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Everything posted by tdifan_2003

  1. Bummer :D. Disregard my e-mail then
  2. Not that I want to bump this thread, but this guy is kinda rude . I am from Europe myself - not all guys are so cocky . ANyway, usually people on this forum are nice folks and do not insult the others. Enough ranting, just my $0.02
  3. Bump. Still need the power plates for a second board . Shoot me an e-mail or PM if you have them. Thanks!
  4. he-he, just saw that one on ebay - together with the #2
  5. Got them here, make an offer - e-mail/PM Millen
  6. Still here, if anybody interested - PM me.
  7. Measure your head. Than check that one out. Also, if you decide to get it (you will not find a better deal), you can take an extra 10% off. It's a bike helmet, but there is no difference between this one and the so called ski version. http://www.nashbar.com/profile.cfm?category=600091&subcategory=60001045&brand=&sku=21339&storetype=&estoreid=&pagename=Shop%20by%20Subcat%3A%20Adult%20Helmets Millen
  8. SOLD, SOLD, SOLD As it says. Used for 4 days. Bought them at Bomber at the end of last season, since my old liners completely broke. Molded once - at Bomber. I used them with Burton Reactor boots, again - only for four days. Now I got new Deeluxe boots and the liners are now extra sitting in the box. $100 shipped. Also, The Burton reactor shells are also for sale - Mo 27.5-29. Used for total of about 40 days with usual scratches. The inner canting metal plates are broken on both boots, but I had fixed them in neutral position. If anybody wants to get the shells + liners, make an offer. It should not be too much extra for the shells . Millen
  9. What do you mean? I do have the plates as well as the blocks. The blocks are silver, though. Is this of any help? Millen
  10. OK, I guess nobody has them. Then, does anyone need just the short plates? Brand new.......never used..........gold upgrade ;).
  11. Hmmm, 28.5? I suggest you start with measuring your foot in cm and take it from there.
  12. Nobody . Just need to get the second board with ready angles .
  13. Revision of the original post, rather than starting a new one :) I have a pair of Olympic Series 2 Short Plates (only the plates) in Gold :lol: which I would trade for longs. Let me know if you have some sitting and getting dust Thanks!
  14. Do you guys know if you can watch NBC or Versus online ?
  15. They have Skype as well. Very friendly people. Of note, if you do order, ask them to refund you the VAT - ~16%. Good luck!\
  16. I do have Burton Reactors MO 29 with brand new, once heated Deeluxe liners. Shells - have altogether ~30 days. On both - the joints where the two pieces come together, the canting mecjanism mis gone and now they are in fixed position (you cant change the canting) Liners - have 3 days on them only. Both them at the end of last season from Silverthorne and heated there :). Millen P.S Will be in Vail at the end of the month.
  17. http://www.nashbar.com/profile.cfm?category=&subcategory=&brand=&sku=21339&storetype=&estoreid=&pagename=Show%20All%20Products .
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