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Everything posted by tdifan_2003

  1. So, being from Chicago, do you make a day trip to Cascades or you go for a few days?
  2. Bummer . Feel (or felt) your pain. A few yeasrs back, on day 1 out of 7 at Vail, I fell on my second run for the day. Fell on the shoulde and separated the AC joint. Yeah, it really hurts. I did snowboard for the rest of the vacation, with one arm almost immobile and ibuprofen Q4 hrs. This painkept me awake for the next >1 year . I wasn't able to sleep on that side for >1 1/2 years after that. Wish you luck
  3. What Tex and Gecko, MikeT, The Fastguy and everyone else above said :D. Don't get scared from the prices of all tools. First, you are not gonna buy everything at once. Start building a quiver and get stuff one by one. It will really pay off, pretty quickly. It's a lot of fun actually working on your board. Alo, look for someone local to you who has tools and experience. You could hook up and start learning. Good luck !
  4. Try that - http://www.fis-ski.com/uk/604/610.html?sector=SB&raceid=8592
  5. Sorry guys, Didn't mean to be rude to a new guy around. Everyone has a starting point. Sometime it coincides with the frorum registration, and some time the so called "skidder" has been actually carving for years and didn't care much for spending that much time on the computer (hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a NY resolution - decrease amount of time on the computer by 20nd put thse hours on the slope ). Anyway, the only thing I meant was exactly what the Tahoe guy did - go and read the extensive materials there are. I did it and I liked what I found. Probably a short answer for the length of the file is - just put the file under an angle within the tool. That way it will follow the curve of the board. True - there will be less contact area, but you are sure that you will not miss a spot. Good luck! Millen
  6. http://www.alpinecarving.com/ http://tognar.com/ .....just a few to start with.
  7. One would hope that DB knew about that .
  8. Hmmm, there is a nice little tool called Search
  9. Hei bud, By no means I am a board doc (just a kid doc ;), but go to Tognar website and there is a lot of info about board reapirs. Just a start maybe
  10. How about finding a "friend" who travels acros the ocean and pay his oversize airplaine charge, which will be by any means cheaper than the shipping charges. Another idea is again a friend overseas who is in the army. They ncan ship stuff with great discounts. Just my 2 cents - one per idea
  11. Really , no replies, wow. How about board without the hangle plate?
  12. Lotta luv ;), not that much $$ . Play a bit with the $$....... :D. Good luck
  13. Wow, Fin, I hope you are busy with the production already. Give us some updates please :ices_ange:ices_ange
  14. shouldn't you be happy you are getting them
  15. try iWIndsurf.com, or Ebay . BTW - lots ow wind for the past few days here . Just met a guy who windsurfs and moved to here from RI.
  16. for another windsurfer . Not too much wind in the Windy City during the summer though
  17. Wow, wow, wow :ices_ange:ices_ange, Thanks for the elaborate response ..............in case you actually decide to read here instead of your fancy e-mail, ooops, this was not a question :D. It's all clear now - "once and for all". THAAAANKS and good luck
  18. So, I have the same question as for your other Kessler 185 - does this one actually have the 4x4 inserts? It's hidden by the hangles :(. I just wonder - doesn't Kessler have some sort of serial numbers for his borads, so this could be tracked.............. Thanks!
  19. Hei, Good luck with recovery. I am with you on that one. 2 years ago, same time :), I got my knee cleaned (torn meniscus). Ever since, I have had no pain in that knee . Took off the knee brace for snowboarding at the end of this season. Millen
  20. He-he - long or short :ices_ange:ices_ange?......Never mind, gotta read better ;)
  21. Well, my grill wasn't...... a montser, initially, until I put a "chip" on it . With the help of dremel tool and the small drills that came with it (0.1 or 0.2) I opened up the injector holes a bit . Now the flavorizer barrs go red :1luvu:. Just need to make sure that there is enough oxygen as well. Millen
  22. You have to try real wood coals. It does make the difference. If you use regular charcoal - you can put a peace of any real wood on the grate - just for smoke (flavor). Any fruit tree will give you great smoke taste. This tipe of smoker is great for "cold" smoking. Takes for ever, but it's totally worth it. Having a father in Texas, who has about 5-6 of those gadgets has tought me a thing or two ;).
  23. I did the same - run thru the pain the whole marathon. Didn't do the MRI before because, I would've know what's wrong and still run the marathon ;). I am not saying you certainly do have something torn/broken, but for peace of mind (now that the season is...................almost over :), you can do it. The way you are describing it, it might be a partially torn meniscus. In that case, you certainly can leave for ever without an absolute need to repair it. Keep us posted. Millen
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