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Everything posted by tdifan_2003

  1. Well, as the topic says. I am trying to get a sense what people here do. I am about to get very much into tuning my boards. I haven't done much before, I admit. Small dings, small P-tex fillings, etc. I am not racing either. Now I discovered Tognar . WOW! It's really an eye opening. Before I really jump into it, it's not cheap to get even the basic tools, I would like to get a sense what is reasonable to buy and what would be an overkill. And here comes the question. What tools of all are the absolutely-must-have for home snowboard tunung. For starters - true bars? I did not look too much, but on first glance - there are not too many wide enough even for OUR snowboards (~19 cm waists) Next - beveling. What beveling tools do you use - fore base and edges. Beveling tools versus guides. What are the most popular angles in case one decides to get separate tools (not combo, adjustable for the bases) Files - what are good brand versus price. I am not even starting the waxing topic..................yet Tell us what you think . Millen
  2. Hi B-2, Thanks for your e-mail reply. I wrote you back, but I don't know you you received my e-mail. Anyway, I could also use some tune up help . We are comming to Vail - 3/21 for a week. Please let me know how to get in touch with you. Thanks! Millen
  3. Just a few extra pointers. First off - you actually have to round DOWN, not up the mondo size. 25.5, most likely would be MO 25. Next, wow, 25.5 feet and you wear size 28 softies. You could use them as flippers in the pool . Just kidding. Though, size 28 seem to be on the excessive side. And last - the most bothering for you is the width. IMHO - you get the right lenght size and run (not with the new boots, because it's gonna heart ) to the best bootfitter around and have them stretch the shells and mold the liners. That should be it. Good luck
  4. Bummer, I have shorts, but OS2. Even Gold ones . I don't think they'd fit. Anyway, you still can use the long ones. Just a bit stiffer, but deffinitely not a big deal - IMHO . Millen
  5. When you have it cliped, the boot shouldn't be able to move in any direction (side to side or front to back). How do you achieve that - moving the toe and heel sides appropriately. Also, on the funny side - when I had my bindings (Cateks) too tight, I snapped a tendon on one of my fingers (mallet finger) while clipping in . It's all good now, but I had to wear a splint for 6 weeks straight.
  6. See, I knew what you had, but somebody else thought diferently . Yep, this would've been an awesome deal :D
  7. Do you sell only the plates (long) or a whole set up . I guess - plates only, but ...............
  8. Thanks JP. No offence taken . I have Track 325, so it's OK. Interesting idea to get softer small spring. On the other hand I was thinking to go to stiffer (red) big spring. Currently I have all blue springs. I guess, I'll have to talk to Fin about that :). SO long, Millen
  9. JP, thanks! First off, sure, I do read manuals. The reason for asking was, I still was confused. Not a biggy, right . This is exactly whta I needed. I will put some red loctite on both. I am also just curious - what if I need more straight boot than the current lower-nut-at-maximum-down is allowing me . Millen
  10. Cool, diesel rocks. 40+ mpg, driving 70-80 mph - can't beat that. Back to the subject. Got the nuts part. How about the whole shaft? Basically, if I turned down, so it starts sticking from below, this will make the "working" part of the shaft "shorter", right? Is this going to affect the forward lean at all? My whole goal is to put the boot more upright, with minimum forward lean. Thanks! Millen
  11. OK, a have a question (Fin - could you pitch in :)). Is the shaft supposed to be fixed to the lower part of the BTS. In other words, should it be able to turn freely within the lower part of the BTS, not the lower nut? I am wondering, if I tun it in (the shaft starts sticking from bellow, an I going to affect the forward lean. Ultimately, I am trying to make the boot with less forward lean. I never tried it without the BTS, so I don't know where exactly "my neutral" position is. So, let's say, the shaft is even with the lower part. If I move the lower nut up, together with the upper nut - this will INCREASE the forward lean, right. By now, I am completely confused . Gurus, please help . Thanks, Millen
  12. Great one! Never been cold. I use either a liner or a bulla type mask. The only not comfortable thing is that if you don't have and use bluetooth headset, good luck answering the phone :). In the same category is the Giro Remedy (both helmets are listed in the For Sale section).
  13. Can I take you up on that offer also ? Really, I will need some tune up on my Prior WCR and I'll be in Vail at the end of march. Pleaee let me know. Thanks! Millen
  14. You're kidding, right? I do hope so. If not, I also hope you don't have children and really, no such thing happens to them. M.
  15. Burton Reactor 27.7 - 29, shells only. Plastic has no cracks. Inner canting on both is in fixed neutral position. All buckles and the forward mechanism are great. About 30 days on them althogherther. Millen
  16. Get padded ski bag. You can fit at least two boards (one with the bindings in it.
  17. Wow! I didn't have the guts to say it first. I am a dad and you bet, how furious I'd be if somebody (skier or boarder) crashes into my son. Also, I do agree, for everybody's sake, and the peace of theis forum, moderators, please delete this thread. M.
  18. I don't know on top of my head, but measure your head (inches or cm) and see on the website what size that corresponds to. my 661 is M and it fits great. I am 56.5 - 57 cm. Millen
  19. bump for the nice helmet . I have the same and it is great :D
  20. Thank you all, I used some solution with baking soda and water and sprayed them with a spray bottle. They are drying up now and we'll see. To be continued :), Millen
  21. Thanks Pat, I went thru both treads. For now, I'd try the baking soda +/- Febreeze. Vinegar, although supposedly very effective, would leave me with another odor :D. I do agree though that dry feet will do better than wet ones. I used to use regular foot powder bought from Walmart. I had not used it in a while and this is when I started noticing some more smell . Apparently, nobody has put the liners in the laundry machine, so I am not gonna do that either. Thanks! Millen
  22. Great suggestions guys :). Thanks! Though, it does not answer my question - how to actually wash off the smell before I start taking regular maintenance care for the liners. Millen
  23. Hi all, I have already Googled it. Do you ever wash your liners? Specifically - thermo fitted ones? I thing, mine are about to need some ............... refreshment . Has anyone tried putting them in a washer? If so - any specific detergents? baking soda, freezing them are some of the suggested ideas from Tetongravity. Please share your thoughts and experience , Millen
  24. Nortstar/Nortwoods, Rivaridge - when groomed , all the cafee runs (a bit short but fun), Avanti and obviously - the back bowls. It all depends what you like, but all are good . Have fun, I am going to be at Keystone/Vail the week after :). Millen
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