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Everything posted by lordmetroland

  1. You can take the man out of New Jersey, but you can't take New Jersey out...oh wait, I guess you can. C'mon man, what would your homies think?
  2. Checked that. The choice of the backdrop was cunning. Next time I blow up one of my remaining Campy Euclid components, I know who I'll be contacting. That's some cold blooded s*** right there. Unfortunately, mine will have to be constructed entirely from Legos Friends pieces.
  3. Not to get too personal, but how big are you?
  4. Ach, The Grail! I'm typing this while down on my knees, shielding my eyes from the glory of it's light! It's so beautiful, like a miniature, aluminum police baton. I want to possess it. Though, by admitting this, I'm also exposing myself as weak, unenlightened and feckless. I seem to recall you doing this to me last year; giving me so much to think about while riding that I can't think about riding...Maybe I should use to dipstick to rework my frontal lobes.
  5. Fantastic! At the time, I thought Perception Psychology was the only class dumber and less applicable to actual human experience than Trigonometry. Now they converge to taunt me in my time of need.
  6. I rode it in Snow Pro Varios and Koflach Superpipes and do recall being sucked into the inescapable heelside carve vortex a couple of times. I suspect this had less to do with the fancy asym design than something I did to deserve it!
  7. No danger of this happening; far too much initiative required. I'm the exception to Fechner's Law; I feel like I'm somehow unable to sense small differences, so I need a tool to do that work. Unless a bona fide dipstick reveals itself, I'll have to buy a digital protractor, bone up on my trigonometry, adopt a zen master approach or stop caring.
  8. In the early 90s, I rode a twin "asym" Heavy Tools Longbone that allegedly had a deeper (shorter?) sidecut on the heelside edge. It wasn't a true asym in that a single model fit both goofy and regular riders depending on which end you pointed forward. The Zoid feels like a similar concept, except it's directional. I can sort of conceive this working for duckfoot riders, since the heelside edge pressure would be closer to the center of the sidecut than for toeside, which would be closer to the tips. Then the rational part of my brain starts to rebel and I find I can't think clearly any more. I don't recall the Longbone riding any differently for me. For more Mervin madness, try this one for size. When Mervin's marketing is indistinguishable from trolling or April Fool's jokes, you know they've hit their sweet spot.
  9. Should that "reward" be "rearward?" Just making sure I'm understanding this?
  10. Gawd, I love that Mervin exists! Bringing back asym shapes after a 20 year hibernation period. I dated a girl who had a 165 General Joe asym. I wish I'd negotiated to keep that board in the settlement. Bonus points for featuring Jerry Only in the Danny Kass model marketing. I'm pretty sure the 80s version of Jerry Only would have posed for the pictures, then cooked and eaten Danny's skinny a**. Time is the great leveler...
  11. Ah, no wonder it sounded like something I might do! I executed a brilliant and spectacular, trials-like, front wheelstand on my mountain bike. Unintentionally. My toppling over was just as spectacular only less brilliant, onto a bed of babyhead rocks. Even more brilliantly, it happened right at the top of the circuit. The only thing that hurt worse than the fall was not falling the rest of the way down. Pretty sure you meant "pleasure," but I'll overlook the mistake. What I meant about CNC, not very clearly, was I wish a funct company would pick up where defunct Catek left off and make a freeride binding, maybe on the Bomber lower platform, without the added weight of bindings + Power Plates. Anyone? I'm sure you're right. I was under the impression that the dipstick was calibrated so that you could subtract the markings on one side from the other and get the degree of lift/cant? If not, maybe it is just a pleasure tool...
  12. That's what I thought too, but figured it might be easier to just ask if someone had a spare they'd part with. If this was directed at me, I'm not sure what "boogering myself" means, but it sounds exactly like something I'd do. Nope. In all the pounds of Catek metal I've bought, none it the bits resembles a dipstick. Except maybe me, for buying pounds of metal from a defunct company. Er, is anyone with access to a CNC machine listening?
  13. I'm in no hurry. I'm pretty sure I broke a rib or two tonight so I'd have no plans even if there were snow. I'm trying to let the Percocet do the talking, but even it doesn't know what to say. I'm pretty sure, though, once I find the right cant/lift angles, I'm going to be totally frickin' awesome. Until then, though...
  14. You're right. There's a dynamic cant/life calculator on one of the obsolete Catek sites that I've used. I think it was developed for the 1.0 version of Cateks where the screws sat closer to the baseplate. The later versions require more turns. It also tops out (I think) at 3 degrees. I'm sure there's some math that would allow me to calculate for higher values, but I'm not that smart/devoted. I'm sure you're right than I'm overthinking this and should just go with what feels good, but I'm the kind of guy who doesn't know if wine tastes good unless someone else has given it a rating. The Home Depot angle finder may be the next best thing. Thanks!
  15. It's like watching a couple of middle-aged people hook up at their high school reunion. They're thinking, "we should do this because we were both so hot 20 years ago" while the rest of the people look on with a mixture of horror, pity and embarrassment. You're right; it can't be happening. Especially when I'm sure W.A.S.P. was looking for someone to hook up with.
  16. Mmmm...carbon fiber. If these were the free ride version, I'd be missing $465...
  17. Anyone have an extra one of these doodads that let you compute lift/cant on later Catek bindings?
  18. This looks like a pretty sweet deal. I might have considered it if it weren't for my size 13 feet... https://denver.craigslist.org/spo/5252643430.html
  19. Xolofus, thanks loads! Spacers in my grubby, little mitts.
  20. I sure hope so. Had I not bought a Hazelwood, a Venture was right behind on the list.
  21. Well, this falls squarely under the category of "Total Shite:" http://www.denverpost.com/business/ci_28784793/end-road-silverton-based-venture-snowboards A true shame when high quality niche players don't make it.
  22. Looking for the "simple, tough polycarbonate spacers" that mock me from Catek's beautifully designed, alas, defunct website.
  23. Oh god, I'm hoping The Heckler is someone Mario keeps chained up in his boiler room. Please, please, please, please...
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