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Everything posted by lordmetroland

  1. Surely you're not suggesting I consider the needs of your willy every time I express an opinion about CDOT's activities. This feels a bit extreme.
  2. Yet another example in the mindless march to America's wussification. "Oh hey, maybe gently breathing warm air onto those slabs of snow will coax them down the avalanche chute without unnecessary harm or noise." If lobbing grenades and cannon fire was good enough for General George S. Patton, it should be good enough for CDOT.
  3. I can't believe I'm answering my own thread. This is the literal definition of schizophrenia. Anyways. I took two decks to Denver Sports Lab, just off I-70 and Colfax. I think they opened up last spring, but it's allegedly a couple guys with world cup tuning experience who decided to travel less and open their own storefront. If I'm being honest, I know nearly nothing about this stuff so it's not like I have a finely tuned bull**** detector, but they seem legit. For $90 total, they did light base grinds, moderate structures, edge sharpening, conditioning wax and storage wax and told me to bring the duo back for a scrape and brush when I'm ready to head to the hills. Seems like a pretty good deal to me. They seemed very conscientious about not taking too much material off and were excited to show off their equipment room. And it's clear there's some interaction with Donek, since some of Sean's business cards were in there when I dropped the decks off and a direct shipped board from Donek was there when I picked them up. Not necessarily an endorsement, but a good sign nonetheless. I'll see how the boards run in the early season and report back, but first impression suggests that Denver Sports Lab is less risky than the 17 year old manning the Wintersteiger at Christy Sports. And the location is convenient.
  4. (I'm quoting myself. Is this even legal?). So, the aforementioned catalog came today, featuring this little revelation: "Burton has stepped back into the studio with L.A.M.B. to put together a collection that's intrinsically Gwen Stefani. The collection coincided with her time writing new songs, and her music and creativity manifest in the design." I put it into Google Translate and the result was, "We had a couple of executives who wanted to meet Gwen Stefani so we ponied up a bunch of cash and they got to be part of her boozy entourage for the weekend in LA. It was totally sweet. Here are some clothes." Hey, is that Fonzie over there? What's he doing on waterskis? Is he wearing his leather jacket in the ocean? What's the swimming near the ramp? OH MY GOD...!
  5. I'm going to totally miss watching the confusion and carnage caused by the mid-mountain loading/unloading, multiplied by the high proportion of beginners drawn to #2. It was like the Bermuda Triangle of ski lifts. That said, I will not miss sitting up there waiting out the cleanup of said carnage.
  6. So, dude, will there be jumps?
  7. Thanks for sharing. This gem was in the comments section: "Are we going to get lifts with wind screens on them anytime soon?" Hahahaha! Loveland has been probably been researching wind accelerators...
  8. I insist that my socks be made from raw and untreated bamboo. Yes, the hollowed-out sleeves are a bit unforgiving and cast-like, but nothing a real man can't silently suffer for the first couple of years until they're properly broken in. Let not thy chemicals despoil my feet, vile sockmonger! (That said, I still trust in Milo).
  9. Sadly, I'm pretty sure my wife thinks I'm a dumbf***...
  10. Sweet! Why am I unsurprised the Descendents have a sock sponsor? Somewhere in Milo's discarded lyrics is probably something called "Sockage."
  11. I took my kids to their first orthodontic consult. For the uninitiated, when the orthodontist conducts the initial exam and spews out a bunch of numbers to his assistant that sound like intra-mouthial measurements? Those are actually multipliers to your billing statement. So "cross-bite = 9" means a no fresh vegetables for the next two months. Or another trip to the high roller room at The Bellagio for him. And so on.
  12. As with all the great mysteries of life, I think the answer lies in the fine print: There is no replacement for displacement!
  13. I'm pretty sure this is the standard description of German cuisine in most travel books.
  14. Fold. In the face of far too fine a post. Rasputin Classic takes the pot.
  15. I'll see your "Dorian Gray" and raise you a Tsar Nicholas II with a handful of Rasputins. Or a "Little Gingerbread Man." Either way is fine...
  16. Dag. I look at the second one and all I can think of is this. Sean Martin, if a stout, bushily bearded man in a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and overly joyous manner approaches you offering his creative "services," run the other way!
  17. I've chatted up a couple of folks on Lib Tech skis at Loveland and they couldn't have been more enthusiastic.
  18. I love Burton too, but more in the abstract than in any real sense. They have done some oddball stuff over the past few years, things you might expect from a company that was taken over by pod-people, things like sending the US Snowboarding team to the Olympics in grandma's quilt. The fact that a "Chief Creative Officer" is purportedly acting as a Number Two probably isn't a good sign, at least for people who are looking for more than fashion from a snowboard company. I'm pretty sure most of us like to think the values of the companies we support align with our own. I'm just not sure what Burton stands for anymore, in stark contrast to competitors like Jones, Arbor, Never Summer, Mervyn (maybe sticking to board building is the key?). I know that, despite my pleas, twice a year, Burton sends us a massive, expensively produced, full color catalog printed on cardstock that's full of almost nothing but clothes that I could have bought at Ragstock in the 80s. Nothing about the medium or the message appeals. It's Abercrombie and Fitch with dreadlocks and body odor. It's especially odd, since the last thing I bought from Burton was a helmet five seasons ago. It seems to me they need to either target the kids that are not yet interested in snowboarding or their parents that want them to be and I can't imagine they've hit either group squarely. True that. It's a sad story. Thank heavens for niche operators that do one thing (or some things) better than anyone else!
  19. That's fantastic! He could really open up some frontiers by ripping a few of those big lines - or maybe doing his entire next movie - in his old speed suits. Would that be too much to ask? Like the Longboard Classic, but more absurd.
  20. I'm with you. But the dang lengths/widths don't really work for me. I know short is the new long, but I like the old long. And wider. If I have to shell out $600 on a deck, I'd like it to be closer to what I'd like. But I'd love to demo a 172 if it was an option.
  21. What's the elapsed time for 14 miles?
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