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River rafting anyone?? Spring of '07 six day trip


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Just thought I would throw this out there to try to get some Bombers together on a spring rafting trip. I know Tpalka and his wife Lisa are boaters and a few from the NE and CO.

The trip I am envisioning would be a six day trip on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River in central Idaho. We would need to get a list of people together to apply on a date that would work for everyone.

July and August are out for me. Late May is the earliest you can run (kind of) with the second or third week of June being optimal.

Stay in touch if interested and we will try to make this happen.


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Hey Jerry, let me know how plans proceed. I think that I'd be interested in a lower water trip, so the later in June the better :) I presume it'd offer more technical (rather than big) rapids, and perhaps expose more hot springs? Does that sound reasonable?

We just got back from Gates of Lodore, low water but very fun and nice. I'll post some info about it on slackerdom.com in the next few days. Cheers, and thanks for the great idea,


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Drooooollll,,,,,,,, I wish I could make it. Last time I did that I was 5 and my dad took me and my brother down a flat section in an army surplus raft. All I remember was standing on a gravel bar with lightnig going off in the distance :eek: Sounds like a great time and I hope some others can make the trip.

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Drooooollll,,,,,,,, I wish I could make it. Last time I did that I was 5 and my dad took me and my brother down a flat section in an army surplus raft. All I remember was standing on a gravel bar with lightnig going off in the distance :eek: Sounds like a great time and I hope some others can make the trip.

Not sure if you were interested Art. You are on the thread now. FYI this would not be a commercial trip but rather a private trip with all participants sharing in cost, transportation, cooking and dishes. With estimated cost around $250 per person not including cold, frothy beverages. I don't let people come down the river with me without bringing beer 'cause then they just drink mine.

(Did a small trip on the Main Salmon and the other three people brought a six pack each for a six day trip and then promptly ran out on day two - then begged me for some of mine which they had to replace at Mackay Bar for $35 a case :smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea )

Tom - I am shooting for the second to third week of June depending on snow pack when we put in for the lottery. I have uncommonly blessed when it comes to picking up cancellations if we don't win the lottery. Also the float that I just did June 24th was a dreamy level. It almost seemed too easy. Very little class IV at that flow.

The more people we have to put in for the same date the better chance we have for our selected date. Of course we have to have to have enough boats to carry the food and gear for our everyone.

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My wife (Andrea) and I would be interested if it fits in with the million other things... do you want to start an email list?

Dave & Andrea Morgan

Not sure if you meant something off the list or ?????

I thought this would be a good place to generate interest. I have looked at the calendar and the best time for me would be June 16th. Not that it is all about me but sometimes you just have to pick a date. This is the latest that I could go give or take a couple of days. But a Saturday works best for me for launch date.

I know Tom and Lisa have a raft and some skills. Have you done some rafting before? If you are travelling from Canada and flying in Boise is your best bet (or Hailey on a small plane). Stanley is the closest town to the put in ( dirt strip at airport and the hub for all the back country flying in the wilderness). If you are a boater and don't want to trailer a boat across the country there are several places to rent a raft nearby.

FYI: I live about two hours from the put in for this fantastic river and get tons of invites and oppurtunities. I can only go in May, June, late September and October due to work. May can be quite cold and high water, June usually mellows out quite a bit (at that time frame). September and October is awesome (and I do mean awesome) fishing but it is very scrapy, technical boating for the first two or three days that time of year. And most people think I am a masochist for going down at that time.



The permit applications have to be in between Dec 1st- Jan 31st.

This is the website for the USFS that runs it:


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Hey Jerry

I would be interested in the trip. It's been a few years since I have been in a boat (kayak mostly) but would do the trip in a raft. That river is fun at all levels. Went down one time with a few friends in the early spring and after having to put in at the highway we still could have done the whole stretch in one day. Not sure a raft would have been my choice at about 10+ feet, but at less than 4-5 the big boats are the best. You can haul a lot of beer (and food) in them.


