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who in the US has tankers


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either way $600 is above my limit for a board that is not current stock

600 is probably the MSRP or damn close

they also want $375 for a board that has not been made for four years and was around $500 new(rossi WC 190)

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to find one a bit cheaper than that, $600 for last years stuff is a bit pricey, if it were 400 like over at hardbooter for the 192 I would snag it
The Hardbooter ones were 4-5 years old and a lot of unpopular sizes. The ones Exoticboard have are the newer, more expensive Crown variants with the Carbon Aramid construction - they were retailing for $800-900 new (you can whine about the US Dollar being weak against the Euro all you want). They are pricey, but it's essentially impossible to get them new anywhere else (hence "exotic boards"). $600 is a lot of money for an old model, but you are asking for a rare board. I think there are less than a six 2005-06 Tankers in the US. I got my non-Crown Tanker for $450. Not as good a deal as the Hardboot boards, but good enough to try it out.
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Here's the link to blue tomato. They've got 3 Tankers for sale (162, 167, 172 oversize) for 480 euros. I'm not even going to look at what shipping and duties would be on one of these boards.

It's too bad that there aren't more Tankers available to the US because these are fantastic boards. I spent almost 10 days on my 200 this past season. Admittedly, most all of these days were soft to deep powder conditions.

I'm with Bob on not wanting to pay $600 for last years' board, even a Tanker. But, I can't wait to get my hands on another one of these babies.

And exoticboards.com is closed until Sept. 9th.


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If you haven't already, you might speak with RJ when he gets back. He could have something closer to your price range that isn't on his website. The 192 that Hardbooter recently had was the 02/03. www.rad-air.com still has the 05/06 stats up for the tankers which I assume are very close to previous years models, svr would likely know for sure. The 06/07 tankers are a totally different shape - softer, wider, and lots more taper. I am waiting on a 06/07 200, but it was a hard decision over the older tankers.

Good luck, Buell

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Yep, I've been watching that all summer thinking I'd wait until I just couldn't stand it any longer. That 192 will be a ripper in the PNW! I picked up my 200 Tanker from Dave last summer while in recovery. Beat Skully to it by milliseconds.

It's too bad you couldn't just type in your specs, flex, and heck's and get a US/NorAm boardmaker to make a one-off 'TankerEsque' deck for $500 with personalized graphics.

I guess that's where the lawyers would start showing up at my front door.


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Try these guys. Ask for Dave Jackson, he runs the snowboard end of things. I know last year they were carrying Rad-Air, and had some of the shorter boards as well as the tankers. Not sure what their hours are during the summer.

Strand's Ski Shop


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ohh, they are a importer?

that means I get a warranty, that sweetens the deal a bit, one of my worries dropping $600 on a board, still $600 is a $100 less than what my last coiler cost

I thought that rad air had stopped sending boards to the US

my post above sounded a little harsh, not what I meant, I'm sure that someone sees the value in some of the stuff there and that not many people have some of it but in the case of the rossi my thought is at that price what if you break it or something, I'm too hard on boards to drop that much cash on something that has no warranty, in particular when I am contemplating going back to working at a resort next winter, thats the main reason I am interested in a softboot ride in the first place.

now that I know that they are a actual rad air dealer I feel a little better about the price but still a bit much.

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RJ is the importer.

ohh, they are a importer?

that means I get a warranty, that sweetens the deal a bit, one of my worries dropping $600 on a board, still $600 is a $100 less than what my last coiler cost

I thought that rad air had stopped sending boards to the US

my post above sounded a little harsh, not what I meant, I'm sure that someone sees the value in some of the stuff there and that not many people have some of it but in the case of the rossi my thought is at that price what if you break it or something, I'm too hard on boards to drop that much cash on something that has no warranty, in particular when I am contemplating going back to working at a resort next winter, thats the main reason I am interested in a softboot ride in the first place.

now that I know that they are a actual rad air dealer I feel a little better about the price but still a bit much.

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So Blue Tomato isn't allowed to retail F2/Deeluxe products directly into North America through their website? I never knew that.

I don't see the problem with them selling to racers who are physically in the shop, though. If those boards get resold, that's the racers trying to make a little scratch off their situation and lord knows those guys could use some cash. Sucks you end up holding the bag on warranty issues though.

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I don't get how you have to warranty it; maybe I'm just showing my ignorance of North American marketing? If I bought a board privately off a non-dealer and it fails, then surely it's caveat emptor ... my only comeback would be to him. I always thought that once it had changed hands past the original transaction, the manufacturer is pretty much cleared of comeback ...

For sure if I bought something off Blue Tomato and I had a problem, I'd be going right back to them and expecting them to fix it ... not bleating to you...

If that's the case that blows. Between liability insurance and this, I'm surprised you'd bother. :angryfire

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I ran into a similar challenge a few years back in NZ. I broke a new binding (Burton, softie) and the local distributor refused to warranty/replace it, saying that I needed to take care of it in the country in which I bought it. He said that it completely blew through his inventory when foreign (N.Hemisphere) riders came in with warranty claims for gear they didn't purchase in NZ. They require an NZ receipt for all warranty claims.

I was bummed, as Burton claims to be a global company, but could definitely see where he was coming from. While it certainly isn't good customer service, maybe there would be a way to redirect all non-Canada purchases back to the country of purchase through requiring a Canada receipt for warranty claims?

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As a customer, I kinda like what they're doing even though it's a PITA for you. Maybe F2 could do extra-speedy restocking if they expect you to handle someone else's problems. Or is it the case that by the time you're dealing with warranty issues, F2 is out of stock?

OTOH, why does Blue get to punt the problem to F2? I really hate going to a store with a broken widget and getting pointed at the manufacturer. To me, that's part of what I pay for when I buy from someplace.

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a good example of that is one that I worked in, we had all sorts of straps for softboot bindings and we would not swap them out on current models that we carry for warranty issues, we would make people buy them and then keep their old strap when we sold them a new one and warranty their straps

this way the shop sold a strap and got free one, so the shop would actually make $40 on a $20 transaction at the riders and manufacturers expense

another shop used to charge $20 to send stuff back through them, even a pair of gloves, they would claim thats how much it costs them to send it back to the manufacturer

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Hi y'all,

Sorry I didn't chime in earlier, been busy.

Everything Rad-Air will be coming in mid-Fall. We have a late deadline for shops this year because of the change of distribution so they are able to get their orders in by the end of September. This means more Rad-Air in the US than ever before. So don't worry about being able to get product if you get your orders in soon.

My personal opinion is that with the change in design on the Tankers and last year's overly-positive reviews we will sell out in all markets. The going comments about the new boards is that they have reached a new level. Smiles galore!

We have not been able to sign all the shops yet, so if you have a shop that has historically carried Rad-Air and is not presently, send them my e-mail rj@exoticboards.com

As for the warranty issues I sympathize with you yyzcanuck/Dave. It's strange doing business in the information age, geographic boundaries are no longer the same as they used to be and that is posing an issue for all of us. I can assure you that any warranty in North America will have to come through me so if you decide to carry Rad-Air again, no worries on your part. We can talk more when I get back from my trip.

Right now I must off to bed, too much grape juice with the family makes me sleepy.

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