after 8:30 -10pts

Race points: 1st overall 50pts, top 5 overall 25pts, winning age group (must be more than 1) 10pts.

KennyMac's pull off a classic move and get 20pts, fail -10


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are ya'll blacked out on this glorious three day weekend ?

ill be in the pbr saturday early am, taking my new understudy out to show him how to use his new chubby. his pop is gonna take a whack at the nsr, hopefully not a whack against a tree! :freak3:

let me know if anyone will be around, im getting pressure from the better 1/2 to go with the whities this weekend. i would rather do it, with none of the boys around to witness the fiasco. ill make sure i tackle the fattest kid in the lodge with a plate full of french fries and a gallon of ketchup on top, to put an end to the euro-boy band pants.

R.I.P "rest in peatown"

gfy's !

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hey wtf i thought we were gonna get a canuck softbootsailor blahg out of yous eh

if a gOon gOes to goOn mOuntain and scOres gOon pOints with no Otha gOons around dO they cOunt...i knOw i'm at the right place cuz the bahtenda keeps tellin me i dOn't have tO wait in line

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saying that the conditions $UCKED at loOn on saturday is a compliment to loOn management. it was FHUKKIN AWFUL, the worst day i have ever witnessed ! :eek:

the conditions were worse than ragged was a couple sunday's ago with flat light, high winds, that actually hindered what little visablity that you did have of the 1/2 groomed snow. the wind was so strong, that it took the fresh snow that came in about a 1hr blizzard at 5am, and skim coated the death cookies and ungroomed granite. i guess friday was a machatterstache epic day for droppin the hip and being drunk and bowlegged. 55 degrees with 100%sun, the beers were flowing all day with ragu music playing in the back ground, while people made mashed patatoes out of the snow. then friday night the temps somehow went from 50 degrees to 7 degrees in about a 3hr window and during that window it rained for about an hr :barf:. on top of that the groomers didn't start grooming until everything had frozen, by 12pm, all the groomers were still at the bottom parked :freak3::freak3::freak3:

sunday was a little better, they made snow all night long in the pahk, and the sun was out, so it was managable. i took about 6 runs, then ran into my old buddy and fellow bruin skull basher jay miller during my 10:15 tampon change in the pbr. we pounded a quick dozen each, before i had to hit the road.

so you guys that didn't make it up, your actually lucky !

sorry for the negativity, it was a nice homecoming for me. neck deep powder for a week on a softie setup, then this. it was a nice and smooth transition back. gfy's !

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guys one of my cubs will be on his race board this upcoming weekend. if you see him, give him some tips because he won't listen to me. he'll probably be doing laps on the east side of the mountain. if you do see him coming down little sister, you can give him as much $hit as you would like, hazing would be appreciated and rewarded with pbr pounders.

try to steer him over to the west basin, porn-star, ram-charger, etc, etc.

team infractions:

glenn, gleb, stevo, guy-fatha, petee, mojo, fylin haiwain. $5 each

reasoning for the infractions: forcing me into two dubble posts in the last two weeks.

also it was MACKS 3rd birthday today, where having a little party at the bitter end saturday. your not invited, but your more than welcome to stop by and ride the pony that i rented. he'll be doing laps in the house. :biggthump while i blast AC/DC, thunderstruck !



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It looks like we will have 3 senior members of TEAM32 at the USASA Nationals. The Jr team is still up in the air but there could be a couple of the there as well. I am thinking of going to Loon on Saturday. I will have to pay to play since my pass is blacked out. My back is feeling a little better and hopefully I will be ready on game day. After riding I will be heading out to NYC so no snow for me on Sunday. Any reliable late week snow reports?

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6 to 10 for go0n country.

3 to 6 for So into my pee

1 to 3 coast.

Staring as all snow overnight then changing to minor freezing rain sleet then all rain.

The further north the less chance of fr rain and rain but the snow will still be heavy.

Should end by late afternoon Friday.


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Now go0n is in the 1 foot range.

They are calling for heavy rain showers:barf: on Monday night for the whole state. This could be the last weekend for good snow for some time.

Warm weather & rain = boilerplate and no carbon-fiber model either.

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