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Everything posted by philistine

  1. Not only am I learning about Lower Common Denominators in my painfully 4th grade "fundamentals of mathmatics" class. But I also agree, sort of. I don't like to judge what other people listen to as music is extremely important to me. That said, Steve Reich is awesom, I'm not that familiar with him but "new york counterpoint" is one of my favorites.
  2. I'm still brand new to the sport so please disregard my opinion.. I ride a Nidecker SL, it's my first alpine board. It was fairly inexpensive ($200). I love it and it treats me good, unless it's trying to kill me or just hurt me. It has a wood core, tip to tail. It is not comparable to a wet paper towel. I'm 6'0 200 lbs and the board is a 160. Yep
  3. I have a friend who has had several Ipods and for some reason somthing always breaks in them. (He rode with it frequently)Maybe he's just a clutz. But I did recently read a review on Amazon.com about running with your Ipod and how it can possibly damage the components... Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  4. Man, I must need to do some serious beer re-search..
  5. Does anyone else love Boddingtons???
  6. I bought my first slalom skateboard today, I live on a big hill and have been ripping it up (the skin on my backside that is).. Anyone else share this interest? Anyone in Denver doing this? I'd like to find some longer hills in the area.......YEAH!
  7. Is it addiction or religion?
  8. This is my first season riding alpine. The first time I saw an alpine board was at Copper Mountain, some race teams were training at the beginning of the season and I was instantly attracted to it. The geometry of the board and bindings is really attractive and so are the resulting turns.. I am also a bike rider and I had a similar feeling when I made the switch from a regular road bike with brakes, derailers, cables..etc.. to a track bike, which has no brakes, no derailers, just a chainring, rear cog, wheels and handlebars. So my reasons for getting into it are: Beauty and sensation!
  9. Has anyone put plate bindings on a board with not very much torsional stiffness at all ( a strictly freeride board)? I have a Ride Theory, it's REALLY flexible and I'm afraid that hardboots would be too much for it. I guess I should just try it huh?
  10. hey man, whatever you like to do is fine with me, personal preference, style, whatever, as long as you're good at it. At this point I am learning how to do the laid turns and I find myself instinctually putting my hands to the ground to keep myself from doing a hundred yard teapot. But, I do agree, the simplicity of no hands touching the ground would look pretty cool.
  11. If you're going to use plate bindings on ski's make sure to wear a leash around your ankle so when your foot, or leg is misplaced it won't go sliding down the mountain without you, that can really ruin your day!
  12. Whether you're jibbing , skidding or carving try to enjoy yourself. I remember my first four years of snowboarding, a beater board, crappy boots and crappy bindings, black and blue butt, the best time i'd ever had.
  13. I too have spent a long time sitting in chairlifts due to wind or power failure. Has anyone ever seen a video of a chairlift doing a rollback? pretty frightening.
  14. Are there any hot chicks in here?
  15. No can do, I'm in boulder this weekend and Eldora is only 20 miles from here. Maybe some other time!
  16. Is anyone going to Eldora tomorrow (sunday)? I am.
  17. Somtimes I use rubber cement to mount a nice patch of carpet to my board, it's so soft my boots love it.
  18. Steamy and well written, I can't wait for the next in the series.
  19. I was just wondering what kind of cross training other people found helpfull for carving. My main means of transportation is a track bike and that seems to keep my lower body in pretty good shape but my upper body is soft as butter and is always pretty sore after a day of riding. Anyone else in the same boat?
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