PS. I do not remember the dates to put in for the lottery but maybe we should know what the cut off time is when it gets close.

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Nice to hear from you. Love to have you along. I still have a DVD kicking around here for you too. I tried to edit but the formats weren't compatible with my video editing. Not giving up on that.

I edited the previous post to include the permit time periods. Dec 1st '06 to Jan 31st '07.


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  • 3 months later...

Jeanne and I would be up for a trip next year. We did a trip this summer on the main and are hooked. Shopping now for a boat and have ben collecting gear sence last year.



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Good to hear from you Dave and Jbird. I am definitely going down the river in June of next year. The two dates I am looking at are June 13th ( a Wednesday) for five days coming off on Sunday June 17th. Or launching on June 16th (Saturday) and coming off on June 20th (Wednesday). Those are the two times I am looking at.

For those who are interested: This will not be a low water float. Depending on snow pack it may not be huge, but I hope it will not be low. Spring means colder water and the possibility of nasty weather. Although my last several trips only had one night of rain in 17 days out there.

Everyone needs to be aware that this won't be a swim-suits-and-water-fight kind of float trip. Thousands float this river every year without incident but I just want everyone to be prepared.

Jbird - have you done any rowing? Sounds like you want to take your raft that you may not have yet. Just checking.

Dave (yyz) - Sounds like you are interested. Do you row? Need to borrow or rent a raft? Flying in or driving? Interested in a paddle boat?

I was trying to get a paddle boat together for one of my spring trips this year and it did not happen. Would love to though as it would be a hoot. A wet hoot :biggthump but still a hoot.

Just putting out the feelers to see what we can make happen.

Cool here in Idaho today with snow in the high mountains.



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We can figure out boat logistics when the time comes a little closer. We do have to go through the permitting process. I have never had a problem getting a cancellation at the last minute. But with flights and people travelling we should nail it down a little more. The permit applications end Jan. 31, with notifications coming out early March.

We need to pick a date and have everyone apply for the same date for the best chance of the date we want.

Snowing now. :biggthump:biggthump


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We have ben on many 1 and 2 day trips with guides but this year we got invited on a 5 day Main Salmon trip the catch was they needed someone to row. No problem after a short lesson I was on my way to 5 days of fun so much so we are buying a raft and all the gear for a multi day trip.



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It is hard to think of going boating when I keep thinking about snow.

We can apply for permits between Dec 1 and Jan 31, '07.

Notification happens by the end of February. Each trip needs to have a permit. Each trip can take 24 people in 10 rafts, kayaks etc.

More info here.


So sometime after Dec. 1st we pick a date that everyone can go and all apply for the same date for best chances of getting our date. By end of Feb we receive notification and make travel plans then.

Don't know if this helps. Dave, It is possible to get skunked on the permit process. As I said I have always been able to pick up a cancellation but I don't want to sound like I am promising the moon and only delivering 40,000 feet of elevation. :smashfrea:smashfrea

So reserve some time and we can make more firm travel plans once the permit is in hand.

jbird ( and Dave) the Middle Fork in June can be quite different than the Main Salmon. The first 10 miles has the most potential for out of boat experiences too. So not trying to discourage here as you sound pretty fired up. I would like to make a plan with you for getting your boat on the water a few times before the trip to make sure you are comfortable reading water and making the boat move.

I have close to 50 trips out there now, so should be able to show the good line.

All for now,


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Good that you looked into the application. While earlier may be better chances statistically there is also a snow covered access road that if closed would add about $200 per person for either a fly in to the first airstrip - still leaves 75 miles of river but we don't float the first 25 with the flyin.

There is also an over the snow shuttle for about 1,600 bucks. Either option adds time, money and a bit of uncertainty. The uncertainty is the water flow. It usually peaks earlier rather than later in the month. We usually don't want to go at peak. If it is a grim snow year :mad::mad::mad::mad: then we will go for the peak flow or earlier. No offense but with jbird being relatively new, I haven't boated with Tom and Lisa - they have some skills and gear but also relatively new to rafting and you and your wife we just don't need to push for bigger water.

