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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Tanker oversize 187 for my 5-10 1/4 240lb frame, wide enough for softies, but a hoot with plates. In softer stuff and crud, I don't leave trenches, I make berms. The 9.5m side cut makes for some really fun turns, and you can still open them up. A great all mountain board, I giggle every time I ride it.


  2. I was at Loveland (the nearest ski area about 60 miles west of Denver - just east of the Continental Divide) the last 2 Saturdays and the snow was good - not great. As of Saturday morning, they were claiming 15.5" of snow in the previous 48 hours but the wind had been blowing pretty strong and it was pretty wind-packed./QUOTE]

    What were you riding? There were a bunch of us over on 8 and 2, I was on my tanker (hit a rock, bent an edge) bright orange jacket occupying a large volume of space. D.t and I will be back up on sat, hopefully the next storm will dump and the winds will stay down.


  3. I like to twirl my hair with one finger while snapping my gum. Make sure you giggle a lot too, it helps. Try not to have any oozing pimples visible, that's a turn-off (if you do, cover them with that colored zinc oxide cream stuff). Also - polish those braces to a mirror finish for that extra bling.

    If nothing else works, dress like a slut, close your eyes, and think of a happy place.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    you a funny guy


  4. i ate while on my toe side and kind of messed up my ankle too. it's feeling a lot better now, but i decided to take the rest of this week off and really let it heal up. i don't want to put myself out for the rest of the season by injuring it more.


    go to an osteopath and have an mri done immediately, this may be far more than a simple sprain, especially if the inside of your ankle is very tender. I have done this and did not go to a docter and now have very limited movement. P.m skatha about this particular injury, she has had to have surgery on her ankle because of this. Not trying to be alarmist, but do not mess around with this.


  5. so,..... I cannot decide between a donek axxess or prior 4wd, I have to make up my mind soon, 'cause its my x-mas present and I really want it to be under the tree so I can see the look on my face x-mas morning. any input? anyone??

    Go axxes, support local builders! I love mine, ten days plus on it. :D :1luvu:

  6. I have the new stratos pro liners and was wondering if you guys know anything about molding them. I tried to make an appointment with Larrys bootfitting in Boulder and theyre booked forever. Is there anyway to mold them at home. Or any places in Denver that can do em?


    Snowboardsfast went to a guy in englewood to get his new boots fit, unfortunately I don't remember his name, Larry has gotten some big time press lately in skier and the rocky. Try pm'ing snowboardsfast, I'm sure he will be much more help than I was.


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