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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. I am very lucky, I am part of group of freinds/riders that get together at least one day on the weekend, and sometimes both, so it is very rare that I ride alone. We also welcome anyone whom wants to join us. By the way Aaron, its not the board, you just plain rip :biggthump


  2. Lee,

    I think he is still hanging with the winterpark crowd, haven't heard anything about getting together with the otherside of berthoud bunch. If you are coming over, lift one 8:30, or look for us off of 2 or 6 if you miss us there. You will Not find me in the trees.


  3. Looks like a classic lovey day on saturday, wind chills to -26, and with 8 open you'se guys can get that full on lovey experience. Get out the realllly cold wax....

    see you sunday, really glad to be getting out on the hill again


  4. I-70 isn't too bad right now, but who knows what the morning will bring when all the front range gapers are heading this way.

    Watch who you call a gaper there missy! :p Unfortunately I am unable to partake in ullr's bounty this week, all less than an hour away....


  5. Glad to hear you made it out fairly unscathed!!

    So the question is...when are you going back up the hill?

    The Knucklehead side of me wants to go right now, but the rational side says wait. I think I will act more like an adult on this one, and wait at least another week. I have been very reflective and pensive the last few days, and I am really happy that things went as well as they have, and I am feeling as good and as sharp as I am, but more importantly, I have many outstanding loved ones and friends around me, and for that I am truely lucky.

    Thanks again,

    mario :)

  6. Had a two step ramp with a piece of red, white and blue paneling down the center of it, I was going to jump a local pond where an old railroad had passed over, tracks where long gone but the abutments where still there. I didn't like the approaches, so I let it go. I called information the night before the snake river jump to get his phone number to wish him luck, and I ended talking to phone operators from the jersey shore to snake river. Man were my parents pissed when they got that bill.


  7. And now for a few sketchy details.

    I had put away my axxes for a few runs on my big f2, it is a nice smooth, board and things were getting a little chopped up. It was the last run on an easier slope, and I suspect I put the hammer down to grab a clean window on a slope that was starting to get really crowded. Dan is right, I am not a "petite flower" but built more like a middle linebacker that likes beer too much, and I tend to push it a bit at times. As I said earlier I don't remember much of the run, but from a "forensic bruise and ache analasys" I have come up with the following scenario: I was in a toeside turn coming across the trail heading for the trees like we all do everytime we are out. I loaded the nose, then buried it, and got catapulted over the bars and into the trees. I hit my left elbow on something hard, putting a verry small fracture in it( no cast needed) and hit my chest, driving my ZUNE into my sturnum and right pec. That left a mark. The thing still works!! From there I smacked the back of my head on something immoveable and out went the lights. I vaugely remember hearing Iggy Pop singing "Punkrocker" in the distance, and then I woke up on a gurney in ski patrol. I then got chauffererd down I-70 to a hospital a mile or two from home, so that was kind of nice, traffic was pretty bad. Bryan, ther is no real damage to show, other than the goggle clip being broken, but I have never been knocked that silly in my life (though a few people I know might debate that) so I know that brain bucket is done. I have used up a few mtb lids in my time, and this one replaced one that had three seasons on it, I wont ride without one :1luvu::1luvu::1luvu:

    Dan, I don't think we will ever know what happend to that tree, but I will try to avoid all of them in the future.

    see you on the hill fairly soon,


  8. A really big thanks

    Just wanted to Thank D.t, Ink, Shelly, and Pc denver for all of your help and concern today after my little unplanned high speed foray into the woods. Damage to me: concussion, chipped elbow, bruised sternum and clavicle and no new brain damage. One brandy new helmut trashed. Loveland Ski Patrol and Clear Creek EMS, thank you so much for your wonderful care. I dodged a serious bullet today, and am very thankful. D-Sub, I liked the helmut, it did its job, and will now go on the wall as a reminder of my good fortune.


  9. Come up to lovey with us and I will let you ride my 177 axis, and we will gladly pass on carving tips. It is a really fun board and very easy to ride, don't let the length intimidate you. Come up on a saturday, we are much more ride focused, I am out of town shortly, but will be back on the hill after the first.



  10. Looking foward to the bts, locking the front foot more foward did get me down lower, but not being able to straighten my front leg about killed me on some of the flatter terrain. I will dink around with a few things when I get back from vacation.


  11. Rockin' pic Thor. I'm with you on the snow. Brown starting to show on the divide :(

    D, I have plenty of machinery for makin' stuff( drill press, table saw, drum sander, router table ect.) and I think I still know how to use them. :)


  12. Ink,

    The big f2 is probably going to be the every day board, thinking of letting fcII go later this season for one of those sg's, maybe the big one. After some of the bs we put up with yesterday, I am looking foward to two weeks in the windward isles, rum, sailing, diving ect.... and more snow, a bts, less racers and more terrain upon my return. Thanks again for your humble nature, and with that all of the advice you have shared with me, I am beginning to feel like I can carve.


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