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Loon/WV Opening Days


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Is that Shaq in hardboots? The gate looks so tiny next him.

The Sausage Queen was up on the hill today and said things got scratchy in the afternoon. There were sheep grazing up on Flume, Angel Street, & Boss.

She's headed up again on Sat. I'll be in the bar.


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YEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAWWW it's gonna be a fcukin DONGSHOW fur tomorrow fellas!!!!!!!!

i was looking forward to carving the blue brown yellow ice, seams, sticks, varmints, empty 4 loko cans, (etc) on my four bolt main posi rear end 2011 coiler but that map looks like mf'in utopia!!!! homemade 3-straps, plastic binders, and Burton Noodle is all the gear i will need...eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fcukinA!!!!!

:1luvu: LoOn :1luvu:


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what about the white pants on that one guy.....................! those are one hit wonders, they had a rookie game and retirement game on the same day.

btw, while the wif was checkingout some boot heaters, that same guy, was checkingout some mittens this afternoon, then realized what he was turning into. :barf:

here is what the stack looked like from my side of the table.

great to see the club again, its been along time !

gfy's !


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Lincoln, NH – Loon Mountain in an effort to lower the increasing alcohol related on-slope accidents will begin an unprecedented program tracking patron alcoholic beverages on their purchased day tickets or season passes. Mountain spokesmen Mike Hunt explained, “The 2010/11 season at Loon has seen a drastic rise in alcohol related skier/snowboarder on-slope accidents usually occurring in the afternoon hours. In a hope to control over indulgence the mountain will begin tracking patron alcohol consumption on the patron’s day pass or season ticket’s bar code which is specific to each person. The mountain will only allow for 2 beverages an hour to be purchased and consumed, the data will be tracked similar to the current system tracking skiers and lift access. The mountain ski patrol will also begin administering slope sobriety tests on those people they suspect are not riding in control and may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Lincoln native and season pass holder Buck Stradler said “You see these guys in the Bunyan Room stacking empty beer cups to the ceiling then heading back out to the slopes and causing all sorts of problems, cutting people off, making crazy turns and all wearing black it’s just not safe, we have drunk driving laws for the road it’s about time we start cracking down on ‘em on the slopes where most of them are traveling over 65 miles per hour.”

Yet another season pass holder who wanted to remane annonoyous is quoted, “This is a F***ing conspiracy, the state just wants to know how much PBR I’m drinking, 2 an hour WTF, I need like 2 every fifteen minutes. They can check my sobriety when I climb out of the truck I just wrecked in the tree off I-93."

It will be interesting to see how this plays out and if will have any effect on slope alcohol related accidents.

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A co-worker of mine and his fam were up at Loon over the weekend. He is an intermediate softbooter. I asked him if he came across some drunking alpine snowboarders and this was his response:

"Yeah I saw 4 or of your f#$$(# alpine boarder punks there. You F#@@) guys leave trenches allover the mountain. I bet those guys are Ma$$holes just like you. Plus they take up the whole damn trail.

I hate you guys, alpine snowboarding should be illegal"

John from RI

I was LMAO at his response, he was truely pissed at the trenches you left.

Keep up the good work T32:biggthump

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I'm still farting from all the pbr on Sat. How long should I wait to call my Dr.? :lol:

Weatherman Stevo any dongsnow predictions?

enzo keep fueling the dutch oven!

predicktion: LoOn gets a dust-up while deere valley gets a frozen truck nuts DONGSHOW.........jd get that right spring fixed!


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loon already has 1" of snow on my driveway, WOW ! please keep me posted thru the day, i hope they didn't miss ANOTHER storm.

with all their snow making ability they keep flapping the gums about, how is the mountain only 50% open, still ?? does boyne realize that you need snow, man made or real to ski on, right ??

i would love to run that dump for one year. 1st to go would be the groomers, then i would hire the guys from stratton. i would put the park right under the little sister chair, and that would be it for them. that way the huckers would only be on one trail, race city for the super pipe, and the little sista chair. then i would fire everyone else, because they $uck also ! actually i would keep the lifties.


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Just cranked up the snowblower. 12" at Exit 24 and still coming down...starting to get windy too. Exit 32 probably has 10" at this point.

The over/under line at the Golden Nugget is gOoN will report 18" with 3:1 odds that 1/2 that will blow into the woods.

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after cleaning up, my call is exit 27 got an official 8" of good clean cold, should pack and groom well as long as it stays cold,another round of strawberry for all my friends, HA HA HA, Name tags for all at loon, hello sam, how ya doin jim, I am wearing my black suit tommorrow a with a alpine boards are for everyone sticker on it,...

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.............................! :lol:

8" in my driveway tonight, so the weather station is on the take also. once again i heard cannon got 23".

the cannon vs loon urban legend.

( loons total x 2 + 3" = Cannons total after everystorm)

what a bunch of blowhards, ill be there on monday, and be on either blue ice, or ledge.

fhukkin, bodeeee ski's there guy................... and he gets his fhukkin ski's tuned at sport thoma in between his world cup races.


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