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Everything posted by D-Sub

  1. Scored a pair of challenge comp bindings. I thought they were supposed to be able to be run completely flat, but I only got one "no lift" heel riser and one that creates a fair bit of lift. I'd like to run completely flat, so I wanted to see if anyone here happened to have the part I need. 2nd pic shows what I need.
  2. all TD2 stuff is sold. Found one buyer for everything. GV in training maybe?
  3. Starting at 7:30 pacific. End sunday. no need to ask questions here. Ask through ebay. My listings (bunch of other stuff, too)
  4. D-Sub

    Oes 2008!

    couldn't help myself. dropped by to see how it went and all I can say is I missed out. Not sure how well an appearance would have gone over, but I'm really, really bummed I didn't come up yet again. shoulda never left Bend. back into the cave.
  5. character? shiiiiit. (fing hurts man. I thought I was over it. Not even close)
  6. carvedog I know I emailed you privately but I wanted to post here. I started a thread a while back about my dog dying (also cancer) which had a lot to do with me turning into such an ******* these last couple years (wow, years.) something in me has started to lift...dunno what it is...tired of bein pissed off I guess. Still a "dark soul" person, but...I'm ready to get another dog even though I'm absolutely terrified of it dying the way my last one did (fine on friday, gone on monday). Everyone says the good outweighs the loss, and I keep trying to remind myself of that but even now...almost 2 years later I can still cry about it if I let myself. Here's Avalanche (RIP): (and no, I'm not back)
  7. Found this searching google. In the same boat you are. ONLY place I've seen them is ebay germany. I want a pair too. Get in line ;)
  8. clebner I'd venture that you'd want to scuff the plastic before application, but yeah, you'd probably want something a little more durable. what if you used silicone? apply, press, wait to dry, and then carefully peel the tongue away from the shell, keeping the silicone on that side? dunno.
  9. I hated Little Miss Sunshine. I hated Superbad. I disliked Eastern Promises... oh and carvedog...aside from the recent fiasco where a couple members went ballistic in a thread I started, I figure there's just no point anymore. Not that there ever was...
  10. which makes you sensitive ;) Totally kidding. Your call, completely. Do you boycott all movies with gunplay in them? Equilibrium is a futuristic fascism-gone-wrong fantasy that combines martial arts with gunfights and is really a damn fine story AND production. I see your point and certainly wouldn't begrudge you your decision~
  11. sweet lookin board, but just based on the pics I'm having a hard time believing that's an 18M scr. best way to get the exact specs is to send the serial number to the guys at Prior.
  12. I'd say that's pretty obvious since the top level EC guys do. some people are gonna over this, but the proof is in the pudding. Top level EC riders like Fivat don't angulate. two different styles though, and I still suspect that "race" style ie "bomber" style works better in variable terrain.
  13. No, I don't remember. There's a LOT of gunplay in Equilibrium so if you're a sissy...I mean...heh...sensitive...don't watch it. Great story though!
  14. D-Sub

    Madd De-lam

    take the whole thing off and use JBWeld ;)
  15. Great response to a "worst movie I've ever seen" thread ;) You and Lee hang out much? KIDDING. please don't get worked up. I checked your link above, and this busted me up: "Atonement is now in its first run in theatres, at least for another week, depending on how many women can drag their husbands/boyfriends/casual acquaintances/UPS men to go see it. Such was my fate last night, as I dutifully went to see the film against my own will. As the credits rolled and the theater emptied, I casually frisked myself to make sure my genetalia did not perish in light of my betrayal to my gender. The thing is, the premise of the movie isn't terrible. The script just needs to be massaged a bit so that it's more presentable to a broader audience. If only there was some ******* with a little free time that could re-write the film in a way that the finished product would actually enhance one's manhood, rather than have one question it. Well, rejoice, dear reader, because I am that *******."
  16. Ultraviolet was horrible as many comic book crossovers are. as for Gun Katas, check out "Equilibrium" for a damn fine flick.
  17. There was a "spa mens?" I thought the spa lady was just a 3 buckle 413... Kinpa...you almost don't need to know german even...but I use babelfish when necessary.
  18. Again, sorry to hear you feel that way. That movie is absolutely stunning, and you're definitely in the minority there :) http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/lost_in_translation/
  19. Are you serious? "The Red Balloon" was awesome! Not little red balloon. Just "The Red Balloon" excellent childhood story. Beyond Rangoon was good because we get to see glimpses of P. Arquette's goods.
  20. here is the sound of me responding calmly and pointing out that a)I didn't "review" Crank and b)"Zeitgeist' is not a movie in the sense that it is not meant to be entertaining. I believe I only posted once about it, also.:rolleyes:
  21. Guy doesn't have a very good track record, does he.
  22. You have a real gift, Lee. First sentence = not on topic. U-Turn was good, sick but good. Lock, Stock + Snatch are awesome. Actually the guy from "Crank" is in both. Jason Statham.
  23. Just watched "Crank." Whoa. I was literally offended by how bad it was. I guess you're supposed to "suspend disbelief" for a movie like that, but...man... If you haven't seen it, don't. If you have...agree? What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  24. Pow you can find those Vega boots on ebay germany quite often, for very cheap. yeah...shipping will be a bit more, but not all that bad total price... sorry...I guess this is kinda more useless info, Kinpa.
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