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Loon/WV Opening Days


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you didn't miss anything today. the cement snow & freezing rain hardened up to solid pavement. I literally could've road a skateboard down from the top of the gondi. it was brutal. we got some good seat time in the bunyan room though. we'll be at WV tomorrow. hopefully things soften up.

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sorry I missed you guys on Sunday. I wish my excuse was a Bode-hangovah. I picked up a stomach bug Saturday night and spent the next 24 hours in a fetal position on the couch. :barf:

I was pretty bummed b/c I was really looking forward to WV after the "8 inches of fresh and packed powder conditions" :lol: that we experienced at Loon on Saturday.

Go Red Sox!!

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here's this week's unofficial driveway report from Exit 24...

Tues: 8 inches

Wed: 1 inch of slush

Thurs: 7 inches

as RA mentioned WV & probably Loon have a little more. snow showers for the rest of the week. conditions are gonna be ridiculous.

I can be swayed either way for Saturday. But, Loon's probably looking at 30min lift lines with all the fresh snow. :boxing_sm

dth @ True Grit??

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here's this week's unofficial driveway report from Exit 24...

Tues: 8 inches

Wed: 1 inch of slush

Thurs: 7 inches

as RA mentioned WV & probably Loon have a little more. snow showers for the rest of the week. conditions are gonna be ridiculous.

I can be swayed either way for Saturday. But, Loon's probably looking at 30min lift lines with all the fresh snow. :boxing_sm

dth @ True Grit??

ice da mf hip, it's gunna be good. see ya on the porch

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where you guys heading this weekend? im thinking i might be able to drop it on saturday! would you guys be up for crab rang goon! or you dead set for the wasabi valley? i like the variety better at goon for a these conditions. plus im getting sick of paying list price for my bud lightnings at buckets! but let me know, it looks like im cummins! :eplus2:

ill be dth w/coiler 172am.

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the ambiance in the bunyan room is certainly much better. zagat has them rated much higher for selection & service when compared to bucketheads.

stevo & I are planning on WV but i'm up for either. i just think the lift lines are gonna be 15-20min shorter. what do ya think the northpeak chair is gonna look like?? a two headed monster with 20min+ waits. west basin 30min easily?? i dunno WV will probably be just as crazy.

I just want to ride. I don't care where.....hmmmmm.....cannon???

T32 conference call tonight??




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jd & stevo...great rally today for the inaugural Coiler All-Mountain Extreme Carve Session @ Loon or as we can reference in the future as CAMECS@L. we had optimum conditions today to push the limits of the all-mountains. pow, chopped pow, soft pp, a little hardpack, gapers, and even little kids...these rigs just plow through everything and still allow ya to charge and drop tha hip while others are in the lodge whimpering about too much snow & no groomahs.

after today's session the standings for the Governa's Gauntlet and Hero's Highway Champ haven't budged much. these are still in reach for the T32 hold outs...late season appearances count double in the lightning round.

major pukeage late this morning into tonight from these snow squalls. at times it looks like the blizzard of '78 out there. more snow coming this week!!! bring it on!!!

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I haven't been outside, but it looks like about 8-10 inches. must be lake effect b/c loon & wv are only reporting 5-6". it's raining now and the trees are starting to get glazed over.

the pow/packed pow last weekend was such a tease. time for some real east coast ice.....grow some hair on your chin and let's see who's a man.

blacked out T32ers are headed to WV this weekend.

GlennC will you be around?


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I saw Enzo and JD ripping it up last Sunday in some crud near the bottom of the Kanc quad. I will be at WV on Saturday and the razor is out for the rest of the week, the stubble should be lookin good. I will be hanging a burr on all of my boards and will try and man-up on the ice. I will try and get there at 8 but if not I will be looking for you under the main quad show-off run or throwin it down on the grit.

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I misremember what ice is...i'll see you guys there


that's funny.

any pics up on TMZ yet of Roger's bleeding butt or shots of his bikini clad nanny from Canseco's party?

edit: scratch those pics of the nanny...just saw her on tv...she's butt fugly.

sorry polaris...gotta work on monday. any chance you'll be up more in March?

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still can't believe I haven't got to ride with you guys. How are the crowds on the weekends? I'm taking the day trips to sunday river to avoid them so i can get in twice as much milage on the boards, instead of scratching my ass in line. Anyone gonna be at loon saturday?

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