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no instructors around!!!

Guest sandarapark

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Guest sandarapark

so i checked with all the "ski/snowboard schools" around the area i lived in if they have classes for alpine snowboarder wannabes and the replies were all the same just different variations..." huh, what? oh that race thing? sorry we don't have one, but we have a special offer on telemark this comming season bla bla bla"....

so i was wondering where i could get some resources, preferably videos of those drills i've read on this site, so i could teach my self( i know it's not the best way especially taking into consideration the fact that i have never ever seen someone on an alpine snowboard, but i have no choice).

so far the sites i know with alpine SB resources(unfortunately no vids) are:



carvers almanac

extreme carving.com (got som few vids)

alpine punk ( can't understand everything since everything was in swedish and my swedish is worst than poor , but i think it mentioned something about Alpine SB instruction but those guys live waaaay up north from where i live)

are there any other alpine SB sources out there?

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I'm still hosting the Torino PGS and SBX videos:


This is not really the kind of riding that you're probably most interested in as a beginner--it might be hard to get any tips that are relevant to you--but it's pretty darn inspirational watching.

As far as learning without ever seeing anyone ride alpine, don't worry too much--that's how a lot of people here learned.

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sandarapark, i know some capable carvers in Norway who can get you on right track, drop me email or PM and i give some local pointers.

Might be good idea to reserve also time for Oppdal CarvingCamp 5-10.3, there will be good bunch of carvers around, not far away from your local slopes.

btw we been in Trysil atleast once per year riping slopes there.

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Guest sandarapark
Searching your "home mountains" tells me you live in Norway. Carver's Almanc mentions this store - http://www.snowboard.no/oss/Carving%20Snowboarding.htm, maybe you could call them up and ask to see if they know anything.

yup, have been living here for quite a while (must make some money for the winter frenzy:biggthump ) and i did try to call them but they're close for the summer:(.

but i saw on their website some alpine gear:) . there was this Spook and stinger boards. some upz boots and sno pro bindings. maybe they do know something...i hope... well got to call them again soon.

thanks for pointing it out though.

"Might be good idea to reserve also time for Oppdal CarvingCamp 5-10.3"

i'll be back home by then for vacation:(

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I will probably be shot for saying this but a quality softboot program that teaches *good* freeriding technique could be appropriate (depending of course on what level of rider you are). I think that the immobile upper body technique taught by some freeride instructors is quite similar to the Swiss EC technique.

No substitute for learning directly from a good hardboot instructor but if you are a relative beginner or low intermediate then in my opinion you can learn something useful about carving turns from a *good* softboot instructor.

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I know Morten, he is nice guy but beginner. There are few other older guys in same area and they might help. And in Trysil there should be some instructors who can carve, i saw them when visited there last winter.

According my knowledege "norsk" dont hang around here, but some of them ride Swoards and therefore read and write in EC site when season begins.

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If you want to see a variety of carvers and styles, a very complete collection of online carving vids is on the carver's almanac... http://www.alpinecarving.com/ovid.htmlI havn't yet found an instructional video, but watching other's style and techniques can give you ideas on how to carve. These videos were (and still are) a major influence on my progression, but im also fortunate enough to share a 500 ft, 5 trail mountain with two other carvers. Hope this helps!

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Guest sandarapark

thanks a lot guys!!! appreciate the help:biggthump

so, pokkis, i've checked the extteme carver forum as you said... your right, there are a lot of them there. Gues i'm not gonna be alone as i thought i would be. again thanks a lot you guys!!!

p.s. my brother got really hyped- up when he saw my proton board that took it in his room and locked it in his cabinet and was begging me to give it to him...can't really resist the little twerp, well i guess there will be 2 new carvers this season...

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Guest sandarapark

oslo is not that far...just around 1 1/2 hr drive...

yeah too bad about that oppdal camp...but hey, i think my brother would just be around on march coz he's currently a student so he's not going to hava a vacation just yet( well, if you don't mind a young punk tagging along with you guys. ) but in any case, where could he get info about this camp?

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Try www.casi-acms.com.

There are some short vids posted and you don't have to be a member to access them.

On the top bar, you'll see "Courses" and the pulldown will show "Course Standards". Once you're there, select Level 2 Basic and intermediate carving.

These are probably the best of the videos as they are shown at a speed that lets you see what is happenning in the turn.

If you ever get to Canada, you'll find that taking an instructor course for $300 (3 days) will teach you more about riding than most full-day private lessons. Even if you don't care about the teaching stuff, the riding skills improvement will be worth the $$.

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