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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. well speedos are appropriate only in certain places. All i say is when in rome...well i guess right now most people are wasted and running the streets ass naked. Congrats to italy. Boston is crazy right now. I wonder what made Zidane snap like that. Potentially cost France the Cup. Russia is no where in sight :-\
  2. LOL! none taken. I actually had tons of great dates to the beach, especially Hampton beach. Of course I would never go to wendy's for a date. I almost always pick up the bill when we would go to a restaurant but I duno how impressive it would be to go all the way down to Pennsylvania for a first date: Denny's Beer Barrell Pub!!!!! This is one of my top 10 proud moments from high school.
  3. slush monkey, are you sure that wasn't only on 4th of july? That sounds too good to be true.
  4. wow that sounds pretty good. I got some k2 mod 8.5s a few months ago and decided to upgrade. I've gone around 40 on my k2s so i think i'd be able to hit some higher speeds on these. Speed wobble kind of gets me sometimes but its been alot less recently. My new skates come in the mail tuesdayish so I can't wait to try them out. I'll definitly try out the 16 mile hill eventually. I'll be bringing my bike up there soon aswell. Thanks for the info
  5. I just picked up some Salomon tr Vitesse 2 for a bargain on ebay that are brand new for $94 and I'm just curious if any of you speed skate of any kind. I really would love to get into marathoning on inlines because I easily do 10 miles a day on average at moderatly high speeds and I'd just appreciate suggestions. Also, anyone in the boston area skate on the charles much? or know of any nice place to skate? Thanks.
  6. id say a good first date is going to an expensive restaurant and making her pay well i actually never done that but i'll let you know when i do. instead of a nice dinner, throw in a suprise like wendy's or if you wanna splurge, let her super size it. No one mentioned the beach at night yet? boardwalk if you're near one?
  7. yeah i read that on his site. Its too bad about the allegations. hope it all clears up.
  8. nope, don't have any of his own stuff. I'll check his music out in a bit. for now, I'm off to go fail an organic chem exam!!!
  9. too bad tyler hamilton isn't in it this year. He is from a 2 towns away from me. Great guy i heard. Justin, my classes finish in 3 weeks so i defintly might be biking up there with you. I'll let you know when I'm heading up. Again, thanks for the invite.
  10. lol! aright sweet. 3 or 4 year old $200 dollar bike from target with really crappy full suspension but i rode it pretty hard at loon. They have decent downhill trails.
  11. thanks man. I'm planning to be up at cannon as much as possible next season. Its a 2 and a half hour drive from boston but as long as I have enough gas $, i'll be there about two times a week for the $25 lift tickets with some of my friends. One is a brand new hardbooter too. We defintly gotta meet up there sometime. Its one of my favorite mountains. I'll email you when I'm planning to head up there with my crappy mountain bike. Thanks again.
  12. thanks. instead of running, i rollerblade everywhere. went around 15 miles on the charles river yesterday. the mri was relaxing in a weird way. My head was almost in it and it seemed like there was a jack hammer going on all around me. Before I knew it, I was passed out. I fall asleep pretty easily though. Sometimes its not a good thing. Skatha, are you going to be 100% before the season starts up again?
  13. i have every iron maiden song on my mp3 player. They still tour i think. I love their stuff. I discovered iron maiden when i downloaded their Childhood's End when i was looking for the pink floyd version. Both songs are amazing.
  14. yep, i'm 200% retarded
  15. its like a tumor but its not really harmful. malignant tumors are the dangerous ones because those are the ones that spread throughout the body. She said that most likely that my knee pain isn't a result of the cis at all, i just probably over worked it and I used running shoes that were too worn out. It was an excuse to buy some high quality sneakers and I'll be getting some thermo liners and possibly footbeds for my boots. I'm just suprized that through my years of wrestling and playing many, many other physical sports like rugby and football that my knee never bothered me once. I miss wrestling though:mad:
  16. she's right, its a two way street. you might regret it eventually though. me in a bikini...well the summer is still young.
  17. i have 2 friends right now on crutches. one hurt herself back 4 years ago racing on skis and the other from over working her knee resulting in some serious injury. does not look fun. I just developed a knee problem with my left knee. got an MRI and they found some benign cis so i go back in a year to get it checked up. No marathon for me this year because I defintly cannot risk hurting myself before the snow starts falling. Btw, the mri machines are relaxing. I passed out so fast it was amazing. hope you heal up and recover fast.
  18. i dabble. takin it easy now though. keepin the partying down to 3 or 4 nights a week. on a totally related note, we finally signed our lease for an apartment today!!!!!!!! right next to northeastern, my school and about 10 other schools. god, i love boston! we live on the second floor and we got big plans for this place. backyard is perfect for a nice bbq. a two story funnel is already in the works as well as a keg fridge. only problem is one room is much bigger than others:mad: oh well. I'll be the first one to turn 21 there but not till next june. we'll manage though.
  19. i'll take the boots off your hands. so you can't send it out?
  20. actually, i can vouche for being on vitamins that you get sick much less. During high school, when i was in tip top shape, i took this mix of vitamins that you put into orange juice. It pretty much had your daily value of things you acually don't always get from everything you eat. During the 4 years of high school, i was probably had the flu and cold less than 3 or so times. my immune system was undestructable. That summer, i got lazy and stopped taking the vitamins and had a cold every other week. vitamins = healthier immune system at least thats the case with me.
  21. i think i'm actually gonna try these out. Not for a long while though, $135 is kinda steep for a set of wheels on metal plates. 10 week waiting list though. seems cool.
  22. good point. I think i'd want to try it out on my way to SES. Cavity search here i come!!1
  23. I looked into the soft goods and noticed a lack of bomber shirts. I found the hat but black hat in the summer = instant death. how bout a white hate with black lettering? or blue hat? Beenie? I'd def buy it. As for the shirt, I'm sure with all the artistically talented people here could defintly create something good. Maybe a contest and winner gets a free shirt. Just throwing some stuff out.
  24. isnt this whole thread just one hi jack after another?
  25. you guys see the "addicted to oil" segment on the discovery channel the other night? it was pretty interesting. The plug in hybrid giving alver 100mpg. Well if you have a solar powered house, that car is a dream come true.
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