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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Rode there a few years ago, found it to be a funky and cool little area but the grooming was not that good. Spent most of my time there in softies, and it was suprisingly busy(right before presidents week)


  2. While out showing my santa cruz(bike) some love @ apex in golden, the poison ivy was a brillent red, as were the sumacs, the aspens are starting to turn as well as the scrub oak. I heard elk bugleing as I tore thru the enchanted forest, and lovey will be blowing snow by the end of the week. It won't long now :biggthump


  3. you realize that "Them" is Mark and his dog and that the "warehouses" are his garage and basement...that said he is very good at collecting and testing all manner of boards and wheels....in the beginning he carried a huge variety of equipment using the short(er) board stuff to help him sell the longer stuff....now that business has taken off he mostly stocks bigger boards and the hardware, wheels, trucks and such that go with them. BTW his "Franken Trucks" which improve Indy 169's and 215's with better baseplates, kingpins and bushings are amazing.

    I have had the pleasure of skating with mark on a few occassions. He is a really great guy, and not unlike a crack dealer. He will bring a bunch of completes and lay them out on the grass, and let you ride them for as long as you want, no charge. Nice marketing strategy, and just a little on the evil side. I've been trying to convince Mark and a few of the the other mile high rollers to join me on the dark side.


  4. Good on ya Kent! I haven't even looked at my road bike since my weather related meltdown last year, I was so wet and cold coming down squaw that I started shaking uncontrollably any time I got over 20mph.

    give me a yell @303-210-9742 and we'll try and make something happen.


  5. I have to go to my wifes family reunion in a few weeks.Me and the kids calll it SlovakFest.Its like Polish Fest only slower....ha..ha...
    :nono: :D :D

    You are treading on dangerous ground here mister...so are you heading to the coalies??? I have a boatload of relatives in the hazelton area. Pre ellis island last name: Vasko

  6. There is a small amount of movement built into your td2's, this is "suspension" or damping that the td1's did not have. It is more obvious in the softer e rings, and it can be disconcerting the first time you see it in a bench situation. Fret not, just make sure all of your hardware is tight and mounted per instructions and go ride.


  7. No turns on powder days.


    Bola is serious about the no turns part, he just straightlines pow as long as nothing is in his way!

    Bola turns? :p

    sorry, you know I had to!

    On a much more serious note, get well soon Enzo.


  8. if it is truly a powder day, i would like to be at morrison by 6:15 latest. ( I hate traffic) let me know which lot is your preference an i will see you there.

    I am bringing the grill again, so i will just plan on driving.


  9. looks like a powder day tomorrow, with a possibility of 18+ today into tonight

    If that is the case, I (we) will probably head to 8. I will figure out a way to get that discount ticket to you john. My cell is 303-210-9742


  10. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I tried the $24 burger at the base of Highlands during the SES. It turned out to be the best burger I've ever had in my life. Holy $#!+. Totally worth it.

    But the parmesan oil fries sucked!, as did the wimpy beer selection(no porters or brown ales)


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