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Everything posted by D.T.

  1. It must be dependent on vintage of SnowPro... My older standard SP Race bindings work Intec heels.
  2. Nice but many are already sold out :( and they won't ship to the US
  3. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    more clothing = more padding = the faster you can ride without getting hurt as some point we'll just start calling you weeble
  4. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Saturday - yes Sunday - no
  5. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    rumor has it the doctor is recommending amputating from the hip up... no really, the doctor is recommending a full frontal lobotomy... no, no really, severe tear in outer meniscus, minor ACL tear, minor inner meniscus tear. surgery date TBD.
  6. welcome ed :) easiest way - roll over to your knees then push up. other option - rather than sitting flat on your butt, sit on your forward cheek which will allow you to push up to the side rather than directly behind you. everybody's kinematics are different. i never sit flat on my butt, it's always on the forward cheek. i never kneel squarely on both knees, i typically sit my butt on my rear heel. tweaking your toe/heel lift and canting can help relieve the pressure in your ankles and knees. i find that at lower binding angles like you have described, i feel the knee pressure also. at higher angles (i.e. 50°f/45°r) i don't have a problem. don't be afraid to experiment and tweak your set-up. i cannot put enough emphasis on this!!! another great thing to do is ride with other hardbooters and ask them for input. seeing someone ride is always better for offering advice than doing it on the web... go to the ride board section to find riders local to your area. good luck
  7. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    how about something on the log scale → 1, 10 or 100 :D that's the easy way out when I know a purchase is not currently an option ;)
  8. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    WHAT!?! Do you think I'm a revolving door of boards?!? :D
  9. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    PS - just received a note that he has scheduled an MRI on the knee
  10. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    I rode the Hammerhead on Friday (lime-green Virus with a black stripe). It was interesting... With ~2" of camber, the board was full of energy coming after apex-ing turns; too much for "teach-your-friend-how-to-slide-down-the-hill-on-their-a$$-on-bulletproof-conditions-while-taking-up-as-much-of-the-hill-as-possible-and-forgetting-to-teach-them-to-look-up-hill-before-starting" day. Betty would have been a better option, but I only had the HH and Oldy with me...:o
  11. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    jp1, the only reason I made this comment is that I don't feel like driving 3+ hours if I am only going to ride for 2.5 hours, especially when I have flown over 60,000 miles this year. If I lived closer to the hill, it would be a non-issue.
  12. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    considering the crappy conditions on Friday and they have changed the snow forecast for this weekend, we won't be there tomorrow unless there 2" or more of new overnight... :(
  13. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    he's really a gimp now... slipped off the ladder the other day, knee is effed-up, it will be awhile before he gets back on the hill. i'm still riding the wax job from late march
  14. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    absolutely, looking forward to it!!!
  15. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    nope, not me I forgot you prefer belegayvas to gaydas again, nope, same as it ever was :D
  16. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    Looks like Shelly, stinkerbell and I on Friday, then Shel and I for Sunday.
  17. John, Personally, I feel more stable with a wider stance. I'm 5'9" and run a 20" stance with primarily all lift (only 1 or 2 notches of inward cant). A slight amount of cant relieves the pressure on my knees.
  18. with Bruce's convention: AM = All Mountain AMT = All Mountain Titanal Your board is an AM not an AMT.
  19. D.T.

    Yo Lci!!

    did she reply "he's an effing monsta!!!"?
  20. i've released twice: front foot released on a heel side carve; standard bindings. scared me, but no injury back foot released on toe side carve; step-in bindings. again, scared the sh!t out of me, but no injury
  21. or... an inexpensive way to make a complex part and keep the overall cost of the system more affordable.
  22. what ink said not all of us spend our days sittin' on the couch with our p$^krs in our hands it depends... IMO it's better to plan your trip to avoid any holidays (translation: avoid the idiots). with regard to powder days, March and April typically have more powder days than January and February.
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