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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Gall dang it! I am bummed that I missed out on the ride today but will probably be out tomorrow.

    BM, I hear that you were killin' it again on the FCII, way to go bro.

    DT, git yer head out of you arse and set up your boards the way that works for you. You bend your knees already so don't go screwin' things up.

    I hope there wasn't a pit crew for Tony! Bad, bad images there.



    It was an awesome day, despite the wind, but am I feeling it today! The combination of west indy's vacation/crash/holidays/wicked evil cold has taken a toll on my fitness(what fitness!) my abs/legs/shoulders are sceaming!

    But it's a good hurt. See you sat.


  2. you'se guys missed a great day at lovey, 7 on plates and 1 on softies. It was windy, but not cold. I was so freaked out by the fact that my e rings actually moved that I pulled my bindings to check my bolts. not used to those near freezing temps at lovey. Fun was had by all. Can you get tommy knocker beer on the mountain, other than in your pockets?


  3. It is now" I think i'll take a break now", which could be as short as 5 minutes or as long as a week. What's goin' on with the co gang? way too many ambulance rides already this season and we still have 5 more months? heal well curtis, and I hope you enjoyed the ride down, mine was nice, I didn't have to deal with any traffic.


  4. Glad to hear you were not hurt any worse, those trees can be a sneaky, evil and insidious lot. A guy was dropping trees across from my job site a month and a half ago, later in the day we heard a bunch of shouting and a loud crash, he had dropped one right into and across the street. Luckily no one was hurt, and no trucks were damaged.


  5. Sat. Jan 19th at loveland basin, riding starts at 8:30 am @ lift 1. Bola will be there with some of his demo's as well the much drooled over and improperly fondled collection of viruses belonging to Mr. Thor Von Rippington. Rumor has it that Dustin will be showing up with his collection of vaunted DT Customs. I will have my boards available also. Bring your own beer, I will be bringing my grill up, and I may have some smoked brisket and pork shoulder available, as well as a few of my bbq sauces. Discount lift tickets are available at WildErnest Ski shop and The Mountains USA in Frisco, and at Maison de Ski in Idaho springs, there will be a limited number of discounted tickets available on the mountain using season passes on a first come first served basis. More info to follow.


  6. While we're on the subject of BOL and Big Mario's awesomeness

    I am just a member of a niche community full of cool, passionate, and slightly quirky people(see above posts lol) whom all share the relentless pursuit of the perfect turn. It is the community itself that is awesome.


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