We will talk soon.

Anyone else on this thread besides Dave and jbird interested??

Ken? Art? Ken?

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Good that you looked into the application. While earlier may be better chances statistically there is also a snow covered access road that if closed would add about $200 per person for either a fly in to the first airstrip - still leaves 75 miles of river but we don't float the first 25 with the flyin.

There is also an over the snow shuttle for about 1,600 bucks. Either option adds time, money and a bit of uncertainty. The uncertainty is the water flow. It usually peaks earlier rather than later in the month. We usually don't want to go at peak. If it is a grim snow year :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: then we will go for the peak flow or earlier. No offense but with jbird being relatively new, I haven't boated with Tom and Lisa - they have some skills and gear but also relatively new to rafting and you and your wife we just don't need to push for bigger water.

We will talk soon.

Anyone else on this thread besides Dave and jbird interested??

Ken? Art? Ken?

Just so you all know it is also possible to put in at/near the highway if indeed the road is still snowed in and float to dagger. Carve Dog, one year we did this at well over 10 feet in kayaks and the guys doing this with rafts did not rig their boats until after the pack bridge above dagger. A loaded boat will just fit under the bridge with out the frame.

If you do this option, the water will be high enough that you can still get to the take out as early as you need to. Believe it or not we did the trip to the main over night and could have done the whole rive in one day. Obviously you do not want to have any beginners on that sort of trip.

So even if the road is still closed, it does not mean that the river will be scary high. It can still be a very fun trip for all.

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Some of the best fishing in the world out there. :biggthump

Did my honeymoon in September for eight days there and would love to do a fall fishing trip there next year. For me the spring trip is great because you can do it in five days easy. The fall trip is a push for me to do in seven or eight days. Has to do with the pace of things.

Besides I thought Bomber was all about the adrenaline. :eek:

Ken - I just wouldn't take anyone down Marsh Cr. that I hadn't boated with. That place has kicked more people's a$$ than any other part of the river. It's tight, fast and deceptively easy until something goes wrong and then it gets ugly.

Two years ago a group of ten catarafts went down Marsh instead of driving in - the road was muddy (I got stuck) and they did not have 4wd. All ten went under a log in the canyon that you couldn't see until 30 feet away. Not enough time at high flow. Two shredded boats, three broken frames, one broken ankle and none of the group could continue down the MF.

So that is why I hadn't tossed that idea out. Kind of sounds like sour grapes, but I am all about safety first.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So the permit season is open. I want to get together with dates again and apply mid January as it is a little wacky right now and we want to find the best date for everyone as it is not all about me.


Greg McFadden, who is a plein air watercolorist, will be having an opening and


at my gallery in Ketchum on Friday December 8th. He will be showing several


edition pieces and originals of the Middle Fork, Main Salmon and Grand Canyon.

He still

guides and paints on all his trips whenever he gets a break from guiding duties.

This is his website.


This is mine. Use the google map feature on the front page to find us at 471

Leadville in



We will also be showing photo work by myself, Matt Leidecker and John


Now for the good bits. We are planning to have 6-8 dutch ovens of goodies,


appies, some foccaccia and at least one dessert.

ANNNNNDDDDD. A case of wine, river margaritas and some good beer.

If you can make it, we would love to see you drop by and help us consume our

river style

treats and beverages.




P 208-726-3834

F 208-726-7669

C 208-720-2383

Toll Free


Saddletree Gallery

Art • Framing • Photography

Box 2910 • 471 Leadville Ave N.

Ketchum, ID 83340

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WOW, how did I miss this one?

I would love to be involved. Did a 10 day on Cataract Canyon a few years ago, and a 5 day on the Yampa. I don't have any rowing skills, although willing to learn. But have a couple of good trips under me. I am a great organizer and can help with the logistics, and would love to help organize food, transport, etc. Can I tag along too?

