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Everything posted by D-Sub

  1. all I know is that Tom Burt is gnarly.
  2. +1 for mammoth IF it's been a good snow year. Even slush days are a farking BLAST there when coverage is good.
  3. Hope you get a shot at that board, Phil. Come on guys...let someone who likely doesn't have a quiver that would fill a 2 car garage get himself a good ride for a great price? I'd love to have that board for my friend Greg who has zero alpine gear as well.
  4. wondering how Baldy is claiming 3ft when San Gabriel mtns got inches. They really get me wondering sometimes that place but it sure is fun there on a good day!
  5. wanna trade a WCR 185 ridden about 3 runs? :)
  6. I prefer my carving boards to be as centered as possible. I think the reason setback is built in is to counter getting too far forward. Weight needs to get "back" sometimes, too... if you're comfortable riding centered ie "forward" why would you think you need to change? I used jack's "find the sidecut and center over that" method on most boards.
  7. Maybe suzukas were like that too and I've just forgotten. Still seems like overkill but better safe than sorry I guess.
  8. Not sure if I'm understanding what you're suggesting, but in every pair of boots I've owned and put intec heels on, the t-nuts were flush with the floor of the boot. Any longer additional bolt/nut would protrude into the footbed area... totally unnecessary, imo. Install them correctly from the start using quality hardware = no problem and yes, perfectly happy with intec.
  9. creepin crud? apparently my body is doing just fine. Already sloughed off a couple scabs believe it or not, and new ones formed. odd.
  10. Jeez, John...do decisions always take you this long? ;) If you're not getting much pow where youre at, you're better off with something that carves well but can float when necessary. Nidecker Escape might do the trick, but I don't think it's much of a performer as far as carving goes. MLY Signature Series Shannon Melhuse in a 167 is a SOLID board...hard to find though.
  11. well, since nothing ever actually touched it...pants never ripped...I think I'm ok. I apparently have a pretty solid immune system...can only remember one infected wound all my life...dozens of skate injuries that never got infected...just one from a cut in the shower oddly enough a couple of the scabs came off today...fairly dry pink skin under. Almost seems as if I have a super healing capability. interesting. no puss, no smell, no streaks. just some moderate bruising.
  12. Can't afford to see a doc...does it look infected to you? No pus whatsoever. A little warm to touch. Just a bit sore :)
  13. interested in 4WD if it is the longer model, 179. A friend wants one.
  14. Suzukas were only $150, as were the TD2s. Great prices. Too bad someone that probably already has more equipment than they'll ever need most likely bought the stuff. Hopefully it was someone of a different persuasion completed auctions You'll need to log in when clicking that link.
  15. Diverticulitis. Are you an older fella? Heal well and pay attention to your diet!
  16. In all honesty I tend to avoid NSAIDs, and all synthetic meds pretty much. The pain is really only an inconvenience...quite minor believe it or not I just keep thinking femoral artery, or...family jewels. I coulda been WORKED!
  17. I don't need pain meds, fellas. Bruising has started to show. This one's gonna be a doozy. I felt horrible cutting that limb down. Wasnt the whole tree, but a large chunk of it. It had cracked during a storm though and probably would have given out at some point...
  18. ****, man! Here I was bitching about a little scrape on my leg! :(
  19. 4:30am pacific and I can't farking sleep cuz my leg is throbbing. ****e.
  20. Just to let y'all know, when a tree limb needs to be removed after a storm, make sure you can get out of the way while cutting it. Even if you think you've planned its trajectory well, think twice and then again. 4-500 or so pounds of tree limb, angulated and inclinated right toward your inner thigh does not feel good. I'm pretty sure I got lucky.
  21. I heard that dude sticks to cat track trails only. If he rides anything more than a green he gets catapulted into the trees. Riders in that category catch a lot of flak from people. Catastrophic failure ensues.
  22. Not trying to stink things up but when you say "my first HB board" I assume you mean hardboot...so why not get something more carve-specific? There are plenty of boards that will carve well and handle variable conditions. You don't have to buy a race-specific board, but most freeride boards aren't gonna be ideal for a hardboot setup.
  23. Hell, it even made me smile!
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