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Glad you like the picture stevo

Just got my Santa Cruz back from the shop and took it out last night. Went riding with a group of people that build the trails at Harold Parker. Already managed to go over the bars but landed on my feet. Anyone up for a ride somewhere this coming week?

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I may take you up on that. Going for a 4 hour ride tomorrow to get my wind back. I have a Garmin forrunner 305 gps with a heart rate monitor that is sweet. I just downloaded the data and it explained why I was dying on my ride on thurday. Taking 2 weeks off from doing anything made my heart rate go up to 196. If tomorrow is a little more successful I'll def tag along on wednesday.

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Looks like you'll have to count me out. I snapped the rear derailleur hanger and was waiting for UPS tracking number to tell me when it'll come in. It says that it'll be here for friday. I would get it at a shop but the only one that had it was going to charge $40. I bought 2 of them including shipping for 41. I snapped it while cranking up hill on the street without hitting anything so I'm a little annoyed. I'm not going to be able to go at all next week because of work but I'll be good for sunday the 22nd.

BTW, started my preseason workout with P90x. Highly recommend it. I just downloaded it instead of buying it on ebay for $100 or from the infomercial for $240 :biggthump

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nice! and no problemo big guy, ill keep an eye out for a t32 601 broken pallet discount. next time there will be enough for johnny aire, rick o'shea, and ben dover too!!

it was worth the trip especially the coont uphill downhill!

im a game time decision this week since right now i have an ice bag on a puffed ankle :angryfire

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inky whats up! probably not going to make the rttc. i know excuses are like a$$holes, but my 1st days on the snow appear to be around jlate december early january. im working on light sqauts starting next week, but ive been able to ride my bike for about a month now. its amazing how good it feels after a ride. every once in a while, my hip will pop or click doing the day to day stuff liek walking. but ill let you know, because your a$$ will be picking me up and hauling me up the hill!

on a side note spoke with reama$$ last night, we were throwing around a late january trip out to summit. but we'll see, i got invited to go to a heli trip in mid february, so it could be tight.

hows kai doing, is he the bitche$' ba$tard yet in the hills?

mack is kicking a$$ and doesn't even care about the names. all she cares about are big trucks, rocks, and going down big hills on dadda's bike. just wrapping up a week with her down the cape, she's fearless!


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ink, right after i posted up guess who called me ? the savidge, team garmin eh ? wow, he's like a rock star now, travelling all over the world, pounding beers and taking after business after hours with the mit. i told him he should have his own penicillin kit if he wants to be a pro.

hes got a lung buster up at mt. washington this weekend, i guess he ditched the mt bike for the road bike. still rides a bit here and there at copper in the winter. if we do get out to co this year, i got to catch up with the animal and see what he learned.

Sounds like you fellas are having some overall good summers.

J.D. how is the recovery coming and are we going to see you at the Copper RTTC?


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ink, right after i posted up guess who called me ? the savidge, team garmin eh ? wow, he's like a rock star now, travelling all over the world, pounding beers and taking after business after hours with the mit. i told him he should have his own penicillin kit if he wants to be a pro.

hes got a lung buster up at mt. washington this weekend, i guess he ditched the mt bike for the road bike. still rides a bit here and there at copper in the winter. if we do get out to co this year, i got to catch up with the animal and see what he learned.

At the last rttc that I attended I'm standin' there and this skinny little dude says hey right in front of me. I look at him and he says you don't remember me? It was the savidge and I didn't place him at all. He even had a little hair on his face. Totally blew me away.

Walker said that he gets out once in a while. I would love to ride with him and D-money again some time.

If you and reamus plan a trip out let me know. I'll get the gang together again.

KarverKai is kickin a$$ in gymnastics right now. ALL the girls love him. From 6yrs to 18yrs. We have been biking a bit and I need to get him back on the skateboard again before the season starts.

I have been riding with a crew on Thursday nights and blasting the down sides. Not so speedy going up but that is ok, save it for the down.


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guys i know alot of us are on the ir, but wtf............! did everyone lose thier ball busting skills too, lets wind it up again. that knock off, thread is gaining ground with views on us, i know it shouldn't be compared because big mario is on it 24/7 padding the stats.

$hit, jack maine-chaud is going toe to toe with a snowman named mahk who cahves in hero land. im going to stay out of that one fro the time being, just in case i need a couch to crash on one night while visiting the rockies. geoff appears to be the east coast muscle taking control of the conversation. i love it guy....................!


p.s enzo stop feeling sorry for yourself, your making me sick. rule # 76 no excuses play like a champion!

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Reminds me of that 80's movie w/ John Candy when his cooler pisses ice water over everyone at the beach.

On another note, who is maintaining the T32 IR roster.

Last count we got guys with busted derailliers, directional impairments, bow legs, self unemployment, defective hubs, and various lower body ailments. In addition I have reports of a couple of hangers-on stalking full members. From all accounts the team has a lot to overcome this fall.

New rule: NO KOOKS


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