Keep me in mind if anyone has an extra spot on their boat.

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WOW, how did I miss this one?

I would love to be involved. Did a 10 day on Cataract Canyon a few years ago, and a 5 day on the Yampa. I don't have any rowing skills, although willing to learn. But have a couple of good trips under me. I am a great organizer and can help with the logistics, and would love to help organize food, transport, etc. Can I tag along too?

Keep me in mind if anyone has an extra spot on their boat.

It would be great to have you along. We will try to go over dates around January 10th or so. We have until the end of Jan to apply for our prefered date. The more that apply the better chance for our date.


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I've been down the MF twice and always willing to go more. I am a kayaker no real rowing experience. I've been on the MF at 9+ and 5 feet. I have plenty of experience for picking up pieces and parts of rafts that have issues.... :eplus2: ......I can also help out with any other kayakers or duckiers that need guidance/help.

Also if number of rafts become and issue I too have a pool of rafters to contact.

I haven't applied in a few years but my guess is the app. is available on line like past years?? I'll go check and download a couple. If there becomes a general date or dates to apply please let me know and I'll go for those dates.

thenif I can help out with anything let me know. I have plenty of helping experience!!!!! 3 Grands, Gates, Yampa and MF trips.


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I've been down the MF twice and always willing to go more. I am a kayaker no real rowing experience. I've been on the MF at 9+ and 5 feet. I have plenty of experience for picking up pieces and parts of rafts that have issues.... :eplus2: ......I can also help out with any other kayakers or duckiers that need guidance/help.

Also if number of rafts become and issue I too have a pool of rafters to contact.

I haven't applied in a few years but my guess is the app. is available on line like past years?? I'll go check and download a couple. If there becomes a general date or dates to apply please let me know and I'll go for those dates.

thenif I can help out with anything let me know. I have plenty of helping experience!!!!! 3 Grands, Gates, Yampa and MF trips.


Cool. Good to hear from you. We always need someone to shag flies, beers, swimmers what-have-you. :biggthump I have seen it at almost 8 feet but no 9 foot trips.

As far as your rafter buddies - it would be good for you to have someone to travel with expense and company wise. We are definitely trying to pick one launch date that works the best for everyone as that increases our chances tremenduously. I have never had a problem grabbing a cancellation at that time of year if the water comes off good as people always back out.

I don't mind showing new folks the river. Very safety conscious, yaks at the bottom of every major drop. Keeping running order and distances etc. But as you know $hit happens. Best to be prepared.


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  • 1 month later...

This is about the time we need to think about permits for those who are still interested in going down the Middle Fork next spring.

I do have a complication to report. I tore the heck out of my shoulder 4 days ago and still have very limited range of motion. Possible A/C damage and/or rotator cuff. The SES is definitely out and until I get a follow up and start rehab - I don't know what the spring will bring for me boating wise.

I haven't missed a spring trip on the Middle Fork in 10 or 12 years and don't want to start now. If I did draw a permit and was unable to go there is a medical exception where the permit can be transferred to someone else in the party with doctor's note. We did it last year when our permit holder got carpal tunnel so bad he couldn't paddle. And I am pretty sure that a couple of my boater buddies from here were interested in going as well as one buddy from SLC.

A second option would be the Main Salmon River. A less demanding technically river, with more pool drop and Grand Canyon style drops. It is much easier to stay out of trouble for the uninitiated and easier for me if shoulder stays screwed. Slightly shorter river at 85 miles instead of 100, longer shuttle ( and more expensive ), more on river development and less hot springs. Barth is a good one though if you can get in.

I have only been down a few times on the Main and not too concerned with except for a couple of rapids, but I don't know it well.

The best date for me is launching on June 16th - not that it is all about me - for five days coming off the river on Wednesday June 20th. We would need to be at the river Friday evening, June 15th to rig and get ready to float.

I know this changes things so lets get an idea of who is still interested